Sentences with phrase «meaningful discussion about»

We hope the conversation in Quebec comes to a place that benefits our members and it leads to a meaningful discussion about addressing redundancies in service.
These questions cover a few different topics and will provide excellent fodder for deep and meaningful discussion about coping with and overcoming addiction.
While the story does falter quite a bit in its second half with no real meaningful discussion about what the game wants its core message to be, the characters and subplots more than make up for it.
CN did not respond to her requests seriously and failed to engage Ms. Seeley in any meaningful discussion about possible accommodations that may have been available.
«Human - caused climate change is a reality, and it's about time we get on to a meaningful discussion about what to do about it,» he said.
You use classic «trolling» rhetoric and make it perfectly clear not wanting to engage in any kind of meaningful discussion about the subject of this specific blog.
If you have ideas or suggestions or would like to contribute to a meaningful discussion about the welfare of feral cats, animal hoarding, or animal adoptions from our local animal control facilities, please contact Dr. Daniels by email at [email protected].
In addition to raising funds, hosting a screening of MLTS will create space for meaningful discussion about your school's future and inspire innovation in your classrooms.
Half of the nearly 600 Kentucky high school seniors we surveyed in five geographically diverse schools reported feeling like they have not had a meaningful discussion about steps to college or career readiness with their school counselor.
Dana L. Mitra describes the evolution of student voice at Whitman, showing that the students enthusiastically created partnerships with teachers and administrators, engaged in meaningful discussion about why so many failed or dropped out, and partnered with teachers and principals to improve learning for themselves and their peers.
Consideration of the variety of starting points, in terms of expertise in the field that is the subject of the outcome, will then allow for a meaningful discussion about the actual cpd sessions themselves.
Educators need specific skills to participate in meaningful discussion about curriculum and instruction, make decisions about resources, and recognize when change is happening (and when it isn't).
Second, many of your comments are inflammatory in the way that they are presented and do a disservice to intelligent, meaningful discussion about tenets of the Mormon religion.
Some form of reparations is necessary before any meaningful discussion about race can occur.
Doug Saunders, of the Globe and Mail, has gamely launched a real and meaningful discussion about corporate tax cuts on these pages.
Although «sex education» has made its way into high school classrooms, truly meaningful discussions about the spiritual implications of haphazard sexual behavior, and / or about the importance of conceiving babies consciously, gestating them in loving and trauma - free wombs, birthing them gently, and parenting them consciously, are sadly absent.
Our freshmen do not receive their laptops until October, giving them time to review these policies and have meaningful discussions about responsible use of technology before they get their machines.
A short story is read while the children eat, and then they separate into their assigned groups for meaningful discussions about the current reading selection.
As the authors of a study finding lower rates of anti-Jewish views among private school graduates than public school graduates noted, «private school teachers can lead meaningful discussions about sensitive topics, whereas public schools are constrained by rigid neutrality and are particularly sensitive to matters of religion.»
Teaching: From better preparing high school teachers to teach literacy to providing time for educators to have meaningful discussions about student needs and abilities, the professional piece of the equation is huge.
As we note in our article published in the Journal of School Choice, private school teachers can lead meaningful discussions about sensitive topics, whereas public schools are constrained by rigid neutrality and are particularly sensitive to matters of religion.
They ensure that the school or district focuses on high expectations and standards, that professional development first focuses on providing time for colleagues to have meaningful discussions about our craft, that all learning is engaging, and that the school provides a healthy, safe, supportive, engaged, and challenging environment for all kids.
We have designed questions to help you and your colleagues foster meaningful discussions about the articles in the March 2003 issue of Educational Leadership.
«At the same time, the program recognizes the importance of community participation in meaningful discussions about balancing local and national interests related to integrating unmanned aircraft.»
In an article with the Guardian published in 2015 [2], Google's Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil mentioned that the company (Google) wanted computers to be able to read then and have meaningful discussions about the information they consume.
The advisory vote would provide shareholders with a «say on pay» and supporters of the legislation argue that it would also provide boards with an opportunity to engage shareholders in meaningful discussions about «appropriate levels of executive compensation».
Have meaningful discussions about how to move a project forward.
The RELATionship Evaluation Questionnaire (RELATE) is specifically designed to help guide you and your partner to have meaningful discussions about criteria proven to affect marital satisfaction.
Couples should have meaningful discussions about money, make a budget, and develop a financial plan.
The program focuses on accountability and personal responsibility for engaging in meaningful discussions about long - term co-parenting.

Not exact matches

So whilst the closed door discussions will be about how to keep the status quo regardless of the rapidly increasing power costs and breakdown of service that is now being experienced around the country, the open conversations being had by the people are excited discussions about the future because we trust the likes of Elon Musk and Mike Cannon - Brookes to get the job done more than we trust big power and Government to come to any kind of meaningful and affordable long term solution.
There have been no meaningful discussions around Senate reform for, I would suggest, about a decade at least.
He isn't militant, and he has had meaningful, respectful debates and discussions about religion.
This is a waste of money, doesn't actually encourage any meaningful discussion whatsoever, and pi - sses just about everyone off.
Blogging doesn't always have to be about reviews, this discussion will share a sampling of ways you can work with brands in an authentic and meaningful way that doesn't compromise the integrity of your message.
Whatever your feelings about flavored milk, these are all thoughtful comments which add to a meaningful discussion.
He said there were discussions going on about trying to draft an amendment that would attract enough support to pass on securing a more meaningful vote at the end of the negotiating process.
Things are not looking up for cordial relationships come Jan., but there is some hope that given the leadership of the Governor - elect that perhaps there can be meaningful and peaceful discussions that bring about the change that New York so desperately needs....
When communicating with a man you're interested in via the Internet, all you have are typed words on a screen, which can be a lot more helpful in developing a meaningful intimate relationship, and it is more conducive to discussions about things you might be embarrassed to talk about in person.
I love (with extreme prejudice) passionate discussions about any element of life that is meaningful to myself and others.
The kind of faulty reasoning that Stanley Fish writes about so incisively in the New York Times («So's Your Old Man») derails meaningful discussions in politics and film criticism all the time, and it's so transparently bogus that I wonder how people keep getting away with it.
The natural segue into a meaningful, timely, and necessary discussion about blackness led me to consider a new approach to discussing race matters with my future students.
Instead, it has selectively condensed the studies and theories and said something meaningful about them which forms the basis of your debate and discussion in the exam.
She led by example, inviting others into meaningful, encouraging, yet challenging discussions about what it means to be an on - going student of teaching and of students» learning,» says Lecturer Vicki Jacobs, acting director of TEP.
Recently, the Independent Education Union (NSW / ACT) held a conference at the University of Technology Sydney for academics and teachers to share their knowledge about mentoring with the aim of beginning a meaningful discussion.
Before you get started, consider the knowledge and understandings you want your students to develop, and provide a meaningful context for the discussion — essentially, identify why students would care about the discussion topic.
Children are guided through writing exercises, role - playing, and meaningful discussion, as the teacher poses questions about how the characters handled conflict, how they might be feeling, and what alternatives exist for making new decisions.
When learners share their course progress, communicate their thoughts about the course with peers, or get into meaningful discussions, a deep curiosity is generated in their minds.
In addition to infusing these tenets into their practice, teachers should actively facilitate meaningful discussions with students about fairness, equity, and diversity.
Simmons candidly revealed her experience on what works to improve student outcomes and led a meaningful discussion among members about best practices.
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