Sentences with phrase «meant dehumanizing»

That didn't just mean leveling Chechen cities and going after terrorists, it meant dehumanizing the Chechens.
If you mean she dehumanizes men, domineers and abuses the men in her life, and doesn't believe in equality when it comes to child custody cases — unfortunately you may still be right.

Not exact matches

Just because the media are dehumanizing in so many ways does not mean that they must continue that way.
The special office of the humane studies in the present day is to sustain the sense of meaning in a dehumanized machine world.
On the contrary, political and cultural efforts to rationally solve the problem of man and woman — and we are, to be frank, in the midst of such Utopian spasms — will almost certainly be harmful, even dehumanizing — to man, to woman, and especially, to children — not least because the matters are so delicate and private, and their deeper meanings inexpressible.
What I mean is the gravitational pull of institutions is towards the dehumanizing of its members.
We know that television entertains us, a companion ever ready with the escape and fantasy we sometimes need, but also that it cultivates a mean world full of violence, that its values and stories demean and dehumanize us, and that its religious impact is the very antithesis of the Christian faith in which most people in our society profess to believe.
It meant being cursed, it meant being rejected, it meant being dehumanized, it meant being dead.
It means constantly challenging the principalities and powers, the institution, to humble itself, relinquish its vision and agenda that is often dehumanizing, and serve us.
If Jen's presentation of herself as a sensual plaything means the men feel entitled to objectify and dehumanize her, their macho posturing as hunters in a rugged land makes them fitting prey once she finds her wounded - warrior mojo.
His four subsequent documentaries were all exposés of other tax - supported institutions designed to show the ineffectiveness of the bureaucracy that not only threatens to destroy them, but also dehumanizes the people they were meant to serve.
Full - service community schools — community - school partnerships that emphasize community - driven, holistic and asset - based school ideals — are increasingly implemented across the nation as a means to assist school stakeholders in addressing racial disparities and countering deficit, dehumanizing narratives of minoritized groups, including Black children.
Basically, the worker is a means to an end and therefore dehumanized in Marx's view.
[56]: 43 What, however, can be said, is that it was a movement that developed in the early 20th century mainly in Germany in reaction to the dehumanizing effect of industrialization and the growth of cities, and that «one of the central means by which expressionism identifies itself as an avant - garde movement, and by which it marks its distance to traditions and the cultural institution as a whole is through its relationship to realism and the dominant conventions of representation.»
A good therapist can also help couples address underlying issues such as establishing the meaning and personal significance of infertility, confronting the realities of fertility procedures (financial burden, dehumanizing effects, physical effects), or building support systems.
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