Sentences with phrase «meaning of death»

For instance, the pain of losing a loved one consists largely of the irreversible separation from that person; the broken relationship is the essential meaning of death.
In fact, I think that is the human meaning of death.
This is where the professional insurance agent comes into the formula to make sure there are no loose ends which could create a financial problem down the road when the family's life insurance package is put to the test by means of a death in the family.
This is to say, the raising of Lazarus will effect the Son's return to God by means of his death and resurrection.
If that vision can be made clear, then the possibility for enacting that future may be more attractive and the ultimate meaning of death may be seen.
The speaker had just finished a lecture on the Christian meaning of death.
The true meaning of death appears when we see it as unnatural — not only the loss of all that we love in this earthly life, but also the apparent loss of the One for whom we are created and toward whom we live.
Simply because there are not visible means of death before them at any given moment, the Wicked should not feel secure.
Only the poor, can understand the full meaning of the death of Christ.
By placing his gift in this context, Jesus shows the salvific meaning of his death and resurrection, a mystery which renews history and the whole cosmos.
It advocated that the advent of «new bloodless types of warfare» mean that «the definition of an «attack» should not be strictly connected with established meanings of death, injury, damage and destruction».
An IUL is a standard universal life insurance policy by means of death benefit, but the growth inside is tied, in part, to different indices of the stock market.
This marks a major shift in the meaning of death, from ineffable human destiny to legislated human right.
Our editorial tries to show how understanding the humanity of Christ as the foundation and exemplar of our humanity deepens traditional Catholic thought on the meaning of His death.
Although such a doctrine of an immortal soul is usually appealed to in order to answer questions about the meaning of death, it is logical to assert that the soul, whose existence is independent of the body, may therefore originate independently from the body.
The way in which the meaning of death is woven into the history of sin and reconciliation creates especially difficult problems in the doctrine of atonement.
Perhaps the greatest theological problem of our time is an understanding of the meaning of the death of God.
In his experience, most of the people in the world do not die as she had described, thinking through the meaning of their death in relation to a reasonably good life they had enjoyed and don't want to let go of.
Sin ruled by means of death.
Montgomery, John Warwick, «A Philosophical - Theological Critique of the Death of God Movement,» The Meaning of the Death of God, ed.
Psychologists deal continually with the fear of death and the lure of death, but it is quite clear that many modem psychologists have not known what to do with the meaning of death.
This cluster of expectations expresses the meaning of death for the grandmother.
It would seem then that for theology to express the meaning of death for God, it must address our understanding of God's perfection.
Thus, God remains primary, and the meaning of death for God is that what was once only potential has become actual — final, definite, concrete, real.
This is why, beginning with the first, inspired interpretations of Jesus» death, Christians have continually pondered and probed and projected the meaning of death.
In a similar way, the meaning of death for those who survive is derived from the meaning of death for God.
But from a theological perspective, what is offered is grounded primarily in the meaning of death for God.
Viewed in this way, the meaning of death for ourselves is derived from, or is the other side of, the meaning of death for God.
If God's perfection can be understood in a way that doesn't lead to the subordination of God to our need for fulfillment, then the meaning of death for God and the primacy of God can be simultaneously affirmed.
In the practical order initial attention is undoubtedly given to the grieving or pained survivors and the meaning of death for them.
One of the reasons why a typical theology of death gives this impression is that it does not explore extensively enough the meaning of death for God.
This question is asked at three levels: the meaning of death for God, for those who survive, and for the person who dies.
From this vantage point the meaning of death for oneself and for others may be appropriately drawn.
The task for a theology of death, then, is to explain the meaning of death so that God's primacy is both the source and goal of the explanation from which the theological meaning of death for the person and for the survivors is derived.
But it does seem more probable that the disciples came to the conviction of Jesus» Messiahship only when they came to understand the significance and meaning of his death.
The Incarnation (God's assumption of human nature and flesh) and Atonement (the meaning of the death of Jesus) are the two traditional doctrines for expressing this faith.
It avoided active physician involvement by selecting suicide pills as the means of death rather than injections.
While using a conceptuality largely framed by process philosophy, it addresses for the most part the historically contingent elements within the Christian tradition: the biblical witness to Israel and to Jesus, his role as the Christ, the meaning of his death and resurrection, and the implications of the Christian proclamation of the Trinity.
John's image of Jesus as the good shepherd is a clear allusion to and interpretation of the death of Jesus, an interpretation of the meaning of that death as his self - giving love for others.
As N. T. Wright has said, «When Jesus wanted to explain to his followers what he thought would be the meaning of his death, he did not give them a theory; he gave them a meal.»
There is, moreover, no reason to have any confidence that making a media event of an execution will engender clear and careful thought about the meaning of the death penalty.
In most cultures, questions of immortality, salvation, sin, and the meaning of death have been answered and continue to be answered within religious traditions.
For as Callahan rightly notes, our captivity to technology results from its implicit ideology — our confusion over the meaning of death.
This is the meaning of the death of Jesus Christ at the intersection of history.
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