Sentences with phrase «meant fewer assets»

Fewer clients also meant fewer assets under management.
Reverse mortgages can use up the equity in your home, which means fewer assets for you and your heirs.

Not exact matches

The more people selling against fewer people buying since fewer are employed, means a drop in asset prices.
At least right now, there are few legal or technological means to link digital tokens to offