Sentences with phrase «mathematical model they used»

In fact, there is a dynamic interplay between experimental and observational data and theoretical work, the latter involving mathematical modelling using advanced algebraic and computational techniques.
Jowsey is researching methods to simplify current mathematical models used to understand the effects of temperature change — fire in his case — on building structures.
In the new system, a mathematical model uses the fMRI signal data to construct a 3 - D map that consists of more than 1,000 voxels (pixels in three dimensions), with each voxel representing a single point of measurement of serotonin reuptake.
«Factors affecting extinction and origination of species are surprisingly different, with past climate change having the highest impact on extinction but not on originations,» notes researcher Daniele Silvestro from the GGBC who developed the mathematical model used in the study.
For more than 2 decades, mathematical models used by ecologists have predicted that populations in complex communities will fluctuate wildly, leading some species to go extinct.
A new mathematical model uses gene expression data to predict where neurons are located throughout the brain
Actually, the mathematical model they used did a worse job of predicting attraction than simply taking the average attraction between two students in the experiment.
For example, have an engineer describe how she defends the mathematical models used in a proposal for a new construction project, or have a sculptor explain how he puts together a proposal for a piece of public art.
I don't need to know the mathematical model used (if it's based on black scholes or not), I basically just would like to know some general information about how the stock's IV is determined.
Initially, the GCC tried to discredit the mathematical models used to predict climate changes.
Please show the mathematical model used to describe the principles by which the vortex tube operates.
The SAP 3.1 report describes complex mathematical models used to simulate the Earth's climate on some of the most powerful supercomputers, and assesses their ability to reproduce observed climate features, and their sensitivity to changes in conditions such as atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide.

