Sentences with phrase «mean of the models»

The oceanic disequilibrium can in principle be estimated observationally (Tans et al., 1993; Heimannn and Maier - Reimer, 1996; Bacastow et al., 1996; Gruber et al., 1999), while the terrestrial disequilibrium has to be estimated by means of models (e.g., Ciais et al., 1999).
The line presents the estimated means of model 4 for each measure: the comparison of siblings differentially exposed to prenatal alcohol controlling for maternal and familial characteristics.
Is this not the real meaning of the model prayer which our Lord has taught us?
CCSS standards include the use of other representations — fraction strips, fraction bars, rectangles (which are excellent for showing multiplication of two fractions) and other graphical means of modeling fractions.
Through a matrix of frenetic brushwork, Guston composes a range of amorphous and semi-geometric forms that convey the artist's abdication of the traditional means of modeling and shading to render representational imagery.
Tables 4 - 7 assess the whole meaning of model.
In particular, a positive NAO is associated with positive SAT anomalies over Europe, Russia and the eastern U.S., and negative SAT anomalies over northern Africa, the Middle East, eastern Canada and Greenland in both observations (Fig. 3a) and the ensemble - mean of the model simulations (Fig. 3c).
The mean of the model ensemble is reducing biases of each model and provides the best estimate of the signal of the polar sea ice loss.
I think I'm reading the trend chart wrong, but is the mean of the models higher than the mean of all 10 data sets?
So, am I reading that graph wrong or does the mean of the models exceed the mean of all 10 observation sets, and that the mean of the surface hindcast for both Land and Ocean and SST exceed the 4 observation means as well.?
For the 1940s peak, the mean of the models is not equal to the observed value.
The mean of the model ensemble is what we think we would get if we had thousands of replicate Earths and averaged their trends over the same period.
Models averaged 3.2 and I picked something less than the mean of the models.
They confused the uncertainty in how well we can estimate the forced signal (the mean of the all the models) with the distribution of trends + noise.
Describing in broad terms what would be «reasonable» within the meaning of Model Rule 1.0 (h), the ABA said a lawyer should attempt a phone call, fax, email or other electronic communications, a letter to the client's last known address, and an internet search.
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