Sentences with phrase «meaning of dreams»

Influenced heavily by Carl Jung's theory of the collective unconscious, Bess hoped to uncover the universal meaning of these dream - like symbols by meticulously recording and studying them.
Portraits of domesticated animals and their humans from the series «On the Sixth Day» document the ordinary labor of a small working farm — raising, caring, naming, killing — while excerpts from «The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of their Dreams» capture ten years of play, improvisation, boredom, and friendship between two cousins, with the farm and rural landscape as stage.
Why does the meaning of a dream often haunt us?
When Joseph finished explaining the meaning of the dreams to Pharaoh, he continued on and told him what to do so the country would not be ruined by what was about to take place (Genesis 41:25 - 43).
Joseph tells Pharaoh the meaning of his dream: there will soon come a time when the empire will be destabilized.
I felt the meaning of the dream was «I created you».
He has no clue to the meaning of the dream.
Other people, however, pursue the meanings of their dreams — or a notion or grand idea they have gathered from a dream — and sometimes, when shared, others embrace it as well.
When he learned their mission, he discerned immediately the meaning of his dream.
This dream dictionary app provides a journal for your dreams analysis and interpretation so you can try to understand the meaning of your dreams.
Using Swami Radha's Dream Yoga method, you access the meaning of your dreams and tap the benefits of that inner wisdom.
Knowing the meaning of dreams could be a big help to take important decisions, a warning to stop doing something, or an advice.
-- Unwillingness to approach and discuss armchair philosophy topics like the meaning of dreams or whether Darwin's Theory of Evolution should be called a theory of variation through natural selection etc..
Tweet; Sumo; Tweet; The meaning of dreams about funerals will usually mean something new and fresh is about to start in your life, or could be an end of a Everyone dreams, but what does it mean if you dream about flying or teeth falling out?
I usually don't put too much stock into the meaning of my dreams, but that seems an accurate metaphor for this genre - defying, mind - bending, innovative book.
That way you'd be able to find whatever you were looking for, like the meaning of your dream, or your dad.
But if he wants meaning — the meaning of his dreams, his secrets, his life — a man must reinhabit his past, however dark, and live for the future, however uncertain.
Next, Debbie Mumford takes us on a mysterious ride as Meredith discovers the meaning of her dreams of drowning in deep water!
Knowing the meaning of dreams could be a big help to take important decisions, a warning to stop doing something, or an advice.
Pace believed in and studied the meaning of dreams.
Knowing the meaning of dreams could be a big help to take important decisions, a warning to stop doing something, or an advice.
Whether they were studying human motivation or the meaning of dreams, psychologists such as Abraham Maslow and Sigmund Freud found the inner world of human beings so intriguing that they spent their lives involved in research and theory.
Knowing the meaning of dreams could be a big help to take important decisions, a warning to stop doing something, or an advice.
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