Sentences with phrase «meaningful value over»

In sum, over the past 10 years the Wasatch Micro Cap Fund failed to outperform its reference ETF portfolio or add meaningful value over a market - cap ETF.

Not exact matches

To be a good brand you must provide a useful and compelling value proposition, stand out in some meaningful way so as to be regularly chosen over other options, and consistently deliver on your promises.
Yet the top employers tend to value experiences over transactions, emphasizing employees» opportunity to make an impact on the world and do truly meaningful work.
With members all over the world, this dating website is open to any Catholic seeking a meaningful connection based on similar values.
«Our research revealed that singles over 40 have a desire to provide value to others in a meaningful way; are looking for a romantic partner; and want to meet people in a relaxed format — not by cruising online profiles or in a bar.»
Behind closed doors, insiders may or may not have exchanged their opinions on value - added evaluations, but since the evidence required for a meaningful debate over the real world effects of those evaluations did not exist, I wonder if the lack of research on the policy implications of value - added was considered.
Where it has struggled in the eyes of some is in its value proposition — does it represent a meaningful - enough upgrade over the Escape upon which it is based to justify the cash outlay?
Over the three - year period through July 2016, the fund still failed to add a meaningful amount of value over its reference ETF portfoOver the three - year period through July 2016, the fund still failed to add a meaningful amount of value over its reference ETF portfoover its reference ETF portfolio:
The combination of the 100bps extra cost of the discount window over the policy rate and the haircut would be a sufficient incentive not to abuse the discount window if there were a meaningful market price at which the securities offered as collateral could be valued.
Although the rule of thumb is that a company won't go public, and probably can't go public, if a common stock issue can be priced only at or below private business value, once a typical, private company does go public, it ordinarily does so at a price which represents not only a substantial premium over private business value but, more importantly, also represents a meaningful discount, usually based on comparative analysis spread sheets, from anticipated market prices for the new issue.
Over time, you will find only a few companies that meet these standards — so when you see one that qualifies, you should buy a meaningful amount of stock... Put together a portfolio of companies whose aggregate earnings march upward over the years, and so also will the portfolio's market value.&raOver time, you will find only a few companies that meet these standards — so when you see one that qualifies, you should buy a meaningful amount of stock... Put together a portfolio of companies whose aggregate earnings march upward over the years, and so also will the portfolio's market value.&raover the years, and so also will the portfolio's market value
Over 80 % of the Fund's common stock portfolio are in the issues of extremely well - capitalized companies that were acquired at prices, which at the time of acquisition, represented meaningful discounts from readily ascertainable net asset values.
Butler Philbrick Gordillo and Associates» argue in Valuation Based Equity Market Forecasts — Q1 2013 Update that «there is substantial value in applying simple statistical models to discover average estimates of what the future may hold over meaningful investment horizons (10 + years), while acknowledging the wide range of possibilities that exist around these averages.»
We say «slightly disappointing» because a buy back of 4 million shares over a three year period does not have a meaningful effect on the per share value, so cutting it makes almost no difference.
The researchers surveyed 397 people over a month - long period, examining whether people thought their lives were meaningful or happy, as well as their choices, beliefs and values.
Point being, though, to focus as tight as possible on your value related to a targeted goal that facilitates a meaningful, solid story that speaks to a well refined audience (over and over again).
,» but what we know is that these small positive interactions compound, so over time your values create a very meaningful relationship.
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