Sentences with phrase «matters at issue»

Dale says he has «a unique and distinct perspective on the matters at issue in the application, as well as specialized knowledge and expertise» to assist the tribunal, as well as «direct knowledge of the relationship between CREA and its member boards, such as TREB, and the operations as far as CREA exercising control over how the member boards operate their MLS systems.»
The notice of hearing will normally require the licensee to produce all documents, including accounting records relating to the matters at issue and actual production of that material may be requested at any point in the hearing.
(e) facilitate an agreed resolution of matters at issue in the proceedings to the extent to which doing so is in the best interests of the child.
As a core guiding principle, all services, processes and resolution assistance provided by the agency would be proportionate to the complexity and importance of the matters at issue for each family.
As I suggested before, Congress could at the very least hold hearings to explore the medical matters at issue in all the piecemeal litigation now taking place in state and federal courts nationwide.
As such, it can take judicial notice of other proceedings in courts which «directly relate to matters at issue
«A first class junior... She is hands - on and constructive, gets to grips quickly with the matters at issue, and has a keen eye for detail.»
May a corporate lawyer and his law firm be sued in Delaware as to claims arising out of their actions in providing advice and services to a Delaware public corporation, its directors, and its managers regarding matters of Delaware corporate law when the lawyer and law firm: i) prepared and delivered to Delaware for filing a certificate amendment under challenge in the lawsuit; ii) advertise themselves as being able to provide coast - to - coast legal services and as experts in matters of corporate governance; iii) provided legal advice on a range of Delaware law matters at issue in the lawsuit; iv) undertook to direct the defense of the lawsuit; and v) face well - pled allegations of having aided and abetted the top managers of the corporation in breaching their fiduciary duties by entrenching and enriching themselves at the expense of the corporation and its public stockholders?
The facts are not in dispute nor is the Board of Governor's Student Discipline Review Committee in a better position to decide the matters at issue.
The plaintiff alleges that ongoing fatigue is preventing him from maintaining employment and thus his late - night computer usage is relevant to matters at issue in this lawsuit.
While some judges, particularly those in the family division of the Ontario Court of Justice, may apply the rules in a manner that is meaningfully proportionate to the complexity and importance of the matters at issue in a case, such latitude is not often extended.
The matter at issue is not merely abstract and speculative; it is intensely practical: What does life basically mean?
The AHO adheres to specific sections of Washoe County Code (WCC) that covers the subject matter at issue.
Indeed, the concerns had become so acute that these legislative leaders successfully enacted a restriction prohibiting relevant agencies from expending appropriated monies upon the matter at issue, consistent with the plain requirements of the GCRA of 1990, through language in the conference report accompanying Public Law 106 - 74:
They include the time expended by the solicitor, the legal complexity of the matter at issue, the results achieved and the risk assumed by the solicitor.
They do not know the time expended by the solicitor, the legal complexity of the matter at issue, or the risk assumed by the lawyer.
The in - house counsel providing the advice «must not have performed any work on the particular client matter at issue or a substantially related matter;»
Pool counsel should discourage clients from discussing with one another either the matter at issue or their communications with counsel.
Clause 76.08 (a) of the Regulation is amended by striking out «relating to any matter at issue» and substituting «relevant to any matter in issue».
As a judge, just look at what you've been asked to consider in light of the relative knowledge of you as a judge and the administrative body as a decision - maker, always give respectful attention to the administrative body's reasons for decision, and then decide whether the administrative body's decision ought to stand given its statutory authority and the matter at issue in the case.
The Trozzi decision: Trozzi was an Interim Decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the «Tribunal») in which the College of Nurses of Ontario (the «College») was unsuccessful in having a complaint against it dismissed, based on HPARB having already adjudicated the substance of the matter at issue.
Andres is able to work seamlessly with local counsel in foreign jurisdictions and has built up an extensive network of local counsel contacts whom he can call upon as necessary to ensure clients are receiving advice from local counsel best suited for the matter at issue in a particular jurisdiction.
[14] In my view, based on the pleadings, the call log records are relevant to a matter at issue in this action, namely, whether Mr. Rodrigues was negligent because he was on his cellular phone at the time of the collision.
These cases did not settle easily and often required a judge to decide every matter at issue.

