Sentences with phrase «meaningful interactions with»

As you engage in more meaningful interactions with contacts, maintaining top - of - mind awareness will only get easier.
As you engage in more meaningful interactions with contacts,
No wonder we're overwhelmed, over-stimulated and can find it difficult to create meaningful interactions with others.
Generally, curricula are most effective when a) children are active and cognitively engaged in their learning; b) instructional goals are clear; c) teachers have positive and meaningful interactions with students, in turn allowing them to track children» progress and make the necessary changes; d) what is taught builds on children's prior learning; and e) it is comprehensive.
Meaningful interactions with family members make children feel loved.
In addition to their general suspicion of others intentions, counterdependent employees in the workplace will limit meaningful interactions with their supervisor and demonstrate more avoidance behaviors.
The Children's Rights Council (CRC) was incorporated in 1985 to ensure that children have continuing meaningful interactions with both of their parents regardless of their parents» marital status.
As of now, it is now easier to use and there are lots of opportunities wherein users can find and build more meaningful interactions with others.
This year, Facebook announced that it planned to shift your News Feed away from pages and brands, returning to a focus on what it describes as meaningful interactions with friends and family.
It is entirely possible to play The Division solely as a single - player game and get many hours of entertainment out of it without ever having any meaningful interactions with other players.
Diverse and meaningful interactions with other characters and the environment make exploring your equipment as fun as exploring the game world.
There aren't gameplay mechanics that allow you to have meaningful interactions with her.
That is why every game we make will allow for meaningful interactions with other players, whether they're in the same room or in another part of the world.
Since English is widely - spoken, it's possible to have meaningful interactions with many locals.
When you get home, take a few minutes for meaningful interactions with your dog.
A fourth - grade team at a school in Georgia leveraged one of these scheduled conference times as an opportunity to make some important changes, resulting in more meaningful interactions with parents.
Every adult in every school can have healthy, meaningful interactions with students.
Personal Matches is a new technology that was inspired by suggestions from LoveAgain members who can now focus more time on having meaningful interactions with potential matches.
Time spent in meaningful interactions with patients is a powerful driver of physician career satisfaction, but increased paperwork and time on the computer means less time for direct patient care.
The measures are designed to ensure that children have meaningful interactions with those from other backgrounds.
The other is an increasing need for meaningful interactions with adults who are not their parents.
This would allow people to reclaim the time they see viewing ads, and spend it having meaningful interactions with their friends and communities — thereby fulfilling Facebook's mission.
They focus on having meaningful interactions with their coworkers, remembering what people said to them yesterday or last week, which shows people that they are just as important to them as their work is.
While 160 Bahamians will be hired to staff the island, integrating Bahamian traditions and meaningful interactions with locals simply aren't part of the equation.
Whenever a reader has a meaningful interaction with a text, the reader is changed!
So too does meaningful interaction with modern society.
Is meaningful interaction with them even possible, or is it just a waste of time?
I was talking about the trolls and the little unlicked cubs who have yet to have a meaningful interaction with a razor, let alone a member of the opposite sex (or same, depending).
These monkeys, in contrast with monkeys that experienced meaningful interaction with their biological mothers during feeding, demonstrated aggressive, antisocial behaviors in adulthood.
Even with living in a society where parents spend an average of 7 minutes of meaningful interaction with their children, I've designed my life... Continue reading →
Almost two - thirds of institutions rely solely on a short online program, it notes, even though most of the students OIG contacted said they would welcome a chance for meaningful interaction with faculty members on these thorny issues.
Its common: the more people you know, the more likely you will have a meaningful interaction with one of them, or a friend in your network will introduce you to an interesting person.
Skaters phase in and out of existence like lost souls in purgatory, and the likelihood that you'll have any meaningful interaction with other players is precisely zero.
In the case of online credit - recovery classes, Sproull's staff attempts to gauge whether they entail a significant investment of time, require frequent and meaningful interaction with an instructor, and are part of a college preparatory curriculum.
Secondary schools will be expected to provide pupils with at least one meaningful interaction with businesses every year, with a particular focus on employers from Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) industries to help deliver the high - skilled workers we need in these industries.
Arts integrated tasks support meaningful interaction with academic standards.
What's more, most of their work is making sure that schools are complying with district, state or federal policies, bureaucratic accounting that leaves little time for meaningful interaction with principals, she said.
This is particularly true of puppy mill dogs, who often spend their entire lives in cages without any meaningful interaction with people.
Andrea believes in a true partnership with horses and loves to help riders, owners and caregivers establish a safe, violence - free, and meaningful interaction with their horse.
Skaters phase in and out of existence like lost souls in purgatory, and the likelihood that you'll have any meaningful interaction with other players is precisely zero.
This, in addition to some other environmental features that translate into more meaningful interaction with the game world, makes for an overall interesting and challenging experience.
It is entirely possible to play The Division, experience the majority of its content, and basically never encounter or have any meaningful interaction with another player.
We are positively transforming the way First Nation, Métis, and Inuit youth aged 11 - 14 perceive and engage with the justice system through meaningful interaction with legal professionals and fun, justice - focused learning activities.

Not exact matches

The goal was to spur people to comment, like, and engage with other people on Facebook, and create what CEO Mark Zuckerberg describes as, «meaningful social interactions
Also surprising: Young people with the highest rates of social media use reported very similar feelings of loneliness to those who barely use it, Still, Cordani says, «meaningful social interaction» was seen as key to reducing isolation so more face - to - face conversations are needed.
We want the time people spend on Facebook to encourage meaningful social interactions... when people are spending so much time passively consuming public content that it starts taking away from the time people are connecting with each other, that's not good.»
When a large portion of the employee population has meaningful exposure to or interaction with customers, connectivity is enhanced.
The goals are to help them reestablish meaningful communication, develop awareness of the roles and interaction patterns of various family members, experiment with modifications in roles and behavior, and, most important, to allow the family to experience its essential unity and interdependence.
Even in cities with millions of people all around, men and women go through their day without one meaningful interaction or even human touch.
During the coach's next visit with that parent, she plays the video on a laptop or tablet, stopping it frequently to discuss with the parent why that particular interaction was meaningful and positive for the child.
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