Sentences with phrase «matter of speculation»

How — and how quickly — the association is really going to change after years of debate and resistance are matters of speculation in the museum community.
Santa's origins are a matter of speculation, but according to popular belief, he is derived from a Dutch mythical character based on the historical figure Saint Nicholas, who supposedly gave presents to the poor.
While China's stance regarding the future allocation of their FX reserves to US dollars, gold, or other currencies can only be a matter of speculation, we believe that the handwriting is on the wall.
Whereas for the last two centuries our study of science, history and philosophy has appeared to be a matter of speculation, imagination and hypothesis, we can now see that in fact, in countless subtle ways, the concept of Evolution has been weaving its web around us.
Whether either of these two sayings was influenced by the other can only be a matter of speculation.
In view of the scarcity of the historical evidence, it is surely legitimate to indulge in hypothetical reconstruction of the provenance of the tradition, even though much of the hypothesis, brilliant and attractively presented as it is, remains a matter of speculation — that is, it is an interpretation of the surviving evidence rather than a discovery of further evidence.
All fiction is a matter of speculation.
The location of Bush's Heisman had been a matter of some speculation since his title was stripped, and Bush had remained mum on the matter.
Although it has long been recognized that there is increased risk of divorce among the children of divorced parents, the extent to which genetic and environmental factors contribute to this familial resemblance has been a matter of speculation only.
A full day's doings of bears on the sea ice have been mostly a matter of speculation, Pagano says.
The exact environmental pressures that pushed humans toward higher intelligence also remain a matter of speculation.
Whether this reflects just a difference in reporting or an actual difference remains a matter of speculation.
Regarding «Phantom,» here's another matter of speculation: How did this submarine movie turn out so unseaworthy?
The advantages of a knowledge - rich curriculum aren't just a matter of speculation.
It is also a matter of speculation now if T - Mobile or AT&T are next in line to emerge from Best Buy stores.
So its all a matter of speculation as to what sort of a device the new chip will find application in though its believed to be the larger 10 inch tablet that will benefit from the Orion dual core processor.
However, it's still a matter of speculation as to which company is supplying the ultra high resolution iPad 3 displays fitted on the first batch of iPad 3s.
The company itself in not one among the most or even moderately well known and its a matter of speculation if it could have been the opposite of it had Mintpass come up with the Android tablet in 2009.
So its a matter of speculation if that's the day when Notion Ink will kick off the pre-order process of the Adam tablet PC or if the next iteration of Android, the Gingerbread is going to be launched on that day (this seems more probable).
Nearly 34 years later, Durán's reasons for walking out of the ring remain a matter of speculation and controversy.
Whether or not the cat was vaccinated remains a matter of speculation — no vaccine is 100 percent effective, of course.
Drop rates have been a matter of speculation ever since the game released, but now fans can finally see the actual numbers thanks to a newly released companion guide from Capcom.
Having been represented by Gagosian for 17 years, Hirst's decision in 2012 to move - on was a surprise, and precisely why they first parted company remains a matter of speculation.
These paintings reference the last of three secrets the Virgin Mary is said to have revealed in 1917 but which remained a matter of speculation until publication by the Vatican in 2000.
How big Hirst's collection is and who or what exactly is in it is to these days a matter of speculation, but it was only in the cards that one day he would decide to do something with it.
But just why this sophisticated civilization of jungle - shrouded cities and temples seemed to dissolve so suddenly has been a matter of speculation and learned disputation (defined) for some time.
How the right wing, or any other group, would feel about climate engineering is still a matter of speculation — no one has done an adequate job of asking people what they think.
Comment 3 to Rule 7.2 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct points out that questions of effectiveness and taste in advertising are «matters of speculation and subjective judgment.»
Even if the possibility of a period of disapplication had occurred to someone with an accrued right to claim input tax as at 1 May 1997, the length of that period would have been a matter of speculation.
Today the government spends around 10 crores for providing regular pensions to this 2.9 crores people, so what the amounts are going to stand on revision are surely a matter of speculation.
You can go long as a matter of speculation, not because you intend to exercise the actual instrument.
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