Sentences with phrase «means thousands less»

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Once early embryos become something less than incipient human life, once they are treated in vitro as a means toward the end of pregnancy, once they are cryopreserved in thousands of vats across the country, ESCR with «excess» embryos may be predictably the next step.
All players should give 100 % in every game and if that means running non stop for 90 minutes plus or taking the ball in the face to stop a goal bound effort from the opposition then so be it, us fans should expect nothing less weather or not we are fans of Arsenal, Leicester or whoever, the players get paid thousands to do what i did for fun growing up only i ran for longer than these so called professionals.
The MANA numbers at 2.06 per thousand is quite a lot less than the 6.1 per thousand national average, meaning if we were only examining these shallow statistics hospitals would be nearly 300 % more dangerous.
If learning that certain drugs used in labour (and they are not talking only about pain relief drugs in this study) means that these drugs will be used less, then tens of thousands of women could potentially be SPARED the difficulty of low milk supply.
While again hundred thousands of Egyptians show their defiance of the old regime at Cairo's Tahrir Square and worker protests have broken out in several Egyptian cities, Washington and London still follow a pipe dream of a gradual transition from Hosni Mubarak to a more or less democratic, yet by all means secular new government.
«They've cut hundreds of thousands of job and training places for the unemployed so what they're doing is pushing people onto the dole and that means there's going to be more people on benefits, not less, as a result of their proposals.»
The agreement finally reached on the local government pension scheme after the government made significant concessions has rather less to do with official generosity than fear about the consequences if the scheme were so eviscerated that hundreds of thousands of local government workers might decide there was no point in continuing to contribute to it since, if they walked away, they would still get the same amount of money in retirement from means - tested income support.
A downside of fuel cells, however, is that they have a capital cost in the thousands of dollars per kilowatt of capacity, and the round - trip efficiency through the electrolyzer to the fuel cell and then back into current is less than 50 percent — meaning that for every two kilowatt - hours put in the bank, only one comes back out again.
That meant IVs, chest tubes, centrallines — all difficult procedures on the ground, much less at a thousand feet and140 mph.
Third, the biggest hits have minuscule effects — less than 0.05 % of the variance — which means that hundreds of thousands of SNP associations are needed to account for the 50 % heritability estimated by twin studies.
This means that it will require not less than those hundreds of pages developed and thousands of links attained by you, if you want to beat the competition.
Sadness because the Souls series has come to occupy a special place in my heart over the years, and I know that such sentiments are shared by thousands of other gamers, but also relief because it means, at least for the time being, I can focus on less intense gaming pursuits.
Her ability to monitor the 43 kids here means that the school requires less staff, ultimately saving hundreds of thousands of dollars each year that can be plowed back into resources for the school, including staff salaries.
I'm struck by the amount of automotive beauty you get for your dollar in the A5; I mean, forty - five thousand dollars isn't cheap, but I've been A5 coupes that cost less than $ 40K.
Best of all, Kia notes that its aggressive pricing strategy means several appealing options — heated seats, leather upholstery, Apple CarPlay / Android Auto — can be had for several thousands of dollars less than on rival crossovers.
The Nook Tablet's product page says it can access «thousands» of apps, which, reading around the marketing speak, means decidedly less than 10,000.
This means that even a small 1 % increase in long - term rates could result in at least a 20 % reduction in the amount of loan proceeds available to a borrower, equating to tens of thousands of dollars LESS of home equity borrowers can access as rates rise.
Luckily, in DC going with the right company can mean paying less than the cost of a lunch for thousands of dollars worth of protection every month.
Combined with the federal incentive, that cuts the price of a Honda Civic Hybrid from $ 26,250 to $ 21,250 — which means the hybrid actually costs a P.E.I. resident a couple of thousand less than the nonhybrid Civic EX-L model.
That means for a very reasonable price of thirty dollars or less, you might prevent thousands of unauthorized charges under your name this holiday season!
This means you'll likely pay thousands of dollars less than the frightening sticker price once you negotiate a final price and apply the incentives.
These changes might not sound huge, but it means the difference of paying thousands less in interest every year.
I mean, I have less than seven thousand dollars until I am completely and totally out of debt once and for all.
«The improved standards of care described in this measure will mean less suffering for thousands of adult breeding dogs which currently spend their entire lives in wire cages.
Specifically, he means the megaserver structure of MMORPGs that allow thousands of players to more or less game together.
The increased levels of carbonic acid in the water means there are less carbonate ions available in seawater for making shells, meaning that thousands of species that build shells or skeletons from calcium carbonate are in danger of extinction.
Hundreds of thousands will have died due to the war (not just IS), and millions of lives will have been redirected, n many cases for the worse — and I don't mean «redirected» as a euphemism to cover up the numerous cases in which lives are more or less wrecked, only an inclusive term recognizing that many refugees will also eventually make satisfactory new lives for themselves in their new homelands.
Systems are designed to have a probability of less than one in ten thousand for a core meltdown in any given year; but that could mean one every 5 years if nuclear supplied 2 TW of power, or one per year at the 10 TW or higher level (with roughly 10,000 nuclear plants worldwide).
We have repeatedly lost thousands of lives, communities and livelihoods and we are still left with little means to build resilience and adapt to present and future impacts of climate change, much less to rebuild and recover from massive unavoidable losses and damages.
In one sense, so am I — at least, I am if «soon» means anything less than several thousand years.
For the average Personal Capital user, this means hundreds of thousands less in retirement savings and a substantial reduction in retirement readiness.
Term life insurance rate bands will allow you will be paying less money per thousand which will naturally mean you will be purchasing a larger quantity of life insurance for less money.
Luckily, in DC going with the right company can mean paying less than the cost of a lunch for thousands of dollars worth of protection every month.
This means a no medical exam policy may cost you thousands of dollars in additional premiums over the term of the policy, while saving you less than an hour.
Walker is an ambitious project, most of all because it's designed to be relatively affordable — in full - sized biped terms, that means «less than hundreds of thousands of dollars,» but I got the impression Ubtech is aiming for a lot lower than that.
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