Sentences with phrase «meaningless gesture»

It just isn't a completely meaningless gesture on the canvas; it is already determined by years of experience in painting.
Journalists have a dangerous habit of reading heavy motives into often - meaningless gestures as a way of telling you what's happening.
A dog, he said, when he can't get out a gate, will scratch and start digging and making meaningless gestures — perhaps growling or whatever to deal with frustration or surprise or fear.
Dave Hickey ascribes a similar phenomenon to Andy Warhol's short film, Haircut No 1, when the protagonist lights up a cigarette after being shorn — an otherwise meaningless gesture that in this case explodes with all the pop of the last ten minutes of a Michael Bay movie.
Steve Hynes, director of the Legal Action Group, thought the vote was «a completely meaningless gesture».
If the Mormons or any church group baptized everyone in the United States, what is it to anyone, than merely someone cared, even though it is a meaningless gesture for you.
He would lower the threshold for review of foreign investment from A$ 220 million to A$ 15 million - a meaningless gesture when approvals are automatic and asset overpricing pressures remain unchecked.
Caught in a conservative revolt, McConnell and company don't seem to have many palatable options... unless they really think that shutting down the federal government over a meaningless gesture is truly a winning strategy.
What the bonobos did — not copying the meaningless gestures — «is the rational thing to do,» says Clay.
However, this tradition is not a meaningless gesture, but represents mourning for the destruction of the temple and the Diaspora of the Jewish people.
Education Superintendent White and board President Chas Roemer dismissed Jindal's rejection of Common Core as a dramatic but meaningless gesture.
I am getting a bit tired of these meaningless gestures, some dudes play a game and want you to donate to them to give to Japan relief.
The treaty will nevertheless be a meaningless gesture without U.S. participation — not only is the U.S. the largest energy consumer, but the real purpose of the treaty is to hamper the U.S. economy, to Europe's advantage, by rationing American energy use.
According to the video, which «elaborates on the terrible human cost of these «climate» policies» the Paris Treaty is a «meaningless gesture
The LSUC is one of the oldest law societies in the world and the name change is just a meaningless gesture to no end.
When Larson and «Holmes» began posting about incarceration yesterday, the alternative of shame was immediately raised — as a powerful disincentive to some individuals and as a meaningless gesture to others.
It is just another meaningless gesture which means that life can now go on and we can all get back to business and being screwed over as usual.
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