Sentences with phrase «meaningful response»

A conversational interface allows users to engage in dialogue with technology, with the technology providing meaningful responses based on the context of the dialogue.
The site encourages users to fill out their profiles completely, answering all of the questions and crafting meaningful responses.
That failure was compounded by confusion about what was being shown to police on school security cameras the day of the shooting and the lack of meaningful response to reports to the FBI and local police that 19 - year - old suspect Nikolas Cruz might become violent, had guns and possibly would attack a school.
When children are the game's core audience, we can not rely solely on traditional techniques for running playtesting studies; instead, we must adapt to ensure the participants are able to give meaningful responses.
According to T. Philip Nichols, the ELIZA project illustrates how easy it is to conflate technical feedback with meaningful response.
After a while, you'll figure out which ones elicit the most meaningful responses.
The basic premise of this philosophy is that life is a journey of personal growth and enlightenment that comes from the continuous struggle and search for meaningful responses to life's challenges.
The second phase buys time for... geoengineering projects... Mirowski points out that the first and second phases of the climate change «debate» bear a strong resemblance to the activities of the Tobacco Industry... part of the Neoliberal toolkit... new form of public «debate» — «agnotology» [which I understand to mean a deliberate multiplication of contrasting viewpoints intended to confuse and delay meaningful response].
He identifies this kind of argument as part of the Neoliberal toolkit and notes the new word introduced to ease discussion of this new form of public «debate» — «agnotology» [which I understand to mean a deliberate multiplication of contrasting viewpoints intended to confuse and delay meaningful response].
Remind students that asking the right kinds of questions will elicit more meaningful responses.
We have developed a Client Listening Programme to secure meaningful responses.
Objective: In many patients with obsessive - compulsive disorder (OCD), residual symptoms persist despite a clinically meaningful response.
With language and speech features built with AI, our eLearning products can process unstructured input and provide meaningful responses.
Given the lack of meaningful response we can only speculate about the peer review process conducted by the BSTS for this special issue.
When children are the game's core audience, we can not rely solely on traditional techniques for running playtesting studies; instead, we must adapt to ensure the participants are able to give meaningful responses.
So ask for a review at those moments when your clients will give the most meaningful responses, said Coral Gundlach, CRS, a sales associate with Century 21 Redwood Realty in Arlington, Va. «It's a good idea when you're in the middle of something ugly like a home inspection to ask for a review,» she said.
So then, what is an ethical and meaningful response?
Telling us that you are Ignoring the questions, deeming them unintelligent or unimportant or unanswerable — those are meaningful responses but avoiding them with platitudes (which I know you yourself have criticized with cartoons) is (to me) not really saying anything even though it makes the pretense of saying something.
«We have repeatedly asked the parties to this agreement to acknowledge the Cayuga Nation's rights, but our overtures have not been met with a meaningful response,» said Clint Halftown, the Cayuga Nation's federally - recognized representative, in a statement.
This year we must have a comprehensive and meaningful response to the issues that have eroded the public's trust,» said Kolb.
If that is their charge, is that, can we get a meaningful response if that is their charge?
She added: «This is one of the first studies to demonstrate a meaningful response rate in the checkpoint inhibitor refractory melanoma population.
The agency says it tried talking to CompuServe, but got no «meaningful response».
[39] These results underscore the importance of monitoring long - term treatment of CNS metastasis in this subtype of lung cancer, and the importance of focusing on non — WBRT - based treatments to achieve a meaningful response.
Once someone's finished speaking, take time to reflect (if needed) before giving a meaningful response.
AO4: Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.
This category is the most serious and make a meaningful response from pupils «impossible».
Thus, meaningful responses to inclusion by necessity will be different and invariably challenging across schools.
The prompt, «Use an example from your experience to illustrate the idea that a person's culture shapes his or her perspective,» is more likely to draw a meaningful response from a broader range of students than the prompt, «Explain the relationship between culture and perspective.»
Category 1 errors — which are the most serious and make a meaningful response from pupils «impossible» — rose from six to 16.
I've been lucky to find truly interesting individuals who, not necessarily writers themselves, have written thoughtful and meaningful responses.
A meaningful response requires us to consider the effects of decades of time.
A meaningful discussion of impacts will increase pressure for a meaningful response strategy.
The piece begins with Klein's conclusion, reached after she spent time at a conclave on climate sponsored by the libertarian Heartland Institute, that passionate corporate and conservative foes of curbs on greenhouse gases are right in asserting that a meaningful response to global warming would be a fatal blow to free markets and capitalism.
Mr. Bloomberg's speech accused the federal government of failing to develop a meaningful response to global warming and asserts that both major political parties have dodged the issue.
This is truly a crisis and yet there has been no meaningful response from the government.
This checklist of sorts has evolved from a Top - 5 to a Top - 10 after conducting an informal survey of my CLE colleagues on the MCLE Facebook Page and the old Listserv and receiving over 20 meaningful responses.
Is clear articulation of the arguments, but with none or nearly none of the substantive facts, enough to craft a meaningful response?
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