Sentences with phrase «mean temperatures from»

When this is done, people usually find that while it was relatively cool in global mean temperatures from the 1400s to the 1800s known as the «Little Ice Age» and relatively mild in the 900s to 1300s interval (sometimes termed the «Medieval Warm Period»).
I had some time to compare the correlations of standardized proxy response (orientated in the proper direction for proxy type) for the 28 Gergis selected proxies to the corresponding 5 × 5 grid HadCRUT4 mean temperatures from KNMI for the months September through February and for the months September through August.
In other words, it is possible to invest in the clean energy technologies that would prevent global mean temperatures from rising more than 2C by 2050.
The effects of this uneven sampling are being investigated and quantified in several ways, for example by estimating «true» global - mean temperatures from the complete fields generated by satellite observations, blends of satellite and in situ data, or climate models, and then sampling these fields using the actual (incomplete) observed data coverage (see chapter 9).
Global mean temperatures from climate model simulations are typically calculated using surface air temperatures, while the corresponding observations are based on a blend of air and sea surface temperatures.
The uncertainties associated with reconstructing hemispheric mean or global mean temperatures from these data increase substantially backward in time through this period and are not yet fully quantified.
When scientists in the 1960s - 70s compiled data to build their global average temperature series they used state averages of monthly mean temperatures from weather stations around the world.
Similarly, a Bayesian study of hemispheric mean temperatures from 1900 to 1996 finds decisive evidence for an aerosol cooling effect (Smith et al., 2003).
Alan, the black line represent annual mean temperatures from 1880 — 2008, that's why the graph contains 2008 in its title.
By the middle of the next century the resulting warming could boost global mean temperatures from three to nine degrees Fahrenheit.
For Figure 1, global mean temperatures are plotted from the HadCRUT4 and GISTEMP products relative to a 1900 - 1940 baseline, together with global mean temperatures from 81 available simulations in the CMIP5 archive, also relative to the 1900 - 1940 baseline, where all available ensemble members are taken for each model.
The uncertainties associated with reconstructing hemispheric mean or global mean temperatures from these data increase substantially backward in time through this period and are not yet fully quantified.
By the middle of the next century the resulting warming could boost global mean temperatures from three to nine degrees Fahrenheit.
The yellow line shows the global mean temperature from CRU for comparison.
This map shows warm (reds) and cool (blues) deviations from the mean temperature from 1951 to 1980 for the «meteorological year» — December 2007 through November 2008.
Black lines show observed global mean annual mean temperature from HadCRUT3, and thin coloured lines show global mean temperature from five - member ensembles of CanESM2 forced with (a) anthropogenic and natural forcings (ALL), (b) natural forcings only (NAT), (c) greenhouse gases only (GHG), and (d) aerosols only (AER).
The stations used are predominantly urban and affected by the urban heat island effect (UHIE), this means the temperatures from the two regions are higher in summer and winter.
A comparison of Australian mean temperature from a range of different datasets — including local and international datasets (which use different methods of data selection, preparation and analysis) and both station - based and satellite data — is provided below (Figure 12).
Pre-1910 estimates of Australian annual - mean temperature from just a few sites are very uncertain.
Climatic forcing on MXD and tree - ring width (TRW) using monthly mean temperature from Abisko (a, b), Bottenviken (c, d), and Tornedalen (e, f).

