Sentences with phrase «meaningful success»

Tell us what you are doing to create meaningful success.
Does the Graduate Record Examination Predict Meaningful Success in the Graduate Training of Psychologists?
The State Charter Schools Commission worked diligently to produce this plan, and I anticipate meaningful success for everyone involved.»
That is a tall order, but the work of the Consortium schools shows an alternative that can offer meaningful success for ALL students.
Using principles of cognitive - behavioral therapy and positive psychology, I work to help clients become engaged in their life and to experience meaningful success as well as loving and fulfilling relationship with others.
What is needed now, if there is to be meaningful success in the conservation (what a fuddy - duddy old word) battle, is a cooler eye.
Celebrate each meaningful success, even the small ones, with something as simple as ordering a couple of pizzas (or whatever your team likes to eat).
But nothing is better than meaningful success, and nothing is worse than regret.
As we learned this year, winning the lottery doesn't always work out for the worst team (sorry Avs), but these are minor moves that could push Vancouver's lottery odds lower without getting them any closer to meaningful success.
She wants her clients to have lasting, meaningful success in the love department, and sometimes that means overhauling their dating habits.
Student engagement always matters because passion and purpose can be elevated into engendering real commitment and because pursuing our muses always leads to deep contentment and meaningful success.
Unlike the period from 1989 to 2005, when plaintiffs won almost every «adequacy» case that survived a motion to dismiss and went to trial, since 2005 they have not had a meaningful success in court.
Andrew's working and delivery was at the pace with participant's needs and in his interactions with all participants he reached out to them satisfying their questions, their fears, their struggles and also ensured that he appreciated them for their small yet meaningful successes.
I believe it is very likely that governments would waste a large percentage of the money they collected to combat «climate change,» with many individuals in government corruptly profiting from the effort, without any meaningful success at reducing CO2 emissions.
These core competencies - properly aligned - can help to realize exponential practice management gains, from tactical, day - to - day operations — the «low - hanging fruit» that can present quick and meaningful success — to the most strategic levels of thought in the organization.
Decide to make a difference and build meaningful relationships, and success — specifically, lasting, meaningful success — will find you.
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