Sentences with phrase «means of keeping»

The best means of keeping up - to - date is by reading the Report from Council newsletter.
By establishing a relationship with someone as needy as herself, she can focus her attention on caring for him as a means of keeping him close to her.
You and your spouse can also discuss an uncontested divorce as a means of keeping costs down.
However, if these transactions are backed by banks, there would be an easier means of keeping an eye on them.
The Texas Driver Responsibility Program was established as a means of keeping track of habitually bad drivers.
I have come to understand that being asked by the court why a matter is before it is a means of keeping us true to our obligations.
Selected by a credible editorial board, and read consistently over time, the weekly Parts provide a means of keeping up with new developments in a particular subject area of the law.
Law firms started to manage their complex legal matters more aggressively as a means of keeping down costs and responding to client demands for fixed price legal work.
The accountability of the ECB was discussed, and in particular the extent to which an effective means of keeping the ECB's actions in check through judicial review was considered.
Life term directors and board «continuity» are no longer the prime means of keeping a board strong.
Since 1995, the Large Corporation Rules of the Income Tax Act have applied to discourage large corporations from objecting to tax assessments as a means of keeping tax years «open.»
This is a question I've been thinking about recently, the stack of journals on the corner of my desk is far too high to consider it a viable means of keeping up.
State Rep. Aaron Peña, D - Edinburg, started a blog Jan. 1 as a means of keeping his constituents updated on his actions and thoughts while working at the state Capitol.
While I can easily understand the value of transparency as a means of keeping things on the straight and narrow, I can also see that the «straight and narrow» isn't a clear route in some cases, or always a desirable one in a larger context.
Even before the recent economic turmoil, there was growing grumpiness in Europe, and on Capitol Hill, about the costs of top - down regulation as a means of keeping the lid on greenhouse gases.
By comparison, Sony's timed - exclusive content for Destiny has been less - than - stellar up until now, but history has taught us that Call of Duty DLC is often par of the course; neither disappointing or revolutionary, the series» map packs are effective means of keeping fingers twitching and profits high.
You may be thinking about starting a travel blog as a means of keeping your friends and family updated on your progress, but as you start writing, you may find your motives changing.
It was interesting to see France 24's means of keeping pace with ever - changing communication mediums — as well as their means of connecting to various audiences across various countries, within rural or urban areas.
Most vets agree, however, that brushing is the most effective means of keeping your dog's teeth and gums healthy in between professional cleanings.
Brushing often proves to be too cumbersome for many, leaving them in need of alternative means of keeping their pets» teeth and gums healthy.
From the pet parent's perspective, a crate offers a means of keeping a pup safe from household hazards and it's an aid to potty training.
If the wild dog ate any trace of feces, whether it belonged to them or not, it was a powerful means of keeping their nesting ground neutral and would discourage predators from searching there for food.
You will need an alternate heating device if you lose power for heat and a means of keeping your bird cooled if you can't use an air conditioner.
Below are other excellent resources with job postings and means of keeping your current.
You can access several very good resources with job postings and means of keeping your current.
Yet, there are many additional means of keeping dogs like Enzo comfortable while taking smaller quantities or less frequent doses of pain medication, including nutraceuticals (supplements), acupuncture, massage, physical rehabilitation, etc..
These terms refer to the practice of fastening a dog to a stationary object or stake, usually in the owner's backyard, as a means of keeping the animal under control.
We strongly believe that preventive care is the best means of keeping pets healthy.
You are responsible for your dog's behavior in public; a leash gives you a means of keeping control over your dog to assure its safety and good behavior.
Based on our years of veterinary experience, Mandarin Animal Hospital knows preventative medicine is the most effective means of keeping your pet healthy.
Means of keeping current can be found in the websites listed below under RESOURCES.
The consumption of carbohydrates was encouraged as a means of keeping fats consumption low.
This is an excellent means of keeping your holiday expenses each year down to a set amount that you can figure into your monthly budget, which eliminates the need to save money each month toward your Christmas shopping goals.
It was suggested to me — as a means of keeping readers committed.
An enjoyable means of keeping up with «who's doing what» is through literary blogs, with their literary gossip, reviews, less - than - reverent sniping.
However, I could not find a means of keeping the car in manual mode.
If you're worried that keeping fit will cost you an arm and a leg, there are other affordable means of keeping fit without the bill of a gym contract.
onTrack, the web - based program management system used by the Park City School District, provides you with a convenient means of keeping tabs on your professional development progress.
You could consider SMS - based learning, or even Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD) as a means of keeping your learner connected to your knowledge base.
Robust competition is a more effective means of keeping prices affordable than government - imposed price controls.
I have found this to be the most effective means of keeping my students engaged and active without having them write everything out.
The book begins with self assessment exercises and introduces a means of keeping track of progress.
The superintendent of the Fairfax County, Va., public schools has opted to retire early at the end of this year in the wake of negative public reaction to a school - board plan to add his early - retirement benefit to his current salary as a means of keeping him on the job longer.
«The NAESP will soon add webinars as a means of keeping in touch and working with grant recipients.»
Discovery also needed a means of keeping content current and relevant for international learners:
It uses humorous photographs throughout, as a means of keeping children engaged - please use with care to the age / suitability for your own class groups.
His boss, Rich (Nash's brother Joel Edgerton), has dangled a promotion in front of the employee as a means of keeping him in line.
This leads Mildred to rent three billboards and put up posters as a means of keeping the case in the public eye.
Originally, del Toro had envisioned making The Shape of Water in black and white as a means of keeping the budget down, but the film is presented in color.
There's obviously a great deal of CGI at work here in the larger attacks on entire cities, but one scene in particular in Jerusalem, in which the zombies instinctively use each other as a ladder to scramble over a giant wall that's (supposedly) a fool - proof means of keeping them out, is especially spectacular.
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