Sentences with phrase «mealtime just»

Mealtime just got way more exciting!
Keep mealtime just for food: no toys, playing, or cartoons.
Regular mealtimes just add one more item to the schedule, he said, whereas the pouch supports «those moments and gaps when they can truly be unscheduled.

Not exact matches

Tom Brady Just Revealed His Intense Diet for Peak Fitness (and Why He Won't Drink Water at Mealtime)
In reality, these characters would have prayed before bedtime (we've seen this just once in the whole series), and certainly at the start of the lavish mealtimes that have become so central to the show.
Well, I'm watching the World Cup matches just now, but I don't hesitate in turning the TV off when it's mealtime and I don't feel guilty for missing any games when I do.
I find that now I enjoy my food instead of just eating it because it's mealtime.
I usually have just an hour or two before mealtime to get my cooking done, and this is where my Instant Pot comes to the rescue.
Grilled cheese isn't just for mealtime anymore.
Being able to see the layers just makes mealtime that much more exciting!
This launch expands Plum's kids» offerings into the mealtime category, moving beyond just the snack - time or lunchbox occasion.
Our meal plans are full of idea and tips, just like this recipe, to help you overcome mealtime adversity.
«My husband says it's all right, just as long as I don't discuss it at mealtime,» Tenley told him.
This ingenious creation eliminates the need for packing a bowl, so if you're on the go with baby and know you'll have a mealtime in there, just fill your spoon — or spoons — and go.
My husband and I also shared childcare responsibility equally until our daughter was well over a year, when he went back to work full - time and she started daycare (up until that point, we'd both worked part - time) and he's much better at many things than I am (mealtimes and bathtime and bedtime, pretty significantly, while just personality-wise, I'm a lot better at stuff like, having hydrocortisone cream for bug bites, and remembering to put on the bug spray in the first place, etc.) But, especially at the beginning, it really did seem as though I was much more attached?
While we might not all be Francophiles, implementing these mealtime gems just might help ease your lunchtime blues.
Mealtimes with babies are about much more than just eating and nutrition.
I'm doing my best to keep my own issues out of mealtimes, but when they combine with the mom - voice («I KNOW you're hungry and if you would just FOCUS instead of smearing that in your hair or chewing on your high chair WECOULDALLBEHAVINGABETTERTIMEHERE»), I'm struggling to keep mealtimes fun, lighthearted, and issue - free.
Unfortunately, just because you manage to get all the food groups onto a plate at mealtime doesn't mean they're going to make it into the mouth of your hungry little one.
To simplify mealtime, the Nook high chair features a large swing - open tray that can be operated with just one hand!
But we all live in the real world and can't just stay in a bubble so sometimes that's just not possible so we're looking at what we can do to make the mobile mealtime as safe as possible.
My 13 month old just won't get in his high chair at mealtimes.
There is, of course, the more laid - back summer attitude in regards to eating easy, lighter foods, but also there is just the more relaxed attitude to snacking and mealtimes and even drinks here... to having the kids just enjoy that ice cream cone about 1 hour before dinner (oops!)
When you've got a little one who's just starting out with solid foods, these spoons can help you make the most of the experience and create fun and exciting mealtimes, too.
The authors ultimately believe it's not dinner per se that matters so much, but the amount of time parents engage meaningfully with their children, and mealtimes are just one setting where such interaction can take place.
Choose a feeding when your child usually drinks just a little, rather than a major mealtime.
Set a regular time and place for talking with your child, whether in the car, on a walk, during mealtimes, or just before bed.
[It's Not About the Broccoli] provides just what parents need to feed kids properly, stop worrying, and start enjoying mealtimes with kids.
But don't wait until your baby is crying or just after mealtime to burp your baby.
Mealtime is work for me, I don't just get to sit and enjoy my food.
Giving your baby plenty of tummy time can help keep air moving throughout the day, not just during mealtimes.
The truth is that I just know that she typically poops first thing in the morning, after a nap, and just after mealtimes.
In our home, my children know that if they don't like what's being served for a meal there is always an alternative in the form of a PB&J or a reheat later if they just aren't hungry at mealtime, though if we're sitting down together I do expect them to sit with the family and chat with us while we eat.
Choking can happen at any time, not just mealtimes.
Teach them: If you are very casual about mealtime manners at home, don't expect your kids to miraculously develop table manners just because you happen to be sitting in a restaurant.
In our house, we use cookie cutters for much more than just cookies, a trick for making mealtime fun that is today's hint.
Just like bottles, sippy cups should be kept for mealtimes only, so resist giving your baby a sippy cup to carry around or to drink from at bedtime.
Disruption of Routine: Just as you settle into a somewhat manageable schedule of eating and sleeping, you find your babies waking at odd hours and refusing to eat at mealtimes.
Many can be conducted during mealtime or on the way to school or... while waiting for soccer practice to start, during bath time or just before lights out.
Your child won't starve because of one missed meal and it just makes mealtimes stressful for everyone involved.
That means having consistent nap times, mealtimes, and bedtimes as well as times when your toddler is free to just run around and have fun.
Just like most parents, my husband and I deal with mealtime power struggles with our kids.
Biologist José Luis Acuña of the University of Oviedo in Spain and his colleagues now suggest that jellyfishes are just as effective at mealtime as fishes when judged by the right measures.
Future research could further the understanding of the relationship between food knowledge, classification, and choices by examining mealtime choices and not just stated snack preferences.
Schedule Strategically When we go to parties that fall outside our normal mealtimes, we don't hold back, even if we've just had lunch or dinner.
Salads aren't just for mealtime — when they're about 200 calories, they make a great afternoon snack, as well.
Plus, it will bring you into the present moment of eating and help you just relax into mealtime.
Ghrelin is a hormone that precedes, predicts your mealtimes, induces hunger and is also secreted just by looking at your food before you eat it.
There is nothing wrong with experiencing occasional bouts of hunger throughout the day, especially just before mealtimes or after a calorie - crushing workout.
Treat mealtime as the relaxing and sociable time that it is, chat to people around you but just take a break from eating while you are chatting.
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