Sentences with phrase «meaning those surface waters»

Aesthetic demands meant the surface water drainage for the blocked walkways had to be as unobtrusive as possible yet fully meet the drainage requirement; this was achieved by installing Hauraton RECYFIX ® STANDARD SLOTTED CHANNELS fitted with symmetrical galvanised steel covers.
Other experts point out one of the biggest natural factors behind the plateau is the fact that in 2008 the temperature cycle in the Pacific flipped from «warm mode», in which it had been locked for the previous 40 years, to «cold mode», meaning surface water temperatures fell.

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That would mean, amongst other things, that there were no ice caps or salt water, that plate tectonics were incredibly rapid in the recent past and this didn't cause the Earth's surface to shatter etc..
Calculations indicate that in several ways it is quite an Earth - like planet: its radius is 1.2 to 2.5 times that of Earth; its mass is 3.1 to 4.3 times greater; and, crucially, its orbit lies within its star's «Goldilocks zone», which means its surface temperature is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water - and therefore potentially life - to exist on its surface.
now you might think im crazy but in the bible it says that god does not want man to touch the heavens and what do you know we have a robot on mars that just discoverd water underneath the surface which means that mars was a lively planet in the past and now has gone is the earth in the same fate or path like mars we will find out on december 23 2012
It should not stick to the surface (that means it is too wet and you will need to add a little more flour); it should not be brittle looking when you rolling it out either (that means it is too dry and you will need to add a little more water to the mix to get the right consistency).
The silicone should reduce surface tension, which means that even when the wipers aren't going, water will roll off the glass more easily!
This means they could spread microplastic pollution throughout the marine ecosystem, by carrying microplastics from the surface down to deeper waters, affecting deep - sea organisms.
Interestingly, the team found that cosmic rays were at work deeper down below the surfacemeaning at least some of the moon's water comes from outside the solar system.
As these winds enhance ocean circulation, they may be encouraging carbon - rich waters to rise from the deep, say the team, meaning that surface water is less able to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.
Intriguingly, that means water could potentially reach the surface from a deep crater, where there was less ice to get through — perhaps even from a crater like the one where Dawn saw the bright spot.
This means to be stable the protein must place nonpolar, water - fearing residues on its surface, and pack its polar, water - loving residues inside.
Light from the stellar remnant, a neutron star located about 400 light - years away, is polarized, meaning that its electromagnetic waves are oriented preferentially in a particular direction like light that reflects off the surface of water (SN: 7/8/06, p. 24).
But the soil on Mars is known to host perchlorate salts, which lower the freezing point of water, meaning the chilly surface conditions are not an absolute barrier to liquid water.
A new El Niño cycle — warmer surface waters — began last summer, which may mean that stratospheric water levels could change again.
This means that it will be useful for developing highly water - repellant surfaces for industrial applications such as self - cleaning windows, windshields, exterior paints, anti-fouling coatings, roof tiles, and textiles in the future.
With an El Niño now under way — meaning warm surface waters in the Pacific are releasing heat into the atmosphere — and predicted to intensify, it looks as if the global average surface temperature could jump by around 0.1 °C in just one year.
Because water expands as it warms, that heat also meant that sea surface heights were record high, measuring about 2.75 inches higher than at the beginning of the satellite altimeter record in 1993.
For many years, the team made the obvious interpretation: The streaks meant that, today on Mars, water was flowing, or at least seeping out of the surface.
This means that, in comparison to Planet Earth, relatively small amounts of liquid water moving across Mars» surface could form the large dune flows, gullies and other features, which characterise the Red Planet.
Specifically, liquid CO2 is heavier than the water above it at 8,850 feet (2,700 meters) or more under the surface, meaning any leaks would never bubble back into the atmosphere.
The astronomers say that this means the planets could have retained «substantial» amounts of water on their surfaces.
Water's very high surface tension, 72 milliNewtons per metre (mN / m) at room temperature, means it easily forms near - spherical drops when placed on a surface.
Tapping geothermal energy means facing the harsh realities of thermodynamics: Typically, geothermal electricity is generated when hot water or steam underground is piped to the surface to drive a turbine, usually through heating an intermediate working fluid that actually turns the turbine's blades.
This means it could be used to cover external building surfaces to remove particular matter, as well as to design water filtration units.
That meant water was evaporating from some patches of the surface but not others.
