Sentences with phrase «mathematical symmetry»

There's even a mathematical symmetry underlying a physique like his.
The theory possesses a kind of mathematical symmetry that requires particles and antiparticles to be mirror opposites.
A COMPLEX and beautiful form of mathematical symmetry has been spotted in the lab for the first time.
One has to be careful here, however, not to invoke the beauty of the mathematical symmetries involved as a «proof» of the existence of a creator.
The brilliance of this model was that it used mathematical symmetries, enabling the prediction of new particles with definite predicted properties (since verified) such as charge and spin.
The mathematical symmetries of the resulting equations predict three families of particles, as described by the standard model of physics, though the third family would behave a bit differently.

Not exact matches

Grand unified theories — which combine the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces into a single mathematical structure — posit symmetries that involve rotations in abstract spaces of five or more complex dimensions.
The equations of electromagnetism have a mathematical structure that is dictated by a set of so - called gauge symmetries, discovered by the mathematician and physicist Hermann Weyl almost a century ago.
Do the Math Home relies on symmetry and mathematical angles.
As one can classify the shapes of objects based on the mathematical concept called topology, an exotic phase of quantum matter can be understood with underlying topology and symmetry in physical materials.
When you perform an operation on a mathematical object, such that after the operation it looks the same, you have uncovered a symmetry.
Each pattern had a different energy associated with it — and the ratio of these energy levels showed that the electron spins were ordering themselves according to mathematical relationships in E8 symmetry (Science, DOI: 10.1126 / science.1180085).
Black Hole Revelations While Strominger co-authored a 1996 paper that offered a mathematical explanation for how mirror symmetry works, his emphasis over the past two decades has been on using string theory to gain insights into black holes.
The theorem provides an explicit mathematical formula for finding the symmetry that underlies a given conservation law and, conversely, finding the conservation law that corresponds to a given symmetry.
«This was made possible by my unusual position of working on the symmetries of viruses whilst having a mathematical physics background and is thus a unique inspiration of mathematical biology back into mathematical physics.»
Two years ago, researchers had predicted that by breaking the symmetries in a kind of mathematical surfaces called «gyroids» in a certain way, it might be possible to generate Weyl points — but realizing that prediction required the team to calculate and build their own materials.
In 1963, Thompson, with the late Walter Feit, published a proof of the theorem that «every finite group of odd order is soluble,» a mathematical way of saying that objects with an odd number of symmetries can be broken down into simpler shapes.
And children as young as Kindergarten explore the mathematical concept of multi-axis symmetry through the artistic exploration of cut paper snowflakes.
Children as young as Kindergarten explore the mathematical concept of multi-axis symmetry through the artistic exploration of cut paper snowflakes.
But the TPG artists also followed Jay Hambridge's theory of dynamic symmetry, which claimed that artistic perfection could be achieved through mathematical principles based on the symmetry of human and plant forms.
[1] Mason is recognized for his focus and steady investigation of mathematical concepts relating to rotation, symmetry, and modules as well as his formal innovation with the ceramic medium.
The mathematical composition, colors, symbols, illustration, symmetry — these elements make every deck an almost mystical artifact.
The dizzying display of star polyhedrons is a captivating example of the artist's fascination with geometric planes, symmetry and a mathematical approach to expression.
My current interests include Set Theory, Group Theory, Number Theory, Computational Complexity Theory, Game Theory (and all of its extensions), Quantum Theory (Hamiltonian Evolution, mathematical use of matrices), Topology, Information Architecture, Information Theory, Combinatorics, Constraint Systems and Symmetry Breaking.
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