Sentences with phrase «mean that dogs perceive»

But this doesn't mean that dogs perceive time the same way humans do.

Not exact matches

Classical Conditioning means that training changes the dog's association with an aversive stimulus (something the dog perceives as bad / scary) while presenting the aversive stimulus at a sub-threshold (low level / not scary) intensity.
Among these social behaviors are included gestures meant to demonstrate deference to other dogs or people perceived to be higher in status.
(Dogs and cats have a sense of smell at least 1,000 times more accurate than ours and this is their primary means of perceiving the world.)
Ozzie's obedience is good, however he needs management with reactiveness towards moving cars, perceived menacing strangers, potential stealers of his food and dogs that surely mean him harm.
This means more hands on the dogs, which builds more momentum to trust, enables them to be at ease, and to perceive triggers with less suspicious and worry.
Adapted to dogs, it means «I get a treat, a ball, a hug, a romp» — anything the dog perceives as a reward.
I do not think it is logical to ban a specific breed of dog because it is perceived to be mean or aggressive.
In addition, French Bulldog owners may represent examples of «extrinsically motivated» owners, who acquire dogs as a means of obtaining status and attention from other people, due to the distinctiveness or «cuteness» of the dog, and may often perceive their dog as helpless and in need of care and control [6].
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