It was Olav Hollingsæter, founder of the company OceanTherm AS, who came up with the idea of cooling ocean surface waters as a means of preventing hurricanes.
«When people talk about «habitable zones,» they mean where there's liquid water on the surface.
Of course, the parameters for «habitable» are broad, and the recent findings do not mean that 438b and 442b do in fact have water or life on their surfaces — only that they could theoretically support the kind of life with which we are familiar.
It is also tidally locked to its sun, meaning that its day side is constantly exposed to stellar radiation and its surface temperature is too hot for water and CO2 molecules to form.
The euphotic zone was calculated from the mean surface chlorophyll concentrations using the Case I model of Morel and Berthon (1989), while the export depth was calculated by subtracting the euphotic zone depth from the water depth.
«So that means ocean water gets onto the surface, and stuff on the surface presumably gets into the ocean water
That means liquid water could exist at the surface, raising the possibility for life.
In physical geography, the term hydrosphere (Greek hydro means «water») describes the collective mass of water found on, under, and over a planet's surface.
For example, they found that the oxide surface influences the water molecules from relatively far away, which means a few molecular lengths in this case.
Since K2 - 18b is likely rocky, this means the planet could have liquid water on its surface, which is one of many conditions for supporting life.
The close - in orbit around the cool star implies a mean surface temperature of between 0 and 40 degrees C - a range over which water would be liquid - and places the planet in the red dwarf's habitable zone.
The photo at the top of this story (Credit: NASA / Kepler) shows the habitable zone (in green) for different types of stars, meaning that liquid water could potentially exist on the surface.
This means that skin needs to touch soil, sand, water, or a conductive surface that is in contact with the earth.
As I said above, all salt, by its nature, is hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water to its surface.
Beyond this, cleaning only with water means no dirt or chemical residue will be left behind on your surfaces, which actually means you're achieving a «cleaner» clean.
«Strengthen, never disturb, so this means no stripping, sulfates, or harsh soaps, no vigorous treatments, nothing too alkaline, no over-drying ingredients like alcohol, no mechanical or surface aggression, and be aware not to use super-hot water,» advises Sue Nabi, founder of natural skin care line Orveda where the mantra is: works with your skin, not against it.
Bare minimum, all you need are appropriate clothes, a water bottle, and a non-skid surface so you don't do the splits without meaning to.
The surface algorithm shows the efficiency of the water - energy dynamic to be used in ordination of plant strategies as the input variable mean ground frost frequency is not used to ordinate the strategy here.
Caution: Adding water or milk to dry food does not solve the problem; and the fact that there are always bacteria on the surface of dry food means that adding moisture can result in massive bacterial growth — and a very upset tummy.
80 % of Australia's mineral waters surface in this region meaning that there are bathhouses, rejuvenating mineral spas, mud baths and skin renewal treatments abound in this «wellness capital of Australia».
Water Table I and Water Table II, unique pieces designed by Rauschenberg in 1971, are also minimal in design, free of extraneous details that might detract from the materials employed and essential function.The box - like tables are made of wood and white formica and have a sheet of glass set into their top surfaces making visible a light source within the interior, a space which is also meant to contain wWater Table I and Water Table II, unique pieces designed by Rauschenberg in 1971, are also minimal in design, free of extraneous details that might detract from the materials employed and essential function.The box - like tables are made of wood and white formica and have a sheet of glass set into their top surfaces making visible a light source within the interior, a space which is also meant to contain wWater Table II, unique pieces designed by Rauschenberg in 1971, are also minimal in design, free of extraneous details that might detract from the materials employed and essential function.The box - like tables are made of wood and white formica and have a sheet of glass set into their top surfaces making visible a light source within the interior, a space which is also meant to contain waterwater.
The idea of «fabrication» also denotes making something up, of fiction rather than truth, and this knack for wordplay surfaces in Deacon's titles, which might establish juxtapositions or wreak new meaning from familiar sayings or clichés — see Let's not be Stupid (1991), No Stone Unturned (1999) or Water Under the Bridge (2008).
«This bicoastal photographer,» a San Francisco Chronicle reviewer wrote, «has taken a pictorial cliché, reflections on the surfaces of bodies of water, and turned it into a means of generating compositions that echo classics of Surrealist and abstract painting.»
This means that, e.g., if heat moves from the tropical surface water (temp about 25C) to surface waters at lower temps, the net effect is a subsidence of sea level — even without any change in total heat content.
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