Sentences with phrase «meaning in each language»

Hence the vital importance of grasping the stakes of the global governance «gender equality» norm - what both words - «gender» and «equality» mean in the language of the norm - setters, who is at the rudder of global governance, what their strategic vision and agenda are.
I am persuaded by George Lindbeck, Hans Frei, Barbara Brown Zikmund and others that we must discover religious meaning in language and metaphor.
It is also a popular Finnish and Native American name, and surprisingly is translated with the same meaning in each language.
Objective: To lay the groundwork for a general theory («Super Semantics») that will offer a comparative analysis of meaning in language (spoken and signed languages), in gestures, in music, and in primate communication, and will probe the cognitive and evolutionary origins of these diverse semantic systems.
Students who have a developed knowledge of Spanish can use cognates (words with similar spelling and meanings in both languages) to help their reading comprehension in both languages.
A morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning in the language.
Test - takers studying British literature: 34 percent (517 reading, the highest mean in the language arts)
The name «Undara» means in the language of the Aboriginals «a long way.»
Soon Twombly's art would incorporate his studies of the classical past and his talent for finding the hidden meaning in language.
examines, through these artists» works, how art gains power when derived from networks and transformed to gain currency with different audiences, questioning the multiple meanings in language and semiotics.
It's not often that one small word in German can stand for two in English, and, in terms of something like meaning in language, the cut is minor.
A lot will depend on what the word «nature» means in their language.
I think it's a real feat to be able to listen in one language and process the information quickly enough to speak words of the same meaning in another language, while continuing to listen, continuing to process, and continuing to speak.
You may also use words or abbreviations with the same meaning in another language.

