Sentences with phrase «meaningless concept»

The latter he viewed as an outdated, overused and mostly meaningless concept.
And McKeown's majority opinion countered that Reinhardt's view «would render meaningless the concept of authorization» and «would remove from the scope of the CFAA any hacking conspiracy with an inside person.»
@Just Claims, No Truth — if you're just random particles, then «harm» is a meaningless concept.
And what do you even mean by «objective compassion», that is literally a meaningless concept to me.
It is a meaningless concept, like a four - sided triangle, or a square circle.
It is logically impossible to say I am better off now than if I had never been born — it's a meaningless concept.
That's tricky, however, if you're serious about bona fide «career and college readiness,» which is a meaningless concept if it differs by state; what's more, the new standards aren't really worth the bother unless «proficiency» levels for every grade cumulate to a desired end - point by senior year.
As has been pointed out by many, most recently by the Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector, we have redefined poverty so far up as to make it a meaningless concept.
A great deal of lip service was paid to peer - review, but in practice it was a next to meaningless concept.
But legislation, regulation, taxation and litigation prevent these processes from working properly, hasten depletion, and make «sustainability» an even more politicized, manipulated and meaningless concept.
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