Sentences with phrase «mathematical calculation»

The time taken by the investor buyer to screen the property and decide on an offer amount makes the blind offer better than arbitrarily selecting an offer price based on a mathematical calculation of the listing price.
The candidate must highlight his or her ability in scale drawing, mathematical calculation, statistical analysis, numerical aptitude, communicate clearly through writing and oral communication, and think critical.
Value provided should trump mathematical calculation reflected in hours multiplied by hourly rate.
This is not an exercise of counting up which factors favour which party and doing a mathematical calculation.
The earnings approach is typically used by the Court when a quantifiable, mathematical calculation is the easiest means to arrive at an amount for diminished earning capacity.
[261] Keeping in mind that an award for loss of housekeeping capacity is intended to compensate the plaintiff for a diminished loss of capacity and is not a mathematical calculation, I assess a fair award to be $ 40,000 for the future loss of housekeeping capacity.
The Court cited previous case law for the proposition that the assessment of diminished earning capacity must be based on the totality of the evidence, rather than a purely mathematical calculation, and that the Plaintiff should be put in the position he or she would have been without the injuries caused by the negligence of the Defendant.
than it is to use a simple mathematical calculation.
``... value provided should pre-dominate over the mathematical calculation reflected in the hours times hourly rate equation.
«A simple mathematical calculation of the temperature change over the latest decade (1998 - 2007) alone shows a continued warming of 0.1 °C per decade.»
Black carbon may be the second most important contributor to global warming based on some accounting methods, but defining «important» turns out to be as much a value judgment as a mathematical calculation.
Astrophysicists believe the mathematical calculation of the cycle is reliable back to around 50 million years, but after that, the problem gets too complex, because too many shifting motions are at play.
Vis.: Even more to the point, he goes on to state that [quote] «The regions of validity of the linear, square root, and nonoverlapping approximations were considered in this article...» [endquote] and notes that the summary of the [quote] «various models and approximations for band absorption» [endquote] given in that article had apparently been useful in many later studies requiring [quote] «mathematical calculation» [endquote] of the radiative exchange by infrared bands.
There are painted newspaper head - shots of Angela Merkel and the elegantly graphic Black - Scholes equation, the mathematical calculation that was the foundation for sub-prime mortgages.
She did mathematical calculation to see where the stripes would go.
The coefficient of inbreeding is a mathematical calculation of probability.
Even though I described aspects of a mathematical calculation here, what I did was very much like the book.
It is actually a mathematical calculation that represents the value that a given company's earnings are offering you as an investor.
Every mathematical calculation abstracts quantity away from every other attribute, and considers it to be the only one worth analyzing.
A credit score is a mathematical calculation of your credibility.
Your trustee then does a mathematical calculation to see alright are you above or below the government rules for a family of your size?
APR is expressed as a percentage and it involves a complicated mathematical calculation.
It is important to remember that this SWR Translator calculates a Safe Withdrawal Rate only if its input (the annualized total return of the portfolio at a specified number of years) is a mathematical calculation based on information up to a specific date but not later.
A Safe Withdrawal Rate is the result of a mathematical calculation.
Due to a mathematical calculation done by Sir Isaac Newton and passed down in secret for close to 300 years — not to be opened until Christmas Eve 2024 — it's possible to travel back to the early summer of 1914.
The TruePrice Average for your selected vehicle is a proprietary mathematical calculation based on actual recent transactions of TrueCar users.
Among other controversies and issues of contention noted in these articles (see again here, here, and here), one of note (highlighted here) is also that now, «even after seven years»... the state is still «unable to truly explain or provide the actual mathematical calculation or formula» used to link test scores with teacher ratings.
As you can see, a simple mathematical calculation demonstrates that the case for Quinoa being an excellent source of protein is pretty flimsy.
Exner Equation A mathematical calculation known as the Exner equation helps geologists and hydrologists determine the extent of a flood plain.
«Cultural cognition can influence everything from what people believe they have seen with their own eyes to how they perform a mathematical calculation,» he told me.
When Tobias Erlöv, who at the time was a doctoral student in biomedical engineering at the Lund Faculty of Engineering, discovered that there is a fairly simple mathematical calculation that can be used to interpret ultrasound signals and thereby figure out whether the plaque in the carotid artery is harmful or not, the researchers were somewhat surprised.
In this Biffi depicted Anselm's perspective as, contrary to much modern emphasis, grasping that «reality as a whole is much greater than we grasp through simple natural understanding, substantiated solely by sensory experience, inductive and deductive reasoning, mathematical calculation -LSB-...] faith not only is not separable from reason, and does not harm it, but is even the greatest and highest exercise of our intellectual faculty.»
Science as it is usually understood is simply incapable of addressing the question of the possible purpose of nature since the material it deals with has already been abstracted out of the «qualitative» realm of value and placed in that of the merely quantifiable, subject only to mathematical calculation.
What are Indices In general terms an index is a measure or sign of something derived from a mathematical calculation.
No apps, no digital technology, no fancy mathematical calculations.
The best manual traders use mathematical calculations to make trading decisions too.
To ensure that everyone agrees on the transactions, miners use complex, computing - intensive mathematical calculations to seal them into the ledger so that no one can alter them later.
«These are inescapable mathematical calculations,» he said of the need for Ontario to balance its books.
Apollo Power explained that «the trial demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing the energy produced by the system for mining virtual currencies by using a low - output mining computer that computes the mathematical calculations required to solve transactions in virtual currencies.
Miners engage in a set of prescribed complex mathematical calculations in order to add a block to the Blockchain and thereby confirm Bitcoin transactions included
Did you know the Middle East is where mathematical calculations, algebra, geometry, etc. started??? Did you know it was an ancient Iranian who discovered alcohol??? Did you know that the earliest known Bill of Human Rights was written by King Cyrus, ruler of the Persian Empire?
Anyway, I note a consensus is forming that an alternative such as multiverse or the like is now necessary to explain away the mathematical calculations that continue to rule out the possibility of intelligent life given known natural laws.
Christianity itself is less than 2000 years old and Catholicism began around 107 AD so by my mathematical calculations Catholicism is approximately 1,906 years old.
While we are making mathematical calculations connected with... [a] formula [representing a law], it is indifferent to us whether the law be true or false.
All mathematical calculations about the course of nature must start from some assumed law of nature... [but] however accurately we have calculated that some event must occur, the doubt always remains — Is the law true?
while we are busy makking mathematical calculations about who wins the title, cheLski just keep escaping narrowly, and the chesters just couldn't manage a draw...... We are busy debating Cech who might at last head for miLan
Football playing is said not to always conform to mathematical calculations.
The ability to do mathematical calculations, of course, was irrelevant for survival.
Lower income kids performed at a lower level than others in reading comprehension and mathematical calculations but were competitive in basic cognition, memory and reading skills, indicating that poverty may affect development at the level where different abilities must be combined, such as verbal skills and memory, in the case of reading comprehension.
Ristenpart and his colleagues studied his laboratory accident for three years, and with the help of high - speed videos and mathematical calculations they now claim to understand the phenomenon.
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