Sentences with phrase «matter of decades»

As reported in a special meeting of the world's oldest scientific academy, Britain's Royal Society, in 2006, it is matter of decades before a natural disaster kills over one million people, in Tokyo, Teheran, Istanbul or any of the coastal megacities of the world.
That's because China rocketed into its position as the world's second - largest economy in a matter of decades under a strict one - child policy, contributing to a rapidly aging society with rising medical needs.
It was driven by a flurry of technologies — electric lights, telephones, automobiles, indoor plumbing — that fundamentally transformed millions of American lives within a matter of decades.
It's 2,300 square miles and about 650 feet thick so, at this point, it might as well be a new country (one that has the misfortune of being born into an increasingly hot world in which it will most likely melt into seawater in a matter of decades).
«There will be incremental changes in the next 5 or 10 years, but that might not compare to what we're going to see in a matter of decades.
Bell underscores the severity of the situation by pointing out that the 150 - foot tall Statue of Liberty could be completely submerged within a matter of decades.
But collisions between the orbiting fragments soon pack many of them together again, assembling a sizable satellite in a matter of decades — or even just a month.
But in a high - CO2 world, that response — increased melting or even collapse — could occur in a matter of decades.
The multiflora rose, for instance, spread unimpeded from the East Coast to the Rockies in a matter of decades, then encountered a mite carrying a disease of native mountain roses.
Included are some towns that rose and fell in a matter of decades.
Then, in a matter of decades, it was hunted to extinction.
Crossing the huge distance between the Sun and Alpha Centauri using current spacecraft technologies would take several millennia, though the possibility of nuclear pulse propulsion or laser light sail technology, as considered in the Breakthrough Starshot program, could reduce the journey time to a matter of decades.
It was hunted to extinction in a matter of decades.
Well, for starters, rapid time - zone hopping is something our species has been doing for only a matter of decades, so few (if any) of us have fully adapted to this body clock — disrupting aspect of the miracle of flight — and it may take a very long time before anybody does.
It is well documented that our healthcare system has grave problems, but how, in only a matter of decades, did things get this bad?
Ray Kurzweil, author of The Singularity is Near, has predicted that within a matter of decades, machines will become so integrated in not only the human environment, but within the human anatomy, that you will be able to send emails by thought, and eventually upload information into your conscious mind through flash drives.
A work of nature that took ages to form had melted away in a matter of decades.
Glaciologists report that the Gangotri glacier, which supplies 70 percent of the ice melt that feeds the Ganges River during the dry season, could disappear entirely in a matter of decades.
Several months earlier, scientists had reported that the Gangotri glacier, the principal glacier that feeds the Ganges River, is melting at an accelerating rate and could disappear entirely in a matter of decades.
On present trends, these emissions will greatly damage the planet within a matter of decades, and in fact, we are already seeing serious damage.
Multiple studies (Alley et al. 2015, Pollard et al. 2015, Feldmann and Levermann 2015) highlighted the vulnerability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to collapse, indicated that the collapse could happen in a matter of decades once it began, and suggested that the threshold or trigger point for the collapse might have already been passed, though rapid changes might not occur for centuries.
There are some ideas, such as Gulf Stream failure, for how we might flip suddenly from warm - and - wet into cool - and - dry in a matter of decades.
The study, initially made public in draft form last July as a «discussion paper» so it could be circulated ahead of the Paris climate talks, holds that multi-meter sea rise could happen within a matter of decades, rather than centuries as previous estimates suggested.
And yet despite the lack of CO2 flux, Greenland's surface temperatures often warmed by about 10.0 °C within a matter of decades during this period.
One might as well try to reverse the planet's rotation as to try and turn the world economy around on a dime and convert it to non-fossil energy sources in the matter of decades.
Part 1 clearly showed that the earth's climate changed naturally, at times very dramatically within a matter of a decade or two.
Already in Part 2 we see that climate temperature changes of 2 °C over a matter of decades were nothing unusual — and were all owing to natural factors that scientists today refuse to acknowledge are in play.
Suddenly, just in the matter of a decade or so, the climate flipped from warm - and - wet into the cool - and - dry mode, with temperatures plunging back to what they had been in the ice ages.
They seem to be telling us that Earth's climate system has several distinct and quite different modes of operation and that it can jump from one of these modes to another in a matter of a decade or two.
For their study, Hansen and his colleagues combined ancient paleo - climate data with new satellite readings and an improved model of the climate system to demonstrate that ice sheets can melt at a «non-linear» rate: rather than an incremental melting as Earth's poles inexorably warm, ice sheets might melt at exponential rates, shedding dangerous amounts of mass in a matter of decades, not millennia.
In fact, if they can get early warning of such an event they could probably get out of the way in a matter of decades, if not years.
They warned that the target is likely to be exceeded in a matter of decades unless steps are taken soon to reduce emissions.
But they proved no match for humans, whose rapidly advancing technology drove the birds to extinction in a matter of decades.
«In contrast to investing in new oil fields where well yields begin to decline in a matter of decades, or in coal mines where the seams run out, these new energy sources can last forever.»
Midway has turned from a battle ground to a World Heritage Site in a matter of decades.
For instance, swords and spears have been the standard for warfare for thousands of years, but the invention of gunpowder suddenly changed how things were done in a matter of decades.
If you ask some futurists, cryptocurrencies are set to replace traditional currencies in only a matter of decades.
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