Sentences with phrase «mature lymphocytes»

There is an increase in nondegenerate neutrophilsm, small to intermediate mature lymphocytes, rare macrophages, rare plasma cells, and rare lymphoblasts seen intimately associated with hepatocellular clusters.
Secondary lymphoid organs, which include the lymph nodes, tonsils and spleen, act as traps for incoming pathogens, whereupon foreign bodies are set upon by mature lymphocytes.
BTLA is also expressed by all mature lymphocytes, splenic macrophages, and mature, but not immature bone marrow - derived dendritic cells.
[13] Effector sites include areas such as the lamina propria, exocrine gland stroma, and surface epithelia, where mature lymphocytes perform their functions, such as releasing cytokines and secreting antibodies.
Reasons for resistance to transformation of mature lymphocytes are unclear, but may involve an unknown mechanism that ensures the diversity of the TCR repertoire and thus limits clonal outgrowth [54].
These studies led to identification of a cell surface protein that is a useful marker of positive selection and is a likely regulator of mature lymphocyte and APC function.

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«Mature B lymphocytes accelerate the healing of diabetic ulcers, other skin injuries: Direct application of immune cells speeds and improves healing of acute and chronic wounds in animal models.»
It targets the CD52 glycoproteins on the surface of mature immune cells, or lymphocytes, depleting levels of the aggressive T and B cells without affecting other lymphocytes.
Although myeloma is, like leukemias and lymphomas, a cancer involving white blood cells known as lymphocytes, myeloma cells don't traditionally express CD19 on their surface because they arise from the most mature type of lymphocytes — plasma cells.
They started off with mature T - lymphocytes which were specific for a type of skin cancer and reprogrammed them into iPSCs with the help of «Yamanaka factors».
Requirement for the transcription factor LSIRF / IRF4 for mature B and T lymphocyte function.
The researchers found higher levels of NCL - like lipofuscin in lymphoblasts, cells that mature into lymphocytes in patients with NCL, and also in asymptomatic patients carrying mutations in the progranulin gene.
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