Sentences with phrase «meaningful distinction»

While there may be little meaningful distinction between slots 77 and 80, or, say, slots 59 and 57, there are meaningful differences between tiers.
And that's because the store not only knows who its customers are but can make meaningful distinctions among them.
And most importantly, are wet and dry oils meaningful distinctions that prove to be more than just a passing fad?
Investors know that there is a subtle but meaningful distinction between a successful company and a successful investment.
In reality, meaningful distinctions among wetlands, rivers and lakes may not be possible in some regions and / or seasons which complicates the development of techniques to monitor these environments.
Wealth disparities are not a bad thing when they are the result of meaningful distinctions.
A high - need supergroup counts different groups of students together, while ignoring meaningful distinctions between the needs of (and civil rights protections afforded to) each group.
As shown in the data below, it is this decision which emerges as the most meaningful distinction between fathers; on nearly every measure of relationship quality and prenatal involvement, fathers who attend the birth are far more similar to each other — regardless of whether or not they sign the AOP — than either group is to fathers who never show up.
This is the ONLY way we can make meaningful distinctions between competing ideas — incidentally, THIS is how you avoid the spin doctors and sort out their nonsense.
As Harvard Law professor Jack Goldsmith pointed out in an essay earlier this year on the Lawfare site, it is extremely difficult — and perhaps even impossible — to draw a meaningful distinction between what the New York Times does and what WikiLeaks does.
In this regard, Hartshorne's main strictures are directed against those theologians and metaphysicians who advance views that imply the eradication of all meaningful distinctions among past, present, and future times.
You spend hours arguing that atheism actually means «without a belief in God» and not just» belief that there is no god», as if this is a meaningful distinction in real life.
«I believe that the existing classification system does this effectively, allowing for clear and meaningful distinctions to be made between drugs.»
But we do feel it's hard to draw a meaningful distinction between retain and investment.
«We do not view the use of this lipoderm base to be a meaningful distinction between your product and the FDA - approved product with which it competes.
The meaningful distinction is not between ethics and morality, but between ethics and the law.
We find that only 36 percent of Virginia high school seniors are likely to be able to use program - level earnings data to make a meaningful distinction between programs of study at two or more institutions.
The two cars you are referring to are so mechanically similar that there is no meaningful distinction, going forward, as to cost of repair or expected remaining service life.
It's possible to get even more granular with it, but I think most people can figure out for themselves the meaningful distinctions between people in their network and how they should be approached differently.
He believes it is this consistent quality delivery, coupled with forming successful investor partnerships that creates a meaningful distinction between MCAP and its competitors.
I think this is a meaningful distinction.
I am not convinced there is a meaningful distinction between misreading a text and reading a text, understanding it, forgetting that understanding in its entirety, and then subsequently thinking that the text says something completely different.
As with everything else in the game, the SWM characters have an easier time gaining access to the game code, and greater influence on it once they do, but understanding that fact is the first step for such characters to realize that they have a disproportionate responsibility to do what they can to debug the code, and work toward removing any meaningful distinctions among the difficulty settings.
We find among art students now a reluctance to make any meaningful distinction between art and ads.
Thanks to over a century of tireless efforts by heroic avant - garde artists and their supporters, no meaningful distinction exists today between contemporary artworks and the ordinary objects that surround them.
And, from the text of this speech, I see Howard drawing no meaningful distinction between climate activism and climate science.
Is there a meaningful distinction between a «right» and a «freedom»?
Possibly, the role of a government actor engaging in law enforcement activity might sometimes be a meaningful distinction for the treatment of disclosures under European privacy law: It surely represents a different kind of litigation scenario from one in which there is no government actor, and no law enforcement involvement.
Is that even a meaningful distinction?
Is there a useful or meaningful distinction any more between a signature and an act of assent (at least when the signature is intended to show assent)?
I realize that it may be hard to draw a meaningful distinction between firms from where you sit, but I want to see that you've invested the time and effort in trying.
Bluntly stated, yet with great respect; the law has spent more than forty years looking for the true jurisdictional question, twenty years trying to assess the relative expertise of tribunals, ten years trying to convince everyone of a meaningful distinction between two deferential standards of review and now another possible lifetime wandering the administrative galaxy looking for questions of law of central importance to the legal system.
He believes it is this consistent quality delivery, coupled with forming successful investor partnerships that creates a meaningful distinction between MCAP and its competitors.
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