Sentences with phrase «meaning of these sex in»

With the fast growing society and ever expanding information about everything including the issues on sex, the real deal on the meaning of sex in Christian decree is more often than not, remained unnoticed.

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After all, targeted harassment is usually a means of asserting control and defending status on the part of the harasser, to leave victims «afraid, despairing, utterly alone, and complicit,» as Catharine A. MacKinnon wrote in her 1979 book «Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination.»
Well, the spending obviously translates into military superiority but also, in the context of my book, Sex, Bombs and Burgers, it means technological domination.
I think we are too quick to depersonalize this and miss that we are talking about complex individuals who are trying to figure out, like all of us, what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God and yet have a whole intact personal identity which can include same - sex attraction.
But it fits... most of the people in the gay community aren't psychologically gay, but sexually attracted through some means or another and are just in it for the sex.
About 20 % of the men I interviewed were acutally gay (meaning they were wired that way and there wasn't no changing their behaivor and a few «parts» were irregular as well), 30 % of the men had some major trauma in their young lives and were confused with who they were and were trying to belong somewhere when it became hip to be gay in the 90's and 50 % of the men (to my surprise) were married men looking for nasty sex.
He talks of STOP and SLOW, appreciating that both are necessary: STOP means «Save sex for marriage, Teach men to respect women, Offer treatment in churches, and Pledge yourself to one partner»; SLOW means «Supply condoms, Limit number of partners, Offer needle exchange, and Wait for sex until older.»
Still, it may be worth pondering that in this brave new world, those who uphold the old and much derided «gender binary» — or, to speak more properly, the ancient understanding that there is a real and normative difference between the sexes — will be the ones who can actually see some sort of meaning, however misguided, in things like same - sex desire and gender dysphoria.
But when a legal contract calls itself marriage and sanctions same - sex marriage, then it's not marriage, at least not in the ordinary meaning of the word, and certainly not in the Christian meaning.
Pornography... is essentially sentimental, for it leaves out the connection of sex with its hard purpose, and so far disconnects it from its meaning in life as to make it simply an experience for its own sake.
I do not believe our modern bibles handle the translation correctly and same sex orientation (approximately 90 % of the population at any given time) was never meant to be identified as a sinful thing in the first place.
It was the original intention of God that every human pleasure - including sex - should be governed by the soul, which in turn was meant to be in peace and communion with God.
It means that he has voluntarily renounced sex in the narrower sense, the way of expressing love and creating family as is proper to marriage.
This means that any decision to engage in sexual activity outside of such a union is wrong; both for people attracted to the opposite and the same sex.
While sex is good in its right context and has its loving purposes, it is not the meaning of life, nor the meaning of heaven.
While we may believe in the Holy Spirit as a manifestation of God's presence in the world, we sometimes wonder if the church's early theologians invented this connection as an explanation of the continuity between Jesus and themselves, and if this invention didn't in turn and inadvertently lead to orthodox formulations about the Trinity that belied the Spirit's reality, much as the Kinsey Report misleads readers about the real joy and meaning of sex.
It is wrong because it distorts sex, which is meant to bring two human beings together, instead of closing the individual in on himself or herself.
If we found our life on sex as meaning we will soon be distraught at the deterioration of age, the changes in relationships, times when it can't be had, ect.
The falsehood in this is exposed in the very act of contraception: for a man and woman to contracept implies that they are trying to remove an essential element of sex, something fundamental to its meaning and function, and that is fertility.
This is one of the reasons why artificialcontraception has had such damage upon marriages and relationships: the couple deliberately withhold their fertility and so no longer give themselves completely to each other; in doing this they deny not just the meaning of sex itself but they also subtract from loving one of its «givens» - the orientation towards giving oneself completely to one's spouse.