Not exact matches

That's what the Betosala program, which means «let's work together» in the Kituba language, is all about.
Kentucky: Named for the Kentucky River, from Shawnee or Wyandot language, meaning «on the meadow» (also «at the field» in Seneca).
This rising tide of connectedness in the world suddenly means that if you're an English - language publisher, there are hundreds of millions of people around the world where people speak English as a second language.
But branding around a name that nobody knows, that isn't assigned to anything people understand in any language, means that you're starting with a clean slate.
Niccol went on to explain to the confused investors that, in the language of Twitter, «on fleek» means «on point.»
Programmer language aside, all this means is that the hardware is designed for one specific task — in this case mining.
The organization is named Sentebale, which means «forget me not» in the language of Lesotho and focuses on social development, education, and health of Lesotho's orphans.
Use this guide to enhance your ability to speak the language of sports in today's corporate world, and your team will stick to you like pine tar... I mean glue... no, wait.
I don't mean this literally: The «from» line might still be your company's name, but the content should feel as if it comes from a human being, speaking in the first person (using «I» or «we» and addressing the recipient as «you»), with natural - sounding language.
We discovered some barriers to entry around the use, social value and cultural meaning of the English language, internet usage and trust in digital platforms that were specific to Egypt.
Just because a great many so - called rules deserve a stake in the heart, doesn't mean you should take things too far and start playing totally fast and loose with language, however.
Many websites have very localized languagemeaning they are written in a way that is relevant to their local market, but not to an international market.
In the English language, the word «no» can carry many meanings.
However, don't assume that this means you will be able to access all of these languages on Google Home or that Google's smart speakers will be available in these countries.
NameLab's team created the name Acura from «Acu,» a word segment that means «precise» in many languages.
According to the statute's own language, it was designed with the «purpose of reducing the need for future tax increases, maintaining the highest possible bond rating, reducing the need for short term borrowing, providing available resources to meet State obligations whenever casual deficits or failures in revenue occur, and providing the means of addressing budgetary shortfalls.»
If you need to implement a same change in five languages, that means accessing five different sites, possibly also in up to five different servers.
In fixed income language, this means that although unprofitable, the company was able to raise more money than it had planned at a reasonable price.
In simple language it means to undergo through a noticeable -LSB-...]
The IRS has some language explaining what «highly compensated employees» means in this case.
I assume the «lost in translation» comment is meant as a joke about the fact that some hispanics speak a different language?
Unless it was meant for us as a new system to drop Republican systems for the Royalist systems that are taking place now that Jordan and Morocco both Royelists are planed to join GCC as one with a change to the name of the GCC since the Royalist empire will be extending to countries outer of the Arabian Gulf Countries... What ever it is all we need is freedom of rights, justice, peace, equality and to live in prosperity... Egypt is not in the heart of Egyptions only but as well in the heart of every Arabic nation, Egyptions were our teachers in our schools and Egypt was the university of our Yemeni students... Egypt was the source of islamic educations, Egypt was the face of all arts, books, papers, TV plays and movies to all of Arabian speaking countries... Egypt is our Arabian Icon so please please other nations are becoming larger and stronger in the area on your account as a living icon for the Arabian Unity what ever our faiths or beliefs are we are brothers in blood, culture and language, God Bless to All.Amen.
I've been to funerals and encountered this kind of prejudice where those leading the service insisted you must be a member of their religion to get over grief, and you can only really talk about it in the language of the Bible, no other discussion has any meaning.
Scholars have determined that Matthew was not written in Greek, but in Aramaic, and was soon translated into Greek, so we have to go to the original written language to find the true meaning of this verse.
This is part of a series called concrete liturgies by a Christian community, Vaux, where they're exploring what it means to express faith and worship in the language of the city.
Concerned as he was to assert his distinctiveness within Viennese intellectual circles by every possible means, he yet retained a lifelong lingering desire to lose himself in German culture, and above all, in the German language.
To see language as «the element in which we live,» or to say that our understanding of the world is «language - bound»» or, in his most famous formula, that «Being that can be understood is language»» does not mean simply that language is a medium in which we can connect with anything.
In Eliot's poems, «the confusion of life will be reflected in the disorganized flux of images; its lack of clear meaning in the obscurity of language; its defiance of creeds in a license of metrical form; its dislocated connection with the past in the floating debris of allusion; while its flattened emotions will be reproduced realistically, without comment.&raquIn Eliot's poems, «the confusion of life will be reflected in the disorganized flux of images; its lack of clear meaning in the obscurity of language; its defiance of creeds in a license of metrical form; its dislocated connection with the past in the floating debris of allusion; while its flattened emotions will be reproduced realistically, without comment.&raquin the disorganized flux of images; its lack of clear meaning in the obscurity of language; its defiance of creeds in a license of metrical form; its dislocated connection with the past in the floating debris of allusion; while its flattened emotions will be reproduced realistically, without comment.&raquin the obscurity of language; its defiance of creeds in a license of metrical form; its dislocated connection with the past in the floating debris of allusion; while its flattened emotions will be reproduced realistically, without comment.&raquin a license of metrical form; its dislocated connection with the past in the floating debris of allusion; while its flattened emotions will be reproduced realistically, without comment.&raquin the floating debris of allusion; while its flattened emotions will be reproduced realistically, without comment.»
even my daughter would understand this as meaning that there was once a book in whatever language and then someone printed it in another one and there was an issue... it doesn't state that the FIRST bible ever was in latin now did it?
Metuakore's name means «no parent» in his native Cook Island language.
even my daughter would understand this as meaning that there was once a book in whatever language and then someone printed it in another one and there was an issue...»
Due to the complicated way in which Oneness Pentecostals utilize such language, it remains to be seen what this means, but he has publicly committed to Trinitarian language.
It means that «in language the world itself presents itself.»
Each person who made the journey, each person who tacitly or actively acquiesced to the Nazi slaughter of the innocents as well those who opposed it, had to define and redefine the meaning of his or her career and life in improbable conditions of place, language, and tradition.
The Church potentially has a problem here: we talk in our funny languages with our funny terminologies; the vast majority of the population doesn't know what those things mean.
It could also mean developing new competencies, such as pastoral counseling, a biblical language, or mastering the accounting principles or computer software used in managing the church's financial affairs.
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