Sentences with phrase «meaningful content instead»

All it does is take up valuable space on your resume that can be used for more meaningful content instead.

Not exact matches

At this point, we no longer need to debate the value of a social media presence; brand marketers, bloggers, journalists, and other professionals have instead turned their attention to how best to create and share meaningful multimedia content across all social networks to better connect with their target audience.
Effective and meaningful design really promotes and encourages learners to pay strong attention to the content instead of the decoration.
In 2015, the Los Angeles school board decided to roll back graduation requirements by allowing students to pass classes required for college entrance with a grade of a «D» instead of a «C.» And in Los Angeles and elsewhere, students who are not on track to graduate from high school can now take «credit recovery» classes — many of which are devoid of any meaningful content.
It is no longer sufficient to send new teachers into the classroom prepared only with one disconnected technology - in - education course; introductory courses should instead be project - based and meaningful, followed by appropriate modeling and use in content methods courses and field experiences (Handler, 1993; Wetzel, 1993).
Instead of slavishly following the Hierarchy of the Genres and being content with academic subjects involving religion and Greek mythology, interspersed with portraits and «meaningful» landscapes - all subjects that were designed to elevate and instruct the spectator - artists began to make art about people, places, or ideas that interested them.
The downvote button ties in with Facebook's recent push to enhance its users» well - being by prioritizing News Feed content that drives meaningful interactions instead of passive, zombie browsing.
They don't want to take meaningful efforts to curtail illegal content on their site (and are known to be terrible about removing flagged content) so instead of putting effort into anything... they'll just shut the section down.
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