Sentences with phrase «meaningful conversations with»

I'd been a bit worried it might lead to divorce, especially since I keep having to interrupt meaningful conversations with him to clean up accidents.
is the conversational search company that brings companies and consumers together through meaningful conversations with Amazon's Alexa, Google Home and Microsoft's Cortana.
Do you want more meaningful conversations with members of Congress?
While it is true that Jim has a huge referral business, he teaches that the only way to get to that level of success is to have meaningful conversations with people about real estate.
It is one of the best ways to improve intimacy in your marriage and have more meaningful conversations with your partner.
Thinking about tomorrow... what will you do to make time for meaningful conversations with staff, children and families?
Learn how to empower and support families so that they can engage in meaningful conversations with their young children and advance their language and lifelong learning.
Our vision is to give women a safe space to explore creativity while connecting with other like - minded, soulful women through deep, meaningful conversations with each other.
Programs that create community help families understand learning objectives (and how families can extend learning at home) and foster meaningful conversations with teachers and administrators.
In the four weeks on the new ATS, I've had more meaningful conversations with more candidates than I've ever had in my career.»
The app is available for iOS and Android and is intended to spark meaningful conversations with other professionals in your field.
You'll never be as good as someone with a reasonably current EE degree, but developing your intuition will enable you to have meaningful conversations with them.
Engage in meaningful conversations with your external network, to reassure yourself that you have solid relationships and the ability to win business.
Determining what makes local bar associations valuable means engaging in meaningful conversations with current and potential members.
The National Solar Tour offers families an opportunity to have meaningful conversations with friends and neighbors who're reaping the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency each and every day.
Engage in meaningful conversations with them and share documentation showing that most pet stores get their animals from facilities where the adults, puppies, and kittens are forced to suffer in deplorable conditions.
Engage in meaningful conversations with your pets to deepen your relationship.
One of the main purposes here is to start meaningful conversations with clients about your services.
When Apple's Siri comes out of beta — and when Google and Microsoft enhance their respective OSs with better voice commands — we'll all be able to have meaningful conversations with our devices.
Be authentic and try and to establish meaningful conversations with them through these platforms.
This allows teachers to have meaningful conversations with students about their behavior every day, as opposed to just once a week or at quarterly conferences.»
We can run reports and have meaningful conversations with teachers.
«Now there is a much deeper, richer understanding of each student's work, and ultimately parents can be more empowered to have meaningful conversations with teachers.»
School leaders should have meaningful conversations with parents and community members to work out the best local approach, he added.
Report cards are easily generated from KIDS data and provide the opportunity for teachers to have more meaningful conversations with families around how to best support each child's development.
Each of the 3 - 5 minute videos is designed to start meaningful conversations with your after school program's stakeholders on program quality and to start a plan for continuous improvement.
I became a connected educator and engaged in meaningful conversations with principals all over the country.
Kickboard helps us create more meaningful conversations with each other, and with students and parents.
Both are important, but if a principal goes months between meaningful conversations with each staff member trust and openness will suffer.
Russian women are usually very well educated and worldly on many topics; they love to have deep meaningful conversations with their partners.
Sugar daddies who desire to have long and meaningful conversations with their sugar baby will be pleased to find out that a mature sugar baby is more likely to be the perfect candidate for that kind of activity and not only.
I'm looking for hookups but I wouldn't mind if I could find an intelllegebt guy who I can have meaningful conversations with.
I have been having very long, interesting, and meaningful conversations with a very captivating lady online.
More pointedly, the emerging conventions of digital communication have left many young people socially inept — unable to initiate or sustain meaningful conversations with their peers.
So don't try to have deep and meaningful conversations with her because she is not looking for that.
Developing meaningful conversations with women online is great, but doing so will eventually grow boring and you will develop the desire to actually meet these women in person and create some sort of real relationship with them.
Family dinners are such a great time to have meaningful conversations with one another.
Providing scientists and scientific institutions with the resources they need to have meaningful conversations with the public.
I will say that I have had some extraordinarily personal and meaningful conversations with Republican state senators, and unlike the tax bill, the budget, or a bottle bill, this is a very personal issue to many senators, including Republican senators.
Most officers have little time to have meaningful conversations with prisoners which, in the board's view, is a cornerstone of their role.
- A time when I have the best and deepest, most meaningful conversations with my kids... still my favourite time of the day.MB
Rachel Rainbolt is the mama behind the Sage Family Podcast, where we gather around a virtual campfire to share meaningful conversations with inspiring and insightful friends around Gentle Parenting, Natural Homeschooling, Simple Living, and Family Adventure.
For more support on discussing these issues with parents, see our «Having meaningful conversations with mothers» and «Caring for your baby at night» guides.
Having meaningful conversations with mothers: A guide to using the Baby Friendly signature sheets
Always stressing God's love for us, he shows us how we can have honest, meaningful conversations with God.
I've had way more meaningful conversations with kids at 2 a.m. while we're playing Playstation than I ever have in a church setting.
This means that on top of surveys, they should go out and have meaningful conversations with prospects, shadow them as they work, and interview them about their problems.
Having meaningful conversations with those searching for the help you can provide is the turning point in transforming clicks into customers.
There are numerous ways to participate in meaningful conversations with people looking for help in solving challenges.
In a statement on Friday, Chase Carey, Fox's president and chief operating officer, said Hulu's owners «had meaningful conversations with a number of potential partners and buyers, each with impressive plans and offers to match.»
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