Sentences with phrase «mean less energy consumption»

Wait, doesn't flat mean less energy consumption?

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Energy research group IHS CERA calculates that fully one - half the U.S. shale resource — a 30 - year supply at today's rate of consumption — could be produced at today's prices or less, meaning the market can accommodate a jump in demand without a corresponding price increase.
In addition to reducing the truck body's weight to save on fuel, the GuardianLT's high thermal performance also reduces fuel and electricity consumption without skimming on performance, which means the body helps maintain desired temperatures using less energy.
Energy Star Labels Energy Star provides labels on some sets that meet their current criteria for low power consumption — generally the label means that the set might use at least 20 % or 30 % less than an average model in its size class (or something like that — varies with the appliance and time).
Moreover, «direct rebound effects for these energy services are likely to decline in the future as demand saturates», although it warned that «indirect effects mean that the economy - wide reduction in energy consumption will be less».
ore clean energy means less exposure to harmful emissions and less consumption of natural resources
Facebook: More clean energy means less exposure to harmful emissions and less consumption of natural resources
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