Sentences with phrase «maturity guarantee based»

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As I found out, until 2004, CST always held it's entire bond portfolio through to maturity as the whole basis of the fund has been in safe, secure investments with guaranteed principal.
Unlike a bond, which guarantees a fixed return if you hold it until maturity, a stock can rise or fall in value based on daily events in the stock market, trends in the economy, or problems at the issuing company.
Person on whose life the maturity and death benefit guarantees are based.
7 (a) loan guaranty fees are based on the loan amount and maturity date and apply only to the guaranteed portion of the loan.
Principal protected notes are debt securities that offer a principal - repayment guarantee at maturity, based on the issuer's credit rating.
In case of death of the insured during the tenure of the plan, a benefit higher of 10 times the annual premium or base Sum Assured or minimum guaranteed Maturity Sum Assured or 105 % of all premiums paid till the date of death is payable along with the vested reversionary bonuses.
The policy pays a guaranteed * amount of 40 % of the Base Sum Assured plus accrued bonuses upon maturity.
Reliance Life, which introduced maturity benefit protection rider in the guaranteed money back policy, plans to offer the same in all the existing base products and is awaiting insurance regulator IRDA's approval.The rider offers maturity benefit of a policy in case of death of the insured.The company will introduce a new ULIP plan — Reliance Classic 2 — in a month.
d. Ulips with highest NAV guarantee, ie, the companies would calculate the maturity returns basis the highest NAV recorded a certain set of time as declared in the policy
On maturity the policy pays a guaranteed * amount of 40 % of Base Sum Assured plus accumulated earned bonuses, if any.
In addition to the Guaranteed Income Benefit, get 30 % to 55 % of Basic Sum Assured (BSA) on Maturity, based on your Policy Term
So, in case the insured dies while the policy is active the beneficiary can claim complete or at least the guaranteed maturity sum whichever is higher., The guaranteed maturity value is calculated based on gender, age, tenure and amount of premium.
Offers fixed benefits: a.) Fixed money back during the last five years of the plan b.) Fixed loyalty additions of 3 % of base sum assured accruing each year c.) Guaranteed maturity benefit as total accrued fixed loyalty addition
Every year payout or income comprises of guaranteed base income payouts, varying from 8 to 12.5 % of sum assured on maturity.
Where Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity is equal to Base Sum Assured plus all Guaranteed Additions (GAs) applicable at mMaturity is equal to Base Sum Assured plus all Guaranteed Additions (GAs) applicable at maturitymaturity.
Basic Life Insurance Cover — In the circumstance of the death of the life insured, you get the higher of Sum guaranteed on Maturity, or 11 times the base annualized premium (for Super 6), or 15 times the base annualized premium (for Super 10)
Guaranteed Maturity Benefit which is equal to Base Sum Assured and all Guaranteed Additions payable will be Rs. 3,60,000
The special surrender value shall be based on the expected present value of Guaranteed Sum Assured on maturity and expected present value of Accrued Fixed Regular Additions applicable at the time of surrender.
10 times the annual premium, or 105 % of all premiums paid till the date of death, or Guaranteed sum assured on maturity, or Base Sum Assured
The plan provides financial protection to your family by offering life cover and also giving you milestone based payouts through guaranteed money back and maturity benefits.
Based on the insured's age and the above factors, the Guaranteed Cash Benefit and the Guaranteed Maturity Benefit are calculated.
In such a scenario, on survival of the Life Assured to the end of the policy term, policyholder shall receive the Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity which is equal to two times the Base Sum Assured.
Thus, the total Guaranteed Base Income would be 100 % to 120 % of the Sum Assured + Bonus payable on maturity.
You can customize your policy to suit your requirement in the following manner: Step 1: Choose your Policy Term Step 2: Choose your Premium Paying Term Step 3: Choose your Premium Payment Frequency Step 4: Choose your Guaranteed Maturity Benefit Your premium will be based on Guaranteed Maturity Benefit, age, policy term, premium payment term and premium payment frequency.
Maturity Benefit — On survival till the end of the policy tenure, the policyholder gets last Guaranteed Base Income Payout + Accrued Reversionary Bonus + Interim Bonus (if any) + Terminal Bonus (if any) as Maturity Benefit and the policy terminates.
RPU Guaranteed Sum Assured at Maturity = -LRB-(Total premiums paid for base policy less extra premium (if any)-RRB- / (Total premiums payable under base policy less extra premium (if any)-RRB--RRB- X Guaranteed Sum Assured at Maturity.
You can customize your policy to suit your requirement in the following manner: Step 1: Choose your Policy Term Step 2: Choose your Premium Paying Term Step 3: Choose your Premium Payment Frequency Step 4: choose your Guaranteed Maturity Benefit (GMB) Your premium will be based on GMB, age, policy term, permium payment term and permium payment frequency.
Sum Assured on Death is higher of Base Sum Assured, 10 times of Annualized Premium or Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity.
Raman will receive 20 % of Rs 5 lacs (Base Sum Assured) which is Rs 1 lac in the last three years plus Minimum guaranteed sum assured on maturity is 40 % of the base sum assured which is Rs 3 Lacs plus accrued terminal and simple reversionary boBase Sum Assured) which is Rs 1 lac in the last three years plus Minimum guaranteed sum assured on maturity is 40 % of the base sum assured which is Rs 3 Lacs plus accrued terminal and simple reversionary bobase sum assured which is Rs 3 Lacs plus accrued terminal and simple reversionary bonus.
On survival of the life insured till the maturity date, an amount equal to the Base Sum Assured multiplied by the Guaranteed Maturity Multiple (GMM) plus accrued Annual Guaranteed Additions is maturity date, an amount equal to the Base Sum Assured multiplied by the Guaranteed Maturity Multiple (GMM) plus accrued Annual Guaranteed Additions is Maturity Multiple (GMM) plus accrued Annual Guaranteed Additions is payable.
Death Sum Assured is equal to the higher of 11 times the Annualized Premium, 105 % of all the Premiums paid, Base Sum Assured multiplied by a Guaranteed Maturity Multiple factor, OR the sum of immediate benefit, Monthly Payout & Benefit at Maturity Date.
Guaranteed Maturity Multiple is the factor applied to the base sum assured for computing the benefit payable on the date of mMaturity Multiple is the factor applied to the base sum assured for computing the benefit payable on the date of maturitymaturity.
Benefit at Maturity: A lump sum amount equal to Base Sum Assured multiplied by Guaranteed Maturity Multiple (GMM) is payable.
For age at entry 45 years & above, it is higher of 7 times of annualized premium or base sum assured or guaranteed maturity benefit.
On survival of the life Insured till the end of the policy term, the Maturity Benefit payable is 150 % of Base Sum Assured plus Accrued Annual Guaranteed Addition.
Scenario A: Raman Survives the Policy Term If Mr. Raman survives till the maturity of the policy term, he receives the aggregate of Last Guaranteed Base Income payout, Accrued Reversionary Bonuses, Interim Bonus, and Terminal bonus.
The product would guarantee highest NAV recorded on daily basis during the first seven years of the policy or NAV at maturity date, whichever is higher.
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