Sentences with phrase «means deep research»

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It means the use of qualitative buyer research and getting at the deepest level of buyer insights possible.
By this, I mean we can typically find out the answers to these questions by doing some advance research before engaging (which not only allows us to better spend our time, it also enables us to start conversations at a deeper level) or quickly after initiating a conversation.
Quite obviously, we do not know all that he meant by it — we can not hope to, separated as we are by twenty centuries from his time and dependent as we are upon a few meager records — but we are by no means altogether in ignorance of his meaning, and as historical research enables us to recover more fully the mental climate of Jesus» environment, our understanding becomes deeper and more adequate.
This is a company that is so dedicated to safety that sometimes they do research that doesn't even have to be done — they are pushing companies to think longer and deeper about the products that they are putting out onto the market, which means that every other car seat brand is getting better because of the work they are doing.
As parents and professionals hear more and more, from mainstream media especially, about the ever - mounting research of the negative effects of spanking, timeouts and other punishments — more parents will be willing to go through the hard work of addressing their often generations - deep perspectives on what it means to have a healthy relationship and to change their hearts toward parenting.
They are not governments - that kind of deal - making comes in December (or rather in the glacial negotiating sessions throughout this year), so I see no problem with them having earnest conversations deep into the night about the relative merits of carbon taxes over cap and trade, or any other issue, that have no substantive outcome other than to generate more research proposals, newspaper column inches and comments in well - meaning blogs.
«Being able to work with families facing their genetic risk of cancer brought a deeper meaning to the research, and a more nuanced perspective on key research questions,» she says.
This feature means that the muscles can be used in numerous applications at multiple scales, such as miniature surgical devices, wearable robotic exoskeletons, transformable architecture, deep - sea manipulators for research or construction, and large deployable structures for space exploration.
They saw the rapid doubling of the budget as a means of expressing the country's commitment to medical research, and spurring broader and deeper biomedical innovation.
No travel until June, which means I can take a deep breath and get stuck into research for a little while.
The depth of her research, the layers of her characters and the way she wove the most modern of themes into a deep period setting to produce a page - turner of a thriller made my work an absolute pleasure and meant I was able to follow the contours of her story much more faithfully than is sometimes the case.
Research has shown that performance - based assessment provides a means to assess higher - order thinking skills and helps teachers and principals support students in developing a deeper understanding of content.
Research indicates that stress, even at high levels, creates greater mental toughness, deeper relationships, heightened awareness, new perspectives, a sense of mastery, a greater appreciation for life, a heightened sense of meaning, and strengthened priorities.»
That will mean an increased need for broader and deeper dissemination of what research has yielded about English learners.
After analyzing the data and writing each case we found that four components stood out as consistently prominent across all the schools: a broad and deep curriculum designed for all students with little tracking or ability grouping (meaning that most students get the same high quality learning experiences in all classes); a teaching staff with advanced content knowledge; a mission - focused administrative structure with a flattened hierarchy that invited collaboration with and among teachers and students; and supports for underrepresented students, such as advisories with personalized college planning, tutoring or summer research programs on college campuses.
But research into dogs used by CBEs shows the opposite, that in fact the victims of these operation (while each a unique and precious individual and by no means «goods») do in fact show deep psychological scarring as a result of the trauma they experience at the facilities Sayres now champions.
I mean we are not only working on believable appearance / visualisation, but also are in deep research on believable motion and animation.
Meaning and function of the depicted often remain unclear but the highly evolved machines and seemingly futuristic devices from research, medicine and industry elicit a deep fascination for the possibilities of human inventions.
Deep changes in the way climate research (or any research) is funded need to be made which probably means a radical restructuring of government / science which would be dead by the weight of scientists before you could utter the words.
New Dutch research has shown for instance the overturning has been relatively weak in recent years [which means cold water has accumulated close to the surface instead of sinking to deeper waters, one of two reasons why there has been a lull in upper ocean warming].
Qualitative research, in contrast, seeks a deep, contextual understanding grounded in the participants» context.12 Researchers gather data through personal interactions or observations, rather than through objective instruments.13 Common qualitative data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and document review.14 Qualitative research is primarily inductive.15 Researchers begin by conducting a close study of the participants in context, and gradually develop themes and theories based on the participants» experiences.16 Researchers can not understand what it means to «do» legal writing without understanding the participants» experiences — the experiences of both writers and readers.
I don't see it so much as combining snippets of information, and not meant to replace the real research that we value since that does involve deep thinking.
Some are able to secure research grants that enable them to spend their time working toward a specific goal $» usually one that has deep personal meaning.
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