Sentences with phrase «matter of someone»

Too many to include in one article as matter of fact.
Having made his intentions clear at the end of last month that he wished to return to his former club, it seemed to be a mere matter of time before it was granted.
As matter of fact is says in there that you should not get married if you don't want to... look it up.
The ingredients come together in matter of minutes and the bread is ready in less than one hour.
From than on it was just matter of minutes when one of the teams were going to see the red.
Fans keep changing their minds in matter of minutes..
It is not only matter of protecting the interests of the country, but of ensuring the future of populations, the environment and the climate of the entire planet.
It answers in matter of seconds the most important question potential learners have: «What is in it for me?».
They are not matters of opinion in which case a person's qualifications might become an issue.
We pay our pastor because we want him spending his time on matters of faith and doing things that will help keep us in faith.
Sometimes, it is just matter of hours when it makes wanted the part.
But it shouldn't be at the expense of the subject matter of law.
An infant was going to make its way through my vagina in a mere matter of months.
Great lens and one we should look closely into the subject matter of as many have got a lot of e-books in them.
Taste wise it won't matter of course but I was thinking of presentation.
There is no evidence that the respondent's intention is to inform the public on matters of public interest.
One can take them literally, as formal descriptions of an art object's inception, or as matters of life and death.
Other factors may play a role as well, like simple matters of taste and preference.
In matters of opinion all it takes is a critical mind and the ability to read to give you a clear understanding of any author's point of view or bias.
The only matter of concern here is the time element.
We have a much more matter of fact relationship with our dogs.
He called on the government to address the supply of teachers as a «matter of urgency».
They are all matter of choice as well as budget.
Have we moved from a government unprepared to engage with matters of faith to a new understanding of the role of religion in public life?
No matter of what kind of help you need or question you have, our expert VIP support agents want to hear from you.
Unfortunately, the answer is not a simple matter of just picking a withdrawal rate that's low enough to insure a high probability of not running out of dough.
There's the small matter of finding good places to put those rear speakers, but it's a small price to pay for such an effective solution.
Labour might well find that not only on matters of principle but on practical matters a more equal schools policy is popular.
There's the basic matter of getting the text of laws out to the people.
You are honestly in a much better starting point than most so I think it's just matter of when.
In turn, disagreements about the consequences of climate change and the proper policy response are also matters of degree.
It's all matter of personal preference when it comes to choosing the right console for yourself or a loved one.
As dogs evolved over time, each group developed coats for protection from both the elements and predators — in other words, their coats became matters of function.
First of all, we need to put the whole matter of whether her home telephone number was given out by the union behind us.
That while I was concerned with the day to day matters of making a living and feeding the family and keeping warm in the winter..
Its really matter of great for we all fashion lover.
The website takes matters of security very seriously, and follows all the data privacy guidelines seriously.
Many such promises go well beyond the basic legal commitment to marriage required by our civil law and are essentially matters of chosen religion and morality.
Given that elected representatives are expected to have expressed strong views about matters of public importance, a relaxed standard must generally be applied.
There are currently more than 500 individual items we are monitoring, the subject matter of which could impact our day - to - day businesses.
The issue of money is matter of priority for government.
Why can't they focus on matters of national concern?
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