Sentences with phrase «meaningful manner»

I hope that these tips will help you build your relationships in a much more meaningful manner.
I agree that Christians in the USA are not persecuted in any meaningful manner.
And is this something else he might offer such that, because he offers it, we could reasonably regard God as a center of meaning and of value, a center directing, to some meaningful extent and in some meaningful manner, the unfolding of the universe?
It is quite obvious that they are exceptions, that society can not survive if it is full of people like them, that the vast majority of humanity is not fit to lick their boots, let alone attempt to emulate them in any meaningful manner.
One need only state, in a non-contradictory and meaningful manner, the conditions requisite for producing such an occurrence to show that it is a possible occurrence.
Ordinary language carries with it conditions of meaning which it is easy to recognize by classifying the contexts in which the expression is employed in a meaningful manner.
then, David, I ask «how do you think the church can compete in the «community market» in any meaningful manner»?
Navulur said that satellite imagery provides such a precise view from space «that we are able to proactively observe environmental changes which unravel human footprints from thousands of years ago, such as the Ararat anomaly, and contribute to space archeology in a real and meaningful manner
Interactive fiction tools enabled my students to engage deeply with content in a meaningful manner.
Planned correctly, they can cover many academic skills and subjects in a truly engaging, meaningful manner.
Students now have experience writing formal essays and expressing themselves in a relevant, meaningful manner.
Are they taking what they learn and applying it in a meaningful manner, or is it simply going in one ear and out the other?
Basedon this knowledge, it was important that the TI - 83 be integrated into the classin a meaningful manner.
«Ken O'Connor's grading principles focus classroom teachers» efforts on using grading practices in a meaningful manner to support student learning... This practical guide provides principals with the knowledge and tools they need to support teachers and provide guidance on issues related to the evaluation of student knowledge.»
They fail to present it in an effective and meaningful manner.
Displaying it in a meaningful manner does matter, but creating awesome content is definitely the place to start.
An assignment must convey precise facts in relation to the topic in a significant and meaningful manner.
5) Rebalancing makes sense only if it is impossible to measure valuations in a meaningful manner.
Rebalancing is a fad based on a false premise: that it is impossible to measure valuations in a meaningful manner.
Perhaps risk taking will return in a meaningful manner soon.
Highlights: Contributing in a meaningful manner that benefits the recipients.
Supported by an ever - growing community of travel writers, we provide inspiration and useful information to help facilitate travel in a fun and meaningful manner!
In the game, tough teen Kanji Tatsumi confronts his sexuality in an «engaging and meaningful manner» inside The Midnight Channel, an alternate dimension where the main characters must battle demons both literal and figurative.
[In Atlus» RPG Persona 4, Kanji Tatsumi confronts his sexual identity in an engaging and meaningful manner, and in Samantha Xu's analysis, originally printed on Gamasutra, we talk to Atlus staffers and commentators about the character's flamboyant in - game alter ego in the recently released PlayStation 2 RPG.]
As if there aren't better ways of presenting your main female character with whatever problem she has in a meaningful manner?
WhiteBox offers free and diverse programs for the surrounding communities including Chinatown, the Lower East Side, and international cultural tourism to experience an artist's work in a meaningful manner.
The aim of the work is to offer the tools of philosophy in a casual, yet meaningful manner.
He believes that the visual arts increase his students» «ability to experience the world in a more complex, subtle, and meaningful manner
But of all the things that a carbon tax will do (raise prices, increase bureaucracy, elect Tea Partiers, etc), mitigating anthropogenic climate change in any meaningful manner is not one of them.
However, as the Agreement's key policies are yet to be realized, member states have both an exceptional opportunity and a moral impetus to use these results to address climate change equity in a meaningful manner.
We should be cautious of not falling into practices of tokenism ---- putting women in a panel discussion to fill a gender quota ---- but rather engage women and men into the debate in a meaningful manner.
These additional criteria are imperative if the firm is going to analyze its efficiencies in a meaningful manner.
I laud Thomson Reuters for using social media, but I question whether the company is really using social media effectively to engage lawyers and law firms in a real and meaningful manner.
A test net doesn't mean people will build Tron - based applications or use TRX in a meaningful manner.
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