Sentences with phrase «meaningful conclusions»

But that doesn't mean we should give up on trying to draw meaningful conclusions from these facts.
It is not possible to draw meaningful conclusions about improvements in outcomes or practices if this initial information is unreliable.
People who are very successful in sales have the ability to collect the right data and interpret it to make meaningful conclusions.
With more complete data we are able to draw more meaningful conclusions about student learning.
According to this line of reasoning, the 35 years since 1979 are simply not long enough to form meaningful conclusions about the longer - term pace of global warming.
I kept reading hoping the loose ends would tie together with some kind of meaningful conclusion.
That means that although it can give scientists a rough idea of what the common ancestor to all living apes and humans would have looked like, drawing other meaningful conclusions could be challenging.
She worries the signal is so noisy it is difficult to extract meaningful conclusions.
Use your flare for analysis to quantify meaningful conclusions that impact communications and practices.
This is a tough problem, and it would be difficult to draw meaningful conclusions at high confidence.
Having participants choose their own group is a major issue for drawing meaningful conclusions in science because there's the possibility that something about the people who choose a particular group might be inherently different from the people who choose the other group.
While the sample size is certainly way too small to derive meaningful conclusions, it is interesting to note that all four teams receiving 80 % of more of spread tickets failed to cover the spread.
Today, the challenge does not consist in creating the data, but in exploring them and deducing meaningful conclusions.
After all, can meaningful conclusions really be drawn if the control diet itself has protective or adverse effects on the phenotype one is studying?
Nurses already need a baseline of knowledge in statistics and chemistry, but nursing informatics specialists need an even broader array of math abilities in order to draw meaningful conclusions from data collected and provide process improvement recommendations.
But based on this year's most recent PARCC data (Newark students participate at a rate of 94 %, which enables educators «to draw more meaningful conclusions about student learning»), the district reports that «Newark's results have not only improved, but compare more favorably than ever before with other districts across the state.»
Though familiarity with the test is imperative in order to reach meaningful conclusions, care must be taken to ensure that the owners are counseled by a veterinarian not only familiar with the test itself, but also familiar with the patient being tested and that particular patient's clinical signs.
The real results will come when we have enough data to make meaningful conclusions,» say Cohen Kadosh.
As data move from classroom to school to district to state to the federal government, the details that would allow us to draw meaningful conclusions about things like the effectiveness of a textbook, a supplemental services provider, or an afterschool program are lost.
Presentations will be judged on seven criteria — Innovation of Project, Depth and Usefulness of Statistical Analyses, Ability to Draw Meaningful Conclusions from the Data, Significance of the Project to Prevention Science, Quality of Verbal Presentation, Quality of Visual Presentation, Connection with SPR Annual Meeting Theme — as well as on Overall Impression.
For a split - second we are allowed a view of a world where everything is interconnected and has a meaningful conclusion.
It's still too early to draw any meaningful conclusions from our NFL public betting data, but we encourage you to monitor this game on our Free NFL Live Odds Page and ensure you're signed up for the free Action Network Newsletter for updates and analysis throughout the week.
It is obviously very early in the season to be coming to any meaningful conclusions.
Stopping any breastfeeding before four to six weeks postpartum, stopping exclusive breastfeeding before four to six weeks postpartum, stopping any breastfeeding before six months postpartum andstopping exclusive breastfeeding before six months postpartum were not explicitly reported, and there were insufficient data to draw any meaningful conclusions from survival data.
In a recent piece in the journal Nature, he estimates that more than 100,000 people will need to be tested to come to any meaningful conclusions.
The latter 16 studies did not include enough studies of tai chi and qigong to allow the researchers to come to meaningful conclusions about the specific effects of those interventions, Kelley said.
«We had the idea for this study more than seven years ago, but it took the laboratory three months to finish quantifying telomere length for just 100 samples, which was not enough to draw any meaningful conclusions,» said Yuan, also a professor of epidemiology at Pitt's Graduate School of Public Health.
But collecting enough of the right data to draw meaningful conclusions is difficult.
The effect of stellar contamination is up to 15 times larger than the signal expected from molecules in the atmosphere of a rocky planet (light green band), which means that we can't currently draw any meaningful conclusions about planetary atmospheres from measurements like this.
But, more human studies with greater sample sizes, will need to be done in order to form a meaningful conclusion [14].
The experimental setup in the Annals study is shamefully inept; no meaningful conclusions comparing low fat and low carb diets can be drawn from it.
In effect, that lack of explicitness damns The Second Mother, as character relations are hinted at and even primed for confrontation, but without payoff or meaningful conclusion.
I overthink everything, and as a result they all take longer than I want and rarely come to a meaningful conclusion.
It will take more than time, training of teachers and experience with the new standards to draw meaningful conclusions.
(Mathematica could not detect any outcome differences for TFA teachers versus novice regular teachers, but the sample size was too small to draw a meaningful conclusion.)
While these assumptions admittedly simplify the socioeconomic complexities and uncertainties, they allowed us to draw meaningful conclusions about the economic impact of educational gaps in the United States.
It says the DfE has tried to «assess whether creating free schools is having the intended effect of improving educational standards through competition but the sample size is currently too small to draw meaningful conclusions».
Of course, GM attorneys already are spinning this in a prepared statement saying in part that «without rigorous analysis, it is pure speculation to attempt to draw any meaningful conclusions
I don't think you can draw any meaningful conclusion from the volume of reviewers.
The Meaningful Conclusion In closing, an essay must end with a logical and meaningful conclusion.
Write meaningful conclusion - A meaningful conclusion must be there to end the assignment properly.

Phrases with «meaningful conclusions»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z