Sentences with phrase «meaning older planets»

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But why should sense even count, i mean you people believe that you are special and get to life forever compared to all the other creatures on this planet — such arrogance and pride — as the old saying goes, this will be your downfall!
That means the magnetic field is also at least that old and has swaddled Earth almost since the planet's birth, just half a billion years before that.
The oldest rocky planets yet are 11.2 billion years old, just a little younger than the universe — meaning the galaxy made an early start on planet building
You know, now it's not a shock to read the Sun as a planet is actually in line with the old geocentric view, but, you know, eminence and throne, I mean putting the Sun in this sort of elevated position does sound maybe a little bit Copernican.
I mean, you know, me and seven 24 - year - olds just organized the most widespread day of political action in the planet's history, with 5,200 rallies in 181 countries from every corner of the planet and, you know, we did it almost entirely through Skype, through, you know, our Web site, through making connections, you know.
ince «Ragnarok» means apocalypse, the story picks up where the last one left off: Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the God of Thunder, is trying to save Asgard, his home planet, only to discover that he and his treacherous brother Loki (Tim Hiddleston) have a power - hungry older sister, Hela (Cate Blanchett), Goddess of Death.
Of course the old problem with Australia's classification system is that it doesn't have a rating above 15 +, meaning that any product which would get 18 + anywhere else on the planet unfortunately gets rejected and banned outright down under.
GP: «We love Solar Ovens at Green Planet... This is an old article but still has meaning» Since early 2005, Solar Cookers International (SCI) has partnered with KoZon Foundation, a Dutch charity, to provide solar cookers and related training to Darfur refugees living in Iridimi refugee camp.
I mean, Planet Earth is only about 4,5 billion years old, unless if one is a Young Earther advocating a 6000 - year - old Earth).
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