Sentences with phrase «meaning as a pet owner»

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This means that not only are there more pets who need to be fed, walked, entertained, groomed and boarded, but pet owners continue to spend money on them as well.
So while a few might make it as pets, especially to families with ample outdoor space, and some other lucky ones will end up at farm sanctuaries or duck rescue centers, too many will meet nastier ends, one of which is when well meaning owners release their ducks into the wild.
However, as you will read in this month's cover story, it also means constantly making adjustments in areas such as pricing structure, in order to make sure that your store offers options for a broad range of pet owners.
This is highly beneficial for pet owners, as less water intake results in less urine output — meaning that the animals» habitats don't need to be cleaned as often as habitats of other small animals.
Ultimately, that means the category continues to have a lot of room to grow — and retailers can expect growth to remain strong for a long time to come as more and more pet owners begin to choose natural chews.
Purina's pet - care expert Shivaun Statham said the results mean that pets can become as endearing as a child or a close friend to many owners.
I recommend titers for my canine and feline patients once the puppy and kitten series of vaccinations are complete as a means of striving to minimize the chance a VAAE will occur that could permanently alter the pet's health and be costly for the owner to treat.
As pet owners ourselves, our team at Urgent Pet Care understands what your pet means to you and your family.
One of the best means of doing so is to be a responsible pet owner and advocate for causes that promote animal welfare, such as those undertaken by the American Humane Association.
As a caring owner concerned about flea control in her animals, Jasper's well - meaning owner split a permethrin - containing flea spot - on product, manufactured for use on large dogs, between Jasper, their small dog and their pet rabbit.
4-23-07 Identification All live dogs and cats held on the premises, purchased, or otherwise acquired, sold or otherwise disposed of, or removed from the premises for delivery to a research facility or exhibitor or to another dealer, or for sale, through an auction sale or to any person for use as a pet, shall be identified by an official tag of the type described in Sec. 2.51 affixed to the animal's neck by means of a collar made of material generally considered acceptable to pet owners as a means of identifying their pet dogs or cats \ 2 \, or shall be identified by a distinctive and legible tattoo marking acceptable to and approved by the Administrator.
Many pet owners believe that an individual cremation means that their pet was cremated in a single session by itself and then given back to them as a guarantee that these ashes are their pets ashes alone.
This means that potential owners of small dogs must be prepared to provide tons of exercise options to their small pets while keeping them primarily indoors, such as biweekly training sessions with a Certified Animal Trainer.
«Nontoxic» does not, however, mean «safe,» and pet owners who are concerned with keeping their bunnies as healthy as possible should try to avoid giving them bread.
Sadly, some pet owners choose to avoid veterinary visits as one means to save money.
As pet owners, we understand how much our pets mean to us.
As a pet owner, you look forward to the warmer spring weather because it means you can finally spend more time outdoors with your furry friend.
While I agree with much of his theories, I believe the problem we face with domestic pets in this country is mutli - leveled, as I explained: Not enough RESPONSIBLE homes (just because there are 17 million people looking for pets, if we accept that number, doesn't mean they will all be responsible pet owners or even keep their pets for a lifetime).
You may also want to offer sessions with pet owners to help make them aware of seasonal pet care issues as a means to increase client visits.
Home Euthanasia: Part of being a dutiful pet owner means having to consider end - of - life issues as our loving animal companions reach their geriatric years.
The focus on giving dogs exactly what they need from their diet means you, as a pet owner, will have less to worry about regarding your dog's health.
Even worse, well - meaning pet owners often expect a dog to behave as a person in certain circumstances.
Rather, he said, the laws are largely symbolic, and meant to educate dog owners as well as people who let pets into spaces where they don't belong.
Just because a breed makes this list doesn't mean that you can't own them as an inexperienced dog owner, but you do have to be willing to learn and have the time and energy to put into properly training your new pet.
In May 2013, the CAF launched a pilot voucher program as an alternative means of providing low - income pet owners with access to veterinary care.
Plus, it's nice for store owners to see these returning customers as it usually means they are not buying their pet products online or at a big - box or mass store.
The California State Legislature, seemingly with a well - meaning, but uninformed prejudice against legally operating business owners, are stomping on the Justice's grave as they march toward passing a bill which would ban pet stores from selling puppies bred by inspected and licensed breeders and forcing them to sell dogs with unknown backgrounds, temperament and health histories.
It is not natural to own dogs as possessions but since we began domesticating them, things have changed and this means that spaying or neutering should be par for the course for the average pet owner.
Aside from pleasing pet owners with your perfect prose, providing great content means you can set yourself up as a go - to resource for your clients.
«As a veterinarian, it is so frustrating to be faced with a sick, treasured pet and distraught owner who does not have the means to provide the recommended care.»
His experience as a young pet owner helped him appreciate what it means to be a pet owner.
Pet owners all over the world, including in developing countries, love their pets the same as we do but may not have the financial means or the proper veterinary resources to get those animals fixed and healthy.
This does not mean that pet owners should experiment with ivermectin doses on their own as there is some potential for lethal toxicity if this drug is not used appropriately.
In - house financing and layaway plans are two other options worth considering as a means to increase pet owners» ability to provide care without jeopardizing practice profitability.
As our funds allows us, we can perform free surgeries for pet owners or animal caregivers who do not have the fiancial means to pay the vet fees.
To keep up, you want to be as accessible as possible — which means tailoring your content to fit each platform.Wherever you post your educational content, be sure to keep these social media best practices in mind so pet owners stay engaged and receptive.
«As apartment owners, we prefer clean pets in our apartments, so making a quick shampoo easy on our residents means more clean and happy dogs in our communities.
This means that if the industry hopes to continue to thrive as it has thus far, it needs to actively cultivate the next generation of pet owners — and the Pets in the Classroom program, run by The Pet Care Trust, is aiming to do just that.
Obviously, more pet owners will mean more potential customers for pet stores, and that would be a decidedly positive development for the industry as a whole.
The Holiday Classic Toy Collection features a stuffed turkey, candy canes, hot chocolate and a gingerbread man, meaning pets can symbolically have the same kind of food as their owners and participate in holiday meals without fear of falling ill.
And four out of 10 cat owners buy scratching posts as a means of providing exercise and entertainment for their pet.
It might also mean more pet services such as dog walkers, pet sitters and even companies that will regularly clean pet excrement from an owner's yard.
Richter's presentation, «The Millennial Pet Owner,» introduced new research on Millennials» preferences and behaviors as pet owners, and delved into what their spending habits will mean to the pet industry in the coming years.
Now it is up to retailers that sell birds and bird products to be sure that owners understand the importance of feeding a well - rounded diet to their pets, which means that employees should learn as much as possible about avian diets, healthy treats, and the trends that will allow a pet bird to live a long and healthy life.
In May 2013, the CAF launched a voucher program as an alternative means of providing low - income pet owners with access to veterinary care.
The app also features events and news, meaning pet owners will be able to find local pet - friendly events and activities to join, as well as advice from fellow pet lovers.
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