Not exact matches

You know, you look at all the outgrowth of Me Too, and See Her, and Black Lives Matter, and people standing up and having a voice, and saying, «I want to know where brands stand on issues.
«Let's say there is some sort of harassment issue or sexual misconduct; it doesn't matter if they were great friends in the beginning, at the end it's going to be a nightmare.»
The issues at stake matter to him both personally and professionally, he told CNBC.
Sony, at least, has recognized the issue and is promising that the upcoming PlayStation 4 will update itself and boot games in a matter of seconds.
Beyond voting, the greatest opportunity is helping people stay engaged with the issues that matter to them every day, not just every few years at the ballot box.
«At the talks both sides had a candid and open - hearted exchange of views on the matters of mutual concern including the issues of improving the North - South relations, ensuring peace on the Korean Peninsula and the denuclearization of the peninsula,» KCNA said.
According to the New York Times, he said that Black Lives Matter activists need to be willing to sit down and actually discuss the issues with those who have the power to enact social change, instead of simply shouting at them from a distance.
What's at issue in conflict of interest matters is the need to protect the integrity of the institution, and in particular the way key stakeholders perceive its decision - making processes.
Even when a company's board of directors is fully informed of and authorizes a self - dealing transaction — which is not the case with the transactions at issue here — the transaction must not be unfair to the company, either as a matter of process or price.
At issue in many Rule 14a - 8 (i)(7) no - action requests is whether a proposal that addresses ordinary business matters nonetheless focuses on a policy issue that is sufficiently significant.
One might have thought that that would be the end of the matter, but instead Burnaby commenced this action in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking a declaration (at para 13) «that the National Energy Board does not have the constitutional jurisdiction to issue an order to the City of Burnaby that directs or limits the City of Burnaby in the enforcement of its bylaws.»
So, no matter how you look at the issue, building a dedicated effort focused solely on creating sales qualified leads is both the most efficient and the most effective way to succeed (and by the way, if you look at the numbers, you'll also find it's the lowest cost).
Presently, this matter is likely to be the most significant jurisdictional «issue behind the issues» at the upcoming pan-Orthodox Council.
What is at stake are issues of principle — the role of revelation and Scripture in the formation of conscience — that affect matters of doctrine ranging from the place of the Methodist Quadrilateral in the formation of United Methodist identity to the place of Christ in salvation.
Suppose, further, that this issue was logically related to matters of principle at a deeper level, so that one could not commit oneself on this issue without also making significant commitments about the internal logic and character of the tradition as a whole.
With all the important issues at stake in the presidential and vice presidential debates, it takes a small and pettifogging disposition to be concerned with a matter of fairness.
«The Court is not persuaded by the Government's argument that there can not or should not be any defense of justification or necessity merely because the conduct at issue, i.e., abortion, is legal as a matter of positive law.
At least as troubling is the suggestion of the guidelines that «constitutionality and related matters» require the neutering of the Church's witness on issues of moral moment in the political arena.
At the same time, we recognize that, during the past five hundred years, the Holy Spirit, the Supreme Magisterium of God, has been faithfully at work among theologians and exegetes in both Catholic and Evangelical communities, bringing to light and enriching our understanding of important biblical truths in such matters as individual spiritual growth and development, the mission of Christ's Church, Christian worldview thinking, and moral and social issues in today's worlAt the same time, we recognize that, during the past five hundred years, the Holy Spirit, the Supreme Magisterium of God, has been faithfully at work among theologians and exegetes in both Catholic and Evangelical communities, bringing to light and enriching our understanding of important biblical truths in such matters as individual spiritual growth and development, the mission of Christ's Church, Christian worldview thinking, and moral and social issues in today's worlat work among theologians and exegetes in both Catholic and Evangelical communities, bringing to light and enriching our understanding of important biblical truths in such matters as individual spiritual growth and development, the mission of Christ's Church, Christian worldview thinking, and moral and social issues in today's world.
It's time we, as a nation, stop looking at abortion as merely a political issue and see it for what it is - a matter of life and death.
If Elisha did not receive him when it was a question of performing a miracle of healing for him (although he did perform it), he did receive him when the basic problem was at issue And this, too, should be enlightening to us Christians who are so zealous for action and so scornful of what is only a matter of conversion and the inner life.
At the real heart of the issue there is no way to assertain which theology is correct because it is all a matter of opinion and they are all equally valid with no empirical basis for any of them.
At the beginning of the year, activist Michelle Higgins took the stage at the Urbana missions conference and issued a call to action: all Christians, she said, should support the Black Lives Matter movemenAt the beginning of the year, activist Michelle Higgins took the stage at the Urbana missions conference and issued a call to action: all Christians, she said, should support the Black Lives Matter movemenat the Urbana missions conference and issued a call to action: all Christians, she said, should support the Black Lives Matter movement.
But the moment you let go of your responsibility, you've let go of your relationship because no matter what the issue at hand: It always takes two.
Well, it's a slightly polemical remark, directed at those Christians who think Christianity is simply a matter of the community of faith telling its own story, and who don't even want to discuss issues of the historical Jesus because they think the Bible and the tradition have told us all we need to know.
And what's the matter with America (at least on domestic issues; he does not discuss foreign policy) is almost everything.
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