Sentences with phrase «mean climate»

That doesn't mean that climate change has nothing to do with it.
One day, or week or even month of unusually cold weather doesn't mean climate change isn't happening.
After a thorough read of the three positions described in Climate Dialogue, I conclude that many well meaning climate scientists are working hard to understand this complex messy system.
It also means the climate is less sensitive to rising levels of greenhouse gases than some have feared.
But it might as well mean our climate models are doing a bad job.
One error in marrying together 2 data sets does not mean all climate science is wrong.
Some researchers thought that meant climate just isn't that important a factor in tropical flu outbreaks.
Thinking about the problem in terms of temperature increase for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 (which we will probably exceed with current policies and energy trends), even studies that reinforce the skeptical narrative of low mean climate sensitivity leaves some chance of warming greatly exceeding international goals and historical boundaries (say a 5 percent chance of warming exceeding 4 °C).
Lucarini, V., and G.L. Russell, 2002: Comparison of mean climate trends in the Northern Hemisphere between National Centers for Environmental Prediction and two atmosphere - ocean model forced runs.
Variations in 20th century trends which do not correlate to c02 are routinely dismissed as either aerosols or heat going into the oceans, when it is very clear these are related to PDO cycles, which means climate sensitivity to c02 must be overstated.
It is encouraging that the global mean climate sensitivity parameter for cases involving lower stratospheric O3 changes and that for CO2 changes (viz., doubling) are reasonably similar in Christiansen (1999) while being within about 25 % of a central value in Hansen et al. (1997a).
I will address this point in a separate response to Manzi, but Goklany makes the classic mistake of thinking that stabilizing concentrations at 750 ppm means the climate shifts to a new, static state.
«High latitude places often have late climate departures, but that does not necessarily mean climate change won't impact those places,» Mora said.
Focusing on food and agricultural systems and top - producing breadbaskets in particular, we distinguish maize, rice, wheat, and soy season changes from global annual mean climate changes.
Even for mean climate, no comprehensive assessment of the surface climatology of variable or high resolution models has been attempted.
21 See, for example, Odile Blanchard and James Perhaus, «Does the Bush Administration's climate policy mean climate protection?»
However, Bossuet et al. (1998) reached a somewhat different conclusion when they increased the vertical resolution in the ARPEGE model; they concluded that increasing vertical resolution produced little impact on the simulated mean climate of their model.
Here we present a new index of the year when the projected mean climate of a given location moves to a state continuously outside the bounds of historical variability under alternative greenhouse gas emissions scenarios.
-RRB-, even studies that reinforce the skeptical narrative of low mean climate sensitivity leaves some chance of warming greatly exceeding international goals and historical boundaries (say a
Increasing this threshold enhances the tropical intraseasonal variability in the model and produces a more coherent MJO as well as a drier and colder mean climate in the model.
Since the heat storage capacity of the ocean is > 1000 times that of the atmosphere, having a solid handle on all these is crucial to accurately projecting even average mean climate across multi-decadal time.
Such varied migration rates mean climate change is ripping apart the delicate connections between mountainside species, the team concludes.
Kane and his team also observed that unlike Earth, which experiences climatic changes such as an ice age because of slow variations in its orbit around the sun, Wolf 1061c's orbit changes at a much faster rate, which could mean the climate there could be quite chaotic.
But if further studies bear this connection out, perhaps it'll kill the idea that cold weather means no climate change... and help keep snowballs off the senate floor.
The result is mean climate temperatures that are actually a few degrees cooler than Earth's today.»
Montana's unique geography means climate varies across the state, as it does across the nation.
They are aware the batteries» thermal management means the climate outside is not a problem.
IPCC AR5 WG1 Ch.5 says: «The PETM was marked by a massive carbon release and corresponding global ocean acidification (Zachos et al., 2005; Ridgwell and Schmidt, 2010) and, with low confidence, global warming of 4 °C to 7 °C relative to pre-PETM mean climate (Sluijs et al., 2007; McInerney and Wing, 2011).
Pachauri outlined the potential for major changes to the climate system, which could overwhelm human response strategies - breakdown of the thermohaline circulation, disintegration of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, a shift in mean climate towards an El Nino - like state, reduced carbon sink capacity, methane release from hydrates, and a rearrangement of biome distributions.
Here, we investigate the extent to which these equatorial cold biases are related to mean climate biases generated in the extra-tropics and then communicated to the equator via the oceanic subtropical cells (STCs).
Climate change by 2060 was computed as the difference (air temperature) or ratio (precipitation and solar radiation) of monthly mean climate between the GCM (unforced) control and 2xCO2 simulations at GCM grid boxes coinciding with the crop modelling sites (Figure 13.1 b).
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