Sentences with phrase «mean temperature fluctuations»

These weights allow for an objective, statistical prediction of global mean temperature fluctuations arising solely from SST - associated internal variability within a given model.
A lot is known about mean temperature fluctuations over the past eons.
The heavy line in Fig. 2B shows the global temperature anomaly associated with these observed oscillatory discriminants consists of an interdecadal global mean temperature fluctuation effectively identical to that in Fig. 1A.

Not exact matches

Fewer temperature fluctuations means better sleep for your baby.
«It appears to be highly tolerant of fluctuations in pH and temperature too, which means it is potentially useful for dynamic marine environments.»
These gravitational waves we will to detect will almost be the size of visible universe, but we mean, they'll produce signatures, temperature — well, in this case, the polarization of the microwave background — signatures which are at the level, well, the next generation, the best we can imagine doing is getting a 1 [percent] admixture of a signal from gravitational waves compared to the signal of the temperature fluctuations that we, kind of, measure in the universe.
This means that an e-paper sign mounted indoors will in all likelihood have a longer battery life than the same sign mounted outside, where extreme temperature fluctuations can strain the battery.
«The forecast for global mean temperature which we published highlights the ability of natural variability to cause climate fluctuations on decadal scale, even on a global scale.
This, in an unchanged situation (i.e. with no other variables present, such as atmospheric temperature fluctuation) would result in a relatively constant mean ocean temperature.
The laws of physics require that continually increasing GHG concentrations will mean a continually increasing temperature (subject to the natural climate fluctuations of course), and that will mean continuing sea ice decline.
And so the world is awash with quotes of absolute global mean temperatures for single years which use different baselines giving wildly oscillating fluctuations as a function of time which are purely a function of the uncertainty of that baseline, not the actual trends.
That, combined with some additional unwarranted processing of the data, ensured that in the end all McLean et al. had done was to confirm the well - known fact that El Nino explains a fair share of the year - to - year fluctuations in global mean temperature.
The most statistics can tell us at present is that there does appear to be a genuine warming trend in figure A. Whether this trend is the effect of greenhouse gas emissions or of a natural fluctuation due to some as - yet - undiscovered mechanism can not be determined from an analysis of the global mean temperature alone.
We may thus discount the chaotic annual fluctuations of global mean temperature.
For example, Brown and Caldeira (2017) use fluctuations in Earth's top - of - the - atmosphere (TOA) energy budget and their correlation with the response of climate models to increases in GHG concentrations to infer that ECS lies between 3 and 4.2 K with 50 % probability, and most likely is 3.7 K. Assuming t statistics, this roughly corresponds to an ECS range that in IPCC parlance is considered likely (66 % probability) between 2.8 and 4.5 K. By contrast, Cox et al. (2018) use fluctuations of the global - mean temperature and their correlation with the response of climate models to increases in GHG concentrations to infer that ECS likely lies between 2.2 and 3.4 K, and most likely is 2.8 K.
Just because the relationship between tree rings and temperature has some fluctuations in it and there appear to be fluctuations in the tree ring thicknesses over time doesn't mean that you can't get equally good relationships as the geniuses on Wall Street have been able to develop.
True equilibrium is still isothermal, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a wide range of time and temperature fluctuation scales that suffice to maintain the approximate DALR because the atmosphere is never sufficiently static for long enough for conductive relaxation to occur.
In fact, as an exercise, why not express the size of the energy fluctuation associated with gravity when a molecule moves a mean free path in terms of temperature?
Since these two time series represent largely independent mean temperature estimates for the same atmospheric layer, the strong correspondence between them is further proof that the fluctuations are real.
The mean air temperature (1906 - 2005) measured at the climate station Vent (1906 m a.s.l) was -1.6 °C and the mean annual lapse rate is 0.57 °C / 100 m. For additional information on the status of the glacier and on data relating to annual mass balance and other measurements, visit the WGMS Fluctuations of Glaciers Browser.
On blogs like Dr. Curry's I continually see learned, and heated, arguments over the meaning of fluctuations in the «annual temperature of the earth» in the hundredths of a degree range (sometimes thousandths), with data plotted over hundreds or thousands of years, while noticing that there doesn't seem to be a DEFINITION of the «Annual Temperature of the Earth» and that the climate science community, collectively, would be hard pressed to provide me with an «Annual Temperature of Bob's House» with a credible and defensible resolution and precision of + / -.01 degree, using an instrumentation system of thtemperature of the earth» in the hundredths of a degree range (sometimes thousandths), with data plotted over hundreds or thousands of years, while noticing that there doesn't seem to be a DEFINITION of the «Annual Temperature of the Earth» and that the climate science community, collectively, would be hard pressed to provide me with an «Annual Temperature of Bob's House» with a credible and defensible resolution and precision of + / -.01 degree, using an instrumentation system of thTemperature of the Earth» and that the climate science community, collectively, would be hard pressed to provide me with an «Annual Temperature of Bob's House» with a credible and defensible resolution and precision of + / -.01 degree, using an instrumentation system of thTemperature of Bob's House» with a credible and defensible resolution and precision of + / -.01 degree, using an instrumentation system of their choice.
We investigate how in utero exposure to temperature variability, measured as the fluctuations relative to the historical local temperature mean, affects birth outcomes in the Andean region.
He concludes: «Therefore, scientists should avoid the use of «pause» or «hiatus» when referring to fluctuations of global mean surface temperature around the longer - term warming trend.
54 % «believe» the warming measured over the last 100 yrs is NOT «within the range of natural temperature fluctuation» [means that 46 % thinks that it is within the Natural Range]-- 56 % see a 50 - 50 chance that global temps will rise 2 * C or more during the next 50 to 100 yrs.
... I see the proxy mean and its fluctuations, and I get that to stitch together the entire Holocene temperature record it requires at least 3 proxies (Marcott et al, Mann et al or your one of preference, and the instrument record), each with their own error bars.
The IPCC * itself * acknowledges that there has been no such warming now for the last 16 - 17 years; that no dramatic imminent change is seen to that for the next couple of years at least; that the previous spell of 15 years or so was precisely the duration of warming that underlay so much of the evidence cited for its alarms of the long and terrible global trend if forecast; that not a single model the IPCC had or has seems to have come even close to predicting what we've now seen; that the IPCC can only suggest possible explanations for all this so logically meaning it can have no reason to believe that whatever is causing it isn't going to continue forever; that more and more studies are coming in attributing global temperatures not to CO2 but instead other things such as solar fluctuations; that a number of predictions are now coming in that in fact say we are now in for a lengthy period of * cooling.
The results from tests of our first hypothesis differ from other studies in which time - series analyses were used to explore the relationship between the secondary sex ratio (SSR) and fluctuations in mean annual ambient temperature.
Our study incorporated a similar geographic range and range of fluctuations in temperature as the studies which have found a significant relationship between annual SSR and mean temperature [7], [11], [14].
Unlike these Scandinavian studies, fluctuations in mean annual ambient temperature in NZ are unrelated to the rates of male births.
I see the coarse scale fluctuations in mean annual temperatures present in the IPO / PDO and wonder if the hiatus was just the PDO cool phase failing to actually cool — and if so I'd say the news is not good.
OK but by noise you do not mean simply measurement error, you also mean noise caused by non-GHG temperature fluctuations like ENSO and solar?
AMO, AO, PDO and NAO etc, have been played by contrarians, especially Accuweather types, as a means to dismiss AGW, which for them is a mere inconsequence of Oceanic temperature fluctuations.
Stable meaning the floor is less susceptible to shrinkage and expansion movement due to fluctuations in humidity or temperature.
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