Sentences with phrase «meaningful whole»

The seemingly effortless ability to perceive meaningful wholes in the visual world depends on complex processes.
«The idea that learning should be designed with a clear goal was, and still is, a good one... but basing lessons on lists of knowledge and skills, then measuring those skills to death for 13 years in discrete pieces that never seem to thread back together into any recognizable meaningful whole?
As Robert Schreiter has pointed out, [11] it is characteristic of contemplative understanding of God, or sapientia, that it has a strong interest in integrating all aspects of the world into a single meaningful whole.
The modern individual has too often subjugated the spontaneous to the orderly, the possible to the necessary, the enthusiastic to the reasonable, the wonderful to the regular.9 In yet another description, Keen identifies our current «dis - ease» as our inability to view life as a «story,» to integrate past, present, and future into a meaningful whole.10 The metaphysical myths of our tradition no longer confer identity upon us today.
See Ramsey, Christian Discourse [London: Oxford University Press, 1965], p. 89) Theology can be tested by its stability in the face of many data and its ability to incorporate them into a meaningful whole.
But for Kaufman the symbol or concept «God» is principally defined by its role in enabling us to imaginatively bind together our world into a meaningful whole in the face of mystery.
Historically our churches have been «bridging institutions» concerned with bringing all of life into some meaningful whole.
Harris tosses in everything but the kitchen sink breaking, piling on one human failure after another, trying to wrap up all this calamity into a meaningful whole, without ever really laying down a truthful foundation for real family drama.
It takes a talented writer to seamlessly blend memoir, biography, literary criticism, psychology and sociology into a meaningful whole.
us that, «environmental storytelling relies on the player to associate disparate elements and interpret [them] as a meaningful whole
During a lecture at GDC 2015, game designers Matthias Worch and Harvey Smith reminded us that, «environmental storytelling relies on the player to associate disparate elements and interpret [them] as a meaningful whole
Stripped to their most essential structure of standing, resting or hanging in suspension, the works together create a landscape that invites viewers to construct a meaningful whole out of discreet, fragmentary parts.
Most works of art call attention to themselves by the success or failure of their internal logic — by the degree to which their constituent elements cohere to form a meaningful whole.
Inspired by street culture and the philosophy of the readymade, Adams» work focuses on turning many parts into wry and meaningful wholes.
The question, to me, is whether it can take all of those disparate technologies and combine them into a meaningful whole.
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