Sentences with phrase «maturing industry»

The phrase "maturing industry" refers to an industry that has reached a stable and established state after a period of growth. It suggests that the industry is no longer experiencing rapid advancements or significant changes, and is now characterized by a slower rate of growth and increased competition. Full definition
Value stocks do not fall as much in a stock market crash because the companies are in mature industries with established players.
But mature industries like pharmaceuticals have been through all this before, and found a solution.
The constant dividend growth model is useful for mature industries where the dividend growth is likely to be steady.
Value stocks typically offer higher dividends as well and are in more mature industries.
Like utilities, these companies are typically in very mature industries with stable sales and cash flows.
The legal market is a complex and mature industry with longstanding business models, but recent pressure on these models has given rise to a new legal ecosystem.
Also, with the healthcare career outlook stable and growing, you'll have greater job security than many other mature industries.
On a closing note, there is a weak positive correlation in most mature industries between stock price performance and relative decreases in share count, assets, and sales.
The less mature the industry, the more room for organic improvement, and thus more free cash flow is dedicated to internal investment, and less to rewarding current shareholders.
Previously, the pipelines and storage were seen as relatively mature industries and growth was relatively weak.
First, dividend stocks tend to be in more mature industries.
Given that most of the time I invest in mature industries, I want to hear answers that tell me the company has an expense advantage over competitors.
Coca - Cola Amatil dominates its key market of carbonated soft drinks, which is a reasonably mature industry.
The worst American poll in history, from a fairly mature industry at the time, was the calling of New York governor Tom Dewey winner over Harry Truman in 1948.
The best dividend growth companies on the market tend to be entrenched names within mature industries.
Whatever the reason for these executives» departures, Faraday Future is making things increasingly clear that starting up a new car company is extremely tough business, that it's a difficult mature industry to disrupt no matter how easy it all sounds in Silicon Valley speeches.
Companies in mature industries like consumer staples and utilities have fewer growth opportunities so they can share cash flow with investors through dividends rather than plow it all back into projects.
«Fast forward to 2018, smartphone penetration is a very mature industry
They are typically found in more mature industries, representing companies that may be more well - established, have higher fixed - costs, and are growing more slowly.
The Games Industry, like other mature industries has created best practices and refined them over time.
Finalists in the 2015 Entrepreneur of the Year awards show how technology and innovation can enable rapid growth, even in mature industries.
In a mature industry like movie theatres, Aubrey Hearn likes Cinemark for its healthy margins.
«It's in a mature industry in the U.S.,» he says.
Mature industries such as automobiles?
Consider Blyth Industries, which boosted sales from $ 3 million in 1982 to nearly $ 500 million in 1996 by exploiting a mature industry.
«Any mature industry has to think about the fact that there's a new sheriff in town with new values, new spending habits,» Jeff Fromm, an expert in marketing to American Millennials, told Bloomberg.
If, however, you plan to take market share away from established competitors in a mature industry, then competitive edge is all - important.
In a mature industry like boxes, acquisitions are the surest and fastest — maybe the only — route to rapid growth, and hence to the Centenaris» dream.
«While the growth rate has declined, it remains stunning as rates like these are rare in mature industries,» Yahoo senior vice president of product and engineering Simon Khalaf said in a statement.
AmerCable, which is based in El Dorado, Ark., and manufactures industrial - grade power cables for coal mines and deep - sea oil rigs, was in a mature industry and Hogan wanted to find a way to make a big splash.
While Kraft has plenty of iconic brands, including Velveeta and Philadelphia Cream Cheese, the company hasn't been able to energize sales in a mature industry.
Segmentation and growth into niche markets are clear signs of a maturing industry.
A few of the directors in our study were clearly laggards, even going so far as to argue that innovation was irrelevant in their very mature industries.
If the company is a major player in a mature industry, it will want to use its large competitors as the primary benchmarks.
Now that social media is a mature industry, will it be virtual / augmented reality that creates the next generation of tech unicorns?
TV is a mature industry that is declining due to platforms like Facebook and Google.
And so maybe in a mature industry where growth rates are slow and change is very slow, but, as you see in the world more and more, there aren't that many mature industries.
Being in such a mature industry, I don't think the market is pricing in rapid growth, but that's just my opinion.
This is a mature industry, and the growth rate of the U.S economy in the future is expected to mirror that of the industry.
Like any rapidly growing and maturing industry, there are starting to be real winners and losers in the space.»
«Coworking is moving towards a more mature industry, where I believe the coworking companies that have a real product vision and understanding of their customers will be able to expand the most,» Hodari says.
In a saturated, mature industry, we need better, more original ideas, and we need them more often.
But there was really no interest in investing in what is called «mature industry».
The reasons include everything from insurance against crop shortages all the way to calling it a sign of a maturing industry.
Principles and practices learned from engineering successes can help transform biotechnology from a specialized craft into a mature industry
«So, by leveraging the capabilities of this mature industry, we can foresee reliable fabrication of these dual comb chips on a massive scale at a low cost.»
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