Sentences with phrase «meaning of the question»

7) Encouraging freedom of inquiry and a culture of «poking into things» by means of the Questions genre and the disputatio.
Jesus ignores the first meaning of the question and accuses the questioners of a complete misunderstanding of the character of God.
I at first imagined that she might be alluding to the fact that as a cardinal I might have to compromise on my vows of poverty and obedience to my Jesuit superiors, but then the true meaning of her question became clear.
I pondered on the real meaning of this question in my own life and I concluded that financial freedom would enable me to make decisions without having to think about the constraints of money.
The Next Documenta Should be Curated by an Artist offers an experimental means of questioning a relevant topic through one of the most important exhibitions on the international scene.
These — in the best sense of the word — striking works are captivating for their immediacy, their directness of address involving the viewer by means of questions or clear - cut statements.
Parody is a right of free speech and it is invaluable as a means of questioning ones beliefs.
The answer depends upon the meaning of the question.
@MartinSchr öder Maybe but the meaning of the question is «why care about that or bother with keeping gold at all?»
Complicated vocabulary or sentence structures defeat the purpose of an eLearning social media poll, as participants may misconstrue the meaning of the question.
Hello there, I am unsure of the meaning of your question for your 2013 Nissan Altima.
(Note: Some of the meaning of this question was lost in translation I believe)
Your artwork presents a means of questioning our own curatorial and educational work.
Both Michie and Jackson, like Shrobe and Morris, use collage as a means of questioning deep - seated societal narratives and pushing for a kind of historical reconstruction.
Asper's continued exploration of that obsession serves only as a means of questioning it.
Since the 90s, Jeroen Jongeleen's practice has consisted of ephemeral interventions into urban space as a means of questioning the inherently ideological nature of urban development and the underlying political and private interests at stake.
Similarly, his frequent adoption of «outmoded» media both provides him with a diverse artistic palette and a means of questioning the past century's faith in progress through technology and the avant - garde promise of continual artistic development.
Drawing from historical religious painting, behavioral psychology and popular culture, Stokes» practice reassembles aspects of our culture, taking both damning and celebratory positions as a means of questioning.
While some artists have adopted the rhetoric of reportage, carefully recomposing events of the past as a means of questioning the visual and mnemonic representation of history (think of Jeremy Deller's The Battle of Orgreave, 2001), others have engaged in acts of reenacting pioneering actions from the late 1960s and «70s (think of Marina Abramovic's Seven Easy Pieces, 2005).
Reviewing the transcript later, you should not have to turn pages to figure out the topic of inquiry or the meaning of the question and its answer.
Remember, it's not the number that is important to those who are curious, but the meaning of the question.
However, our panel experts agreed that it was difficult to distinguish between the meaning of questions two and four in the Chinese version, so only the former was included in this study.
If more attention were paid to the proper completion of the form and advice on the meaning of the questions, there would be far less problems.
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