Not exact matches

The rise of «quants,» traders who use mathematical algorithms to predict market moves irrespective of fundamentals, attempts to model the markets as a complicated system.
Last year Beane told of his plans to recreate a simulated reality using mathematical models known as the lattice QCD approach.
Using mathematical modelling, the Italian researchers concluded that, if the Peter Principle is right, promoting top employees will result in a 10 % drop in efficiency, while advancing your worst employees will result in a 12 % improvement.
In the PoW model — which bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin use, to name a few — individuals, groups, or businesses compete with one another with high - powered computers to be the first to solve complex mathematical equations that are essentially part of the encryption mechanism.
An AVM uses mathematical modeling, drawing information from comparable sales to establish market value for a home.
The trouble with VAR and other mathematical models of risk is that if it becomes the dominant paradigm, and everyone begins to use it, it creates distortions in the market, because institutions gravitate to asset classes that the model makes to appear artificially cheap.
The Anglo - American label may however, be put to a legitimate, if rather specific, use — namely, in the context of a selective reading of Deleuze's works from the late sixties (D&R and LS), and taking the logico - mathematical model of structuralism (developed by the Bourbaki school and taken up by Piaget) as the reference point, rather than the more familiar, but rather different, model derived from Saussurean linguistics.
I suspect that there is a mathematical model that can be used to demonstrate the practical value of belief... of faith.
Whitehead used «the mathematical model» to represent the pattern within the process and the «genetic - functional model» to represent the ontological ultimacy of the historic process.
«When the physical model of wave - motion in a material medium had to be abandoned in physics», writes Mary Hesse, «it left its traces in the kind of mathematics which was used, for this was still a mathematical language derived from the wave equations of fluid motion, and so, for the mathematician, it carried some of the imaginative associations of the original physical picture.»
The brilliance of this model was that it used mathematical symmetries, enabling the prediction of new particles with definite predicted properties (since verified) such as charge and spin.
They were against the domination of rationalist theories, the marginalization of critical and reflective thought and the use of increasingly complex mathematical models.
Concerning mechanical models, it can be noted that in many areas of physics we now use abstract mathematical representations which can not be visualized at all.
To illustrate the importance of the substitution effect, the author uses a mathematical model designed to examine the effect of total calorie consumption of a selective tax, rather than simply the consumption of SSBs.
HACMS uses formal mathematical models to automatically generate new code that is invulnerable to spoofing attacks that might attempt to directly gain control of an operating or control system.
The Annenberg group's research used statistical analysis and mathematical models to examine the networks.
Benjamin «Benjy» Firester, 18, of New York City, won the top award of $ 250,000 for developing a mathematical model that uses disease data to predict how weather patterns could spread spores of late blight fungus, which caused the Irish Potato Famine.
«We want to look at how an individual person responds to an individual drug by deriving and using sophisticated mathematical models, such as differential equations.»
With an eye toward optimizing the design and building phase, researchers are using mathematical models to accelerate development, reduce production costs and create suits tailored to their users» needs.
Researchers with the Air Transportation Center of Excellence for Airline Cabin Environment Research are testing a system that uses mathematical models and sensors designed to pinpoint problem passengers down to their seat number and alert flight and ground crews of an emergency.
The team then used mathematical modeling to determine how these flagellar motors propel the undulating bacteria forward through viscous fluids.
Working with the Wilson - Cowan model, a widely - used model in computational neuroscience that describes the average activity of populations of interconnected neurons, Alonso has designed a new mathematical tool to help other neuroscientists explore the broad spectrum of responses possible from a simple neural circuit.
«This reduction of the dimensionality has been achieved using various mathematical methods, ranging from exact integration and numerical optimization to user - driven color profile modelling,» says Thomas Auzinger.
Using the quantitative approach of physicists, the team developed experimental tools to measure precisely the bacterial response to antibiotics, and developed a mathematical model of the process.
It also brings to bear new ways of using information technology, combined with mathematical models based on biological rather than physical processes.
Using a mathematical model known as the Ising model, invented to describe phase transitions in statistical physics, such as how a substance changes from liquid to gas, the Johns Hopkins researchers calculated the probability distribution of methylation along the genome in several different human cell types, including normal and cancerous colon, lung and liver cells, as well as brain, skin, blood and embryonic stem cells.
Richard gave a talk on the mathematics of drag racing, Carlos gave a talk on the application of mathematical models to homeland security, and I gave a talk on how prime numbers are used in modern communication systems.
The researchers provide a new mathematical model that can be used by population geneticists and ecologists to better predict how social groups will influence the way species maintain genetic diversity and evolve, and ultimately help in the conservation of species.
Due to the real «go on ice» researchers receive the unique scientific data, which is then used in construction of mathematical models among them are integral characteristics of the processes (the diameter and depth of explosive lanes, etc.).
«Using mathematical modeling we determined that many of the manta rays we encountered took around 80 percent of their energy from lagoon plankton,» McCauley said.
Scientists use mathematical modeling to simulate human mesenchymal stem cell delivery to a damaged heart and found that using one sub-set of these stem cells minimises the risks associated with this therapy.
The researchers used micro-CT scanning, photographic measurements and mathematical and computer models to examine rangeomorph fossils from south - eastern Newfoundland, Canada, the UK and Australia.
In order to project the impact of proposed cutbacks to U.S. - funded programs in South Africa, which has the greatest prevalence of HIV infection of any country, and the west African nation of Côte d'Ivoire, which has a different kind of epidemic and a different level of foreign aid dependency, the researchers used a widely - published mathematical model along with epidemiologic and cost data from each country to project the outcomes of potential programmatic responses.
Researchers, led by Joshua Mayourian at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, used mathematical modeling to simulate electrical interactions between these stem cells and heart cells to develop insight into possible adverse effects, as well as to hypothesize new methods for reducing some potential risks of this therapy.
«For the study, we chose a decision analysis design because we could use a mathematical model to simulate the outcomes and costs of each treatment path based on results and costs that have already been published in the literature,» Dr. Dodwell explained.
«This is precisely why a comprehensive mathematical model is so useful: we use accessible data from the production process in real time, such as the concentration of various substances in the bioreactor, and use our computer model to calculate the most probable state of the process.»
We worked with colleagues from Imperial College London, who used our results in a mathematical model, which predicts that the addition of high dose ivermectin increases the impact on malaria reduction by potentially as much as 61 %.»
Joseph Teran, 31, is helping make this scenario a reality, using mathematical modeling to simulate surgeries involving a patients» tendons, muscles, fat, and skin.
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