Sentences with phrase «meaning vast regions»

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The Brandt Commission found hope in the fact that vast irrigation schemes are being considered, especially in Africa, noting that such projects will enable the great rivers to become the means of transforming large areas of semiarid land into productive agricultural regions.
«Winning the world for Christ» was no longer synonymous with occupying all geographical areas with missions and churches; that there are vast unevangelized regions was beyond all dispute, but the missionary responsibility was equally seen to mean the bringing of all areas of human activity and social life under the sway of Christ.
Such stands of relatively untouched trees are meant as shelters for the rich array of plant and animal species, such as the tiger, that once spread throughout vast regions of tropical jungle.
As part of an automotive manufacturer's vast list of responsibilities they must pick and choose what cars they want to sell in what markets, unfortunately sometimes this means that certain regions are deprived of some outstanding automobiles.
Canada House, London, until 30 November In the region around Floe Edge, where the vast Arctic Ocean meets frozen sea ice, the word «art» translates in Inuktitut as «sanaugait», which taken literally means «things made by hand».
Worse yet, on our present trajectory, it seems highly unlikely that the warming process will stop at 2 or even 3 degrees Celsius, meaning that later in this century many of the worst - case climate - change scenarios — the inundation of coastal cities, the desertification of vast interior regions, and the collapse of rain - fed agriculture in many areas — will become everyday reality.
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