Sentences with phrase «means less regulation»

The new settlement effectively means less regulation, less supervision and less tax.
Tom, the problem with your scenario is that Big CO2 Inc might very well put down a billion dollar to push down the estimate, even if they suspected they would lose, because this reduced estimate of warming might mean less regulation and them saving more than a billion dollar.

Not exact matches

«The stock market believes that less regulation is going to mean more growth, and the Trump administration so far has stayed really strong on that message,» Bollinger said.
The stock market believes that less regulation is going to mean more growth, and the Trump administration so far has stayed really strong on that message.
Others have warned that Britain's decision to act outside of any international consensus means that they will consider relocating to jurisdictions where there is less regulation.
«We found that less than half of children's exposure to ads for food and beverage products comes from children's programming, meaning that a significant portion of exposure is not subject to self - regulation,» said Lisa Powell, professor of health policy and administration in the UIC School of Public Health and lead author of the study.
Cholesterol in your blood is made from cholesterol produced in the liver and it possesses auto - regulation, meaning if the levels in the blood rise, a lesser amount will be created.
Well, other than the Mercedes - AMG GT R down Hanger Straight — the race car carries too much downforce and regulations mean the 6.2 - liter V - 8 makes less power than the GT R's 577 hp.
When it comes to the US, specialty insurance companies are non-admitted, which means they don't participate in the state guaranty fund and have overall less regulations.
These foods have more governmental regulations, which means that they are less likely to contain harmful ingredients.
As the number of Triwangsa is so much less than the number of Sudra, status regulation of marriage means that the patterns of affinal connection tend to work out rather differently for the two groups, in that most Triwangsa marriages are hamlet exogamous, i.e., interlocal, while most Sudra marriages are hamlet endogamous, i.e., intralocal.
If Pruitt choses to replace the CPP with a less rigorous regulation, it could mean the EPA would delay or abandoned efforts to fight the 2009 endangerment finding, which orders the agency to regulate carbon as a public health threat.
Unfortunately, more regulation could mean lessless fracking, less energy and, quite possibly, less progress in reducing emissions.
But it's not clear what that exactly means — whether businesses will have to immediately start buying carbon allowances to cover their emissions, or some lesser form of regulation, like requiring companies to report their emissions.
Less cooling from aerosols means there is less masked warming waiting in the wings for when the skies are eventually cleaned by pollution regulatLess cooling from aerosols means there is less masked warming waiting in the wings for when the skies are eventually cleaned by pollution regulatless masked warming waiting in the wings for when the skies are eventually cleaned by pollution regulation.
And emissions reductions are much less valuable (to this administration), meaning that any greenhouse gas regulation will be less beneficial.
The Obama Administration has shown a strong commitment to economic prosperity through cleaner energy, and that means new regulations to force dirty coal plants and oil refineries to clean up their act to create less pollution and more clean energy jobs.
Every regulation that was weakened meant less expense for his company.
The test to determine discriminatory conduct, in this case direct age discrimination, is set out in reg 3 of the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/1031)(which is now repealed and set out in s 13 (1) and (2) of the Equality Act 2010): «For the purposes of these Regulations, a person («A») discriminates against another person («B») if, on the grounds of B's age, A treats B less favourably than he treats or would treat other persons,... and A can not show the treatment or, as the case may be, provision, criterion or practice to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.»
What is less clear is why the CCJ, the ABA and other organizations continue to focus so much of their limited attention and resources on seeking increased public funding — and call on others to do the same — rather than devoting some of that attention and resource to changing the regulations in order to allow for alternative means of providing legal aid and, as a consequence, to also allow for alternative means of funding.
The deVere CEO concludes: «Robust regulation that is devised, implemented and enforced by international financial regulators will mean further protection for the growing number of people using cryptocurrencies, the less likely it will be that criminals will use these digital payment methods, the less potential risk there will be for the disruption of global financial stability, and the more potential opportunities there will be for higher economic growth and activity in those countries which introduce it.»
But I am equally sure that once the new regulations are in place and more service providers are competing for this work, it will be hard for the service providers to resist pressure to keep fees as low as possible and that means spending less time on each complaint.
Regulation 3 defined «discrimination» to include direct religious discrimination (that is, treating an employee less favourably on grounds of his or her religion or belief) and indirect religious discrimination (applying a provision, criterion or practice that places persons of the same religion as the employee at a particular disadvantage and which the employer can not show was a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim).
Hence, recent trends towards placing greater responsibility upon companies by means of legal regulation are designed to «persuade» them to develop practices and due diligence - based systems, which are aimed at making wrong - doing less likely.
fm.: From Wikipedia: in government, typically a regulation specifically means a piece of the delegated legislation drafted by subject matter experts to enforce a statutory instrument (primary legislation) in business, industry self - regulation occurs through self - regulatory organizations and trade associations which allow industries to set rules with less government involvement The Act that authorizes the Agency would thus be the Legislative creation of Administrative Law (they give authority to enact the regulations as they see fit AND can further clarify through oversight power.)
NIT - PICKING (1): MEANING OF «SOLELY» Sharma And Others (Appellants) v Manchester City Council (Respondent)[2008] IRLR 336, is potentially an important decision for the application of the Part - time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 (SI 2000/1551), disapproving an interpretation which could have seriously limited that application.
The state of Alabama has some pretty restrictive insurance regulations which means less companies operate here compared to most other states.
Less regulation means fewer guaranteed consumer protections.
But less regulations do not mean a market without them.
There also was a unidirectional association found between the use of negative coping and emotion regulation; specifically, using less negative coping strategies (as measured by a count and a mean) at Time 1 was associated with better emotion regulation at Time 2.
These include greater returns; long - term lease contracts with fixed escalation rates; finance based on the value and returns of the property and the lease contract, not on the investor's personal finances; less onerous regulation favouring tenants; and shorter bond periods which means a commercial property investment will come to maturity much earlier than a residential investment.
With pricing reaching an all - time high in a deal - drought environment, coupled with global market volatility, investors and developers are skittish in where to put their dry powder, pushing private equity professionals to new, niche areas of real estate that haven't previously been explored.As the industry emerges from a low interest rate environment, and into a rapidly changing landscape with lower taxes, less regulations, higher rates and higher inflation, what does this mean for private equity real estate?
This means more regulation not less and this can be done in legal and competitive manner.
Meeting regulations on infrastructure such as stormwater drainage and tree mitigation mean that developing a small lot — less than one - eighth acre — costs as much as developing a half - acre lot did in the past, he explained.
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