Sentences with phrase «meaning of the content»

Participating in learning design allows students to make meaning of content on their own terms.
In the early 2000s, publishing experienced what many dubbed «Publishing 2.0,» a shift toward digital and electronic means of content distribution.
Understanding is a problem - solving process that involves making meaning of content.
Students engage in scaffolded exchanges with their peers and the instructor to communicate their personal understandings and negotiate meaning of content on various levels.
Define carbon dating: the determination of the age of old material (such as an archaeological or paleontological specimen) by means of the content of...
The essays are rephrased without changing the original meaning of the content taken from other source.
Strategies that engage all students in making meaning of content, while also providing teachers with information they can use to move learning forward.
In these moments, students can deepen their own learning, and entire groups can share ideas and make meaning of content.
This could be a tool to help them make meaning of the content being taught in a lesson, or it could be resources to help them gather background information before starting a new unit of study.
To help students focus on the meaning of content, it can be helpful to assign them tasks requiring explanation (for example, about cause and effect) or to have them impose meaning on content (for example, through the use of mnemonics).
In a way, you're changing the meaning of the content — bending HTML to your will, if you will.
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