Not exact matches

But let's assume that Trump meant a reduction from the projections of temperature increases that would happen without the Paris Agreement.
Wrapped in a sleeping bag and fur - lined bomber hat, he spent seven nights from 7 pm to 7 am in an Infiniti parked less than 50 feet from the Queen Elizabeth Way expressway, which meant noise, lights, wind and frosty temperatures.
It's about ten percent larger than our own planet and just a little further away from its sun, which might mean it's a touch cooler but given our own rising temperatures, maybe that's not such a bad thing.
Right now, the only thing keeping me from falling (pun intended) into the cold - weather blues, is the fact that cooler fall temperatures means that it is time to break out the fall flavors.
The great thing about Active Foods ™ Liquid Egg Whites from BULK POWDERS ™ is that they have undergone a unique pasteurisation process, which means that they can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 months!
This means cocoa powder is made from roasting cacao powder at a high temperature.
From WP Bakery Group USA, the Matador Classic deck oven allows for baking comparable to a wood - fired oven by means of radiant heat and dropping baking temperature curve.
I was hesitant to do that as the card that came from the maker indicated this is high fired pottery which means it could be affected by sudden changes in temperature (thermal shock).
If, for whatever reason, I'm not buying the raw kind, I buy blanched or toasted nuts from a store with good temperature control and a high turnover (meaning they rotate and replace their stock regularly).
Once fully set, remove from the moulds and fuse the egg halves together by dabbing a bit of the leftover chocolate mix on to the halves and holding together right away ** - the cold temperature of the eggs mean the little smear of chocolate mix will harden very quickly so work fast to squish the halves together.
Meaning; If you live in the areas with hot temperatures, consider buying a carrier that allows free circulation of air to prevent your baby from developing heat rashes, also for those who live in cold areas warmth should be your priority when selecting a carrier.
If the sink must have hot water at a temperature that differs from that of the sink available to children, this can mean that the school must run new plumbing from a separate hot water heater.
While babies can get all of the fluids they need from their regular feedings, if your baby is exposed to extreme temperatures or loses fluids due to vomiting, diarrhea or sweating, however, all those dirty diapers mean she can quickly become dehydrated.
To explore what these new findings could mean for soil carbon storage in a warming world, the team compared output from a soil model that includes the effect of temperature on microbial lifespan to models unaffected by temperature change.
In practice, this means that if severely hypothermic cardiac arrest patients with body temperature below 28 °C need to be evacuated from difficult terrain and continuous resuscitation is not possible, it is justified to alternate five minutes of CPR with five minutes of transportation and continue this pattern until continuous resuscitation can be started.
When the temperature rose to 26 °C from the annual mean of 24 °C, no DMS was released.
(Rising temperatures also mean fewer deaths from the cold, but heat is by far the greater danger.
Now they know that heat from the Big Bang, greatly diluted by cosmological expansion, yields an all - pervasive 4.91 degrees F warmth, meaning that the temperature of space, on average, is — 454.76 degrees F.
But the feverish temperatures of SOFCs means that even if they don't need the pricy catalysts, they need to be built from expensive metal alloys that can handle the scorching operating temperatures.
Higher temperatures mean more melting and thawing of ice from glaciers and permafrost, which has led to the decline of the most common species, the nematode Scottnema lindsayae.
Other researchers uncovered clues, such as plant fossils from peat bogs, that suggest mean annual temperatures on Canada's now - frozen Ellesmere Island near Greenland were as much as 18 degrees higher than today (SN: 4/6/13, p. 9).
These gravitational waves we will to detect will almost be the size of visible universe, but we mean, they'll produce signatures, temperature — well, in this case, the polarization of the microwave background — signatures which are at the level, well, the next generation, the best we can imagine doing is getting a 1 [percent] admixture of a signal from gravitational waves compared to the signal of the temperature fluctuations that we, kind of, measure in the universe.
The analysis of high - frequency surface air temperature, mean sea - level pressure, wind speed and direction and cloud - cover data from the solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 from the UK, Faroe Islands and Iceland, published today (Monday 22 August 2016), sheds new light on the phenomenon.
We had expected milder weather than Barents experienced — in the «Little Ice Age», which lasted from 1450 to 1850, mean temperatures were between 1 and 2 °C colder than nowadays — but the difference in conditions was far greater than we had anticipated.
It explores a number of different climate change futures — from a no - emissions - cuts case in which global mean temperatures rise by 4.5 °C, to a 2 °C rise, the upper limit for temperature in the Paris Agreement.
«It is urgent because in the last 10 years the annual mean temperature on the Col du Dôme has risen by 1.5 degrees C, from — 14 degrees Celsius to — 12.5 degrees Celsius.»
This meant that they also had to figure out ways to handle shorter temperature records from instruments or stations where the record was interrupted.
In the study, the researchers systematically tested 30 different wheat crop models against field experiments in which growing season mean temperatures ranged from 15 °C to 26 °C.
This means that their temperatures can range from nearly as hot as a star to as cool as a planet, which is thought to influence their atmospheric conditions, too.
«The first step was to reconstruct the history of global mean temperatures for the last 784,000 years, using combined data from marine sediment cores, ice cores, and computer simulations covering the last eight glacial cycles,» said Friedrich, a post-doctoral researcher at IPRC.
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