Sentences with phrase «meaning of the book»

So, what are the most effective means of book promotion you've tried?
What are the most effective means of book promotion you've tried?
@fedup Just because we were brought up to believe the Bible, Torah or Koran is «the word of God» does not mean any of these books actually really are «the word of God.»
Just because we were brought up to believe the Bible, Torah or Koran is «the word of God» does not mean any of these books actually really are «the word of God.»
Furthermore, such an accessible means of book distribution has ineffable value as a growing form of artistic expression.
Her earliest work on the relationship between ritual purity and holiness, and her later work on the true literary and theological meaning of the Book of Leviticus do much to counter the neo - Freudian view that Judeo - Christianity is based on a primitive, superstitious, patriarchal, taboo ridden ideology.
@ Rainer Braendlein — from the convo on the other page — look, in truth... no one can truly grasp at the full meaning of those books unless they themselves are those who wrote it.
Despite the buzz word «book trailers «first being used almost ten years ago, this marketing tool is still a new means of book promotion.
If you have no access to traditional means of book distribution, then you're unlikely to get your books into high - street shops so will be looking at selling online or through direct sales (selling at events for example).
They provide many (many, many) other means of book discovery as well: bestseller lists based on books actually selling at that moment, Highly Rated lists, Hot New Releases lists, etc..
I have been working for the last year to find alternative means of booking awards on Singapore Airlines and Lufthansa, two of Star Alliance's best carriers.
This exhibition invited artists, who in turn invited additional participants, to submit work via the postal service, creating a network of communication that reflects the complex and varied meaning of the book, mapping, and social networking in the 21st century.
I am blissfully relieved if restaurants, ticket outlets, beauticians etc offer an electronic means of booking.
About the meaning of this book, called a revelation, there have been ages of war and centuries of sword and flame.
This open, humble and truth - centred approach is perhaps the message and means of the book.
The more that I ponder the meaning of the books, the more that I see that they are intimately related.
I see no point in the expense of a website that has no means of book sales.
Can you imagine how the meaning of the book would have changed if he had gone with one of the following?
I like titles that contribute to the meaning of the book, rather than describe the book's contents.
They are going to push the meaning of books to an entirely new standard for the future — and they should.
For a long time, traditional publishers have been the gatekeepers, controlling who gets published, and the means of book production and distribution.
If the trailer describes the plot and the meaning of the book, thanks to suitable images and some slides and special effects, the video book reviews do much more, namely it offers readers an initial opinion about your fiction or nonfiction book.
You should not compare two works, but rather find the meaning of the book and discuss the ideas raised by the authors.
In the second keynote address, Dominique Raccah, publisher of Sourcebooks, proclaimed that the transformations we're now seeing will define «the meaning of the book
The meaning of books and how we perceive them was a favorite subject.
The meaning of books and how we perceive them was a favori...
Oops, I meant BOTH of your books Love the Home you Have and Make Room For What You Love!
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