Sentences with phrase «meaningful conversations look»

After this type of observation, the class can work collaboratively to generate discussion norms, which is the start of a meta - conversation about what good, productive and meaningful conversations look like and sound like.
Students identify what good, productive, and meaningful conversations look and sound like through an interactive modeling activity.

Not exact matches

There are numerous ways to participate in meaningful conversations with people looking for help in solving challenges.
But trust us, some of the most meaningful conversations you'll have with your living partners will come from deciding what a shared minimalist life will look like together.
So don't try to have deep and meaningful conversations with her because she is not looking for that.
I am looking to meet with a man who values meaningful conversation, is respectful, caring, witty, fun, has got a positive outlook on life and is ready for a real, healthy relationship with the right person.
If you are looking forward to take your casual dating experience to something meaningful, it is important that you break a few of such conversation rules on your first date.
Looking for someone to have meaningful conversations.
Looking for a smart woman who could hold a meaningful conversation.
Looking for sharing meaningful intellectual conversation with assertive women who are liberally open to freedom, and expressing their true values, character, and sensuality.
There are senior singles looking for casual hookups but most are looking for actual dates, where meaningful conversations form a major part of the evening.
I'm looking for hookups but I wouldn't mind if I could find an intelllegebt guy who I can have meaningful conversations with.
I've learned concrete, developmentally appropriate «look fors» before an observation so I'm able to hone in on strengths and craft powerful, meaningful conversations
I look forward to having meaningful conversations around teacher evaluation systems and union - related concerns, with the intention of making a difference.
School leaders and those who support teacher learning can benefit from the experiences in ExCELS by including teachers in a meaningful way in the ongoing conversations about what quality teaching looks like, and equally as important is how to get there together.
«We look forward to those conversations and anticipate discussions on how to ensure our accountability system is reliable and meaningful,» she said.
We hope that it sparks some meaningful conversations and we're looking forward to hearing what you think about it.
What's more striking is that all of these pieces look canonical, which is to say, they look like they belong to an evolving, historical conversation about the visual world; they are at ease in this space and they speak to each other in meaningful ways.
Stop, extricate yourself from the conversation, and look for a middle - aged lawyer engaged in meaningful conversation instead of trading war stories.
In a new report, MPF Research looks at metro - specific renewal conversation rates, as well as renewal influencers — like job growth, renter age and supply volumes — to make a case for utilizing turnover data as a meaningful gauge for the bigger operational picture.
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