In chapters like «The Meaning of Sex,» «Becoming a Singular Sensation,» «The Gift of the Present Moment,» «Winning the Spiritual Battle,» and «Craving Heaven,» Eden describes God's design for human sexuality, why sex is reserved for marriage, the importance of modesty, how singles struggling with loneliness and unrequited love can empower themselves through prayer and the sacraments, and why shared values with one's spouse are so vital for a successful marriaSex,» «Becoming a Singular Sensation,» «The Gift of the Present Moment,» «Winning the Spiritual Battle,» and «Craving Heaven,» Eden describes God's design for human sexuality, why sex is reserved for marriage, the importance of modesty, how singles struggling with loneliness and unrequited love can empower themselves through prayer and the sacraments, and why shared values with one's spouse are so vital for a successful marriasex is reserved for marriage, the importance of modesty, how singles struggling with loneliness and unrequited love can empower themselves through prayer and the sacraments, and why shared values with one's spouse are so vital for a successful marriage.
At no place in the bible is the term fornication used to describe sex between unmarried people specifically or in any way meant to encompass all sex out side of marriage.
But you have me intrigued now... what has your honest study of the word revealed to you and, more importantly, what exegetical evidence do you have that the word in that context simply * can not * mean all sex outside of marriage?
For Catholic schools to be a worthwhile enterprise for the Church, they must survive and flourish as institutions where pupils grow in a «personal relationship with Jesus» which includes following the teaching of Jesus, through His Church, that we should attend Mass every Sunday, go to confession regularly, say our prayers and be loyal to the magisterium - especially in its moral teaching regarding the sanctity of human life, and the meaning and purpose of sex and marriage, in accord with Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae.
Sex in the Plan of Creation Holloway, in keeping with the Scotist vision of the Incarnation promoted by this magazine, argues not simply that the coming of Christ was part of the plan of creation but that the division of the sexes was planned as the means by which the Incarnation would be possible: «God did not fashion sex «for loving» but that the Incarnation might be the gift of creation from the potential of its own resources for the enfleshing of God&raquSex in the Plan of Creation Holloway, in keeping with the Scotist vision of the Incarnation promoted by this magazine, argues not simply that the coming of Christ was part of the plan of creation but that the division of the sexes was planned as the means by which the Incarnation would be possible: «God did not fashion sex «for loving» but that the Incarnation might be the gift of creation from the potential of its own resources for the enfleshing of God&raqusex «for loving» but that the Incarnation might be the gift of creation from the potential of its own resources for the enfleshing of God».
In the case of sex, the sexual organs have an inbuilt procreative purpose, and as Humanae Vitae n. 12 teaches, the sexual act has the two inherent meanings of procreation and union.
Of course that means continually examining one's own feelings and behavior in relation to one's own «feminine» and «masculine» side: How do I relate to persons of the other seOf course that means continually examining one's own feelings and behavior in relation to one's own «feminine» and «masculine» side: How do I relate to persons of the other seof the other sex?
I think instead of the disturbing sex talks that preachers give these days, maybe they should discuss what the word adultery actually meant in the Bible.
If that's true, it's hard to escape the conclusion that the primary purpose of sex is profoundly relational: it's meant to tightly unify husband and wife in a profound, material metaphor of the self - giving love shared within the Trinity.
The Council wants both sexes to cooperate responsibly in this culture, and men and women of all social classes as well as all nations, whether rich or poor, to have as active a share in it as possible through education, means of communication, tourism and so forth.
The father in the story may have really meant that it would be better if he himself was dead rather than to be subjected to daily reminders that his teen rejects his moral values and family rules — specifically the one pertaining to sex outside of marriage.
Unfortunately, they don't have the sense of autonomy that would lead them to refuse sex if their own life - chances (as well as those of their as - yet - unborn children) are in danger of being damaged by male reluctance to use the simple means of contraception readily available.
Again, the term implies a spatial organization, and in Greek it means «of doubtful sex, an appropriate term for the physically abnormal intersexed humans referred to above.
Jeremy Myers, i think you are wrong and David is right, so many out there are preaching you can live any way you want and be right that Grace covers any sin, they really believe that, that is not what the bible says, God was very concerned about sin so much he sent Jesus his son to die on a cross for us, if we accept Jesus as our savor then we are to obey his commandments, not break them, we are to live a righteous and holy life as possible, the bible plainly list a whole list of things if we live in will not to to heaven unless we repent, if we die while in these sins, we will not go to heaven, what is the difference, between someone who said a prayer and someone who did not, and they are living the same way, none, i think, if we are truly saved it should be hard to do these things let alone live and do them everyday, i would be afraid to tell people that it does not matte grace covers their sins, i really think it is the slip ups that we are convicted of by the Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates sin,
Beginning in the late «60s, some were told in seminary that celibacy means only that you can't get married; sex outside of marriage is quite another matter.
Gadamer, of how the inspired text, which we question in order to find its meaning and relevance, questions, criticizes, challenges and changes us in the process -» Some who today raise the proper question, whether there are not culturally relative elements in Paul's teaching about role relationships (an the material has to be thought through from this standpoint), seem to proceed improperly in doing so; for in effect they take current secular views about the sexes as fixed points, and work to bring Scripture into line with them - an agenda that at a stroke turns the study of sacred theology into a venture in secular ideology.
Occasioned by the death from AIDS of his friend (not his lover) Patrick, Sullivan reflects on the meaning of friendship as something very different from - and, he suggests, much more rare and elevated than -» being in love,» not to mention having sex.
We live in a world where many of the things the Bible says — God made everything, human beings are responsible for the world's problems, God chose Israel as his special people, sex is only meant for one man and one woman in marriage, Jesus is the only way to God, the wages of sin is death, God is going to judge the earth one day, and so on — are profoundly unpopular.
The physical - emotional - spiritual joining of sex in marriage is a remarkable means of over-coming the walls and of merging two inner worlds.
From this standpoint, the task of intelligence in relation to sex is not to master it or to control it in the way of earlier restrictive patterns of life, but to discover means of securing maximum sexual satisfaction for all people.
The second part of the motion requested «the House of Bishops to investigate a means to develop sensitive, local pastoral arrangements for public prayer and thanksgiving with same - sex couples at these key moments in their lives, and to present their ideas to General Synod 2018, with a view to making proposals at General Synod 2019.»
Interestingly, in the UK, you'll see a marked fall in victims of both sexes since the 1970s, but more so for male victims: I've seen this attributed to the growth of women's refuges, meaning that fewer women are killing abusive partners in desperation.
You can think of sex» within marriage and in other relationships» as a form of bonding; as a way to deepen and expand the meaning of intimacy; as a type of language even, where human beings can communicate subtly, beautifully, passionately, without words.
In my last post, I reviewed part of Stan Grenz's book on sexual ethics, focusing on the purpose and meaning of marriage and sex.
This means that from the end of March 2014 same - sex couples will be able to get married in England and Wales — soon to be followed by Scotland.
An addition to the Bill in December 2012 meant that it would be illegal for the Church of England and Church of Wales to conduct same - sex marriages.
I mean that I don't think those two verses in Romans 1 are actually condemning gay sex, of any kind, temple prostitution variety or otherwise (not that I think that temple prostitution sex is ok — oh so wrong on so many levels — but that it isn't what Paul is saying there).
God's natural order can still be grasped at by the common sense of men of good will, but the full truth and meaning of creation, the separation of the sexes and of human nature, will only ever be in part and obscurely viewed when the determined and determining purpose of the mind of God is recognised in creation, holding all things relative to Himself — and to His plan to enter creation as its Lord and King.
It is important for the counselor when working with couples to keep in mind that the new ethic of equality between the sexes in marriage does not mean there is some kind of new blueprint for what a marriage ought to be like.
The basis of the decision is a claim to special enlightenment (we shall not say «revelation») about the meaning and import of liberty — special because the majority claims access to essential truths about marriage, sex and liberty heretofore unavailable to all peoples in the entire history of the world.
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