Sentences with phrase «meaning of biblical teaching»

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In essence, tradition means neither theologoumena ecclesiastically imposed nor superstitions ecclesiastically sanctioned (the common Protestant stereotype), but the sum of attempts down through the ages to expound and apply biblical teaching on specific subjects.
Like most biblical teachings — it's an idea and not meant to cover the exacts of each and every case.
25 years ago I was a new christian and a single mum who was not truly familiar with the word of god neither was I in a sound biblical church which taught the true meaning of the bible.
I want to know the Biblical foundation of your teaching so that I might not conclude that your teaching just merely your own opinion and not what the word of God really means.
This usage went back to biblical examples of condemning false teaching with use of the term «anathematize,» which means «cut off» or «separate.»
Rigorous use of biblical criticism prevents psychologizing and allegorizing, insofar as the attempt is made to recover what Jesus actually taught and how the church in fact interpreted his teaching, and only then to inquire into its psycho - social and symbolic meaning, both for Jesus and the church, and for us today.
When I speak of preaching from the law, I mean preaching that takes as its source the texts of Torah, but I also want to include all biblical texts that speak in the imperative voice, texts that teach what we are to do and what we are not to do.
But if we do mean it, then we must teach and live, in a world full of injustice and starvation, the important biblical doctrine that God and his faithful people are on the side of the poor and oppressed.
A christocentric theological model is a means of both overcoming theological diversity and centering biblical teaching.
We will work hard to ensure that methods of treatment observe the Biblical teachings of great meaning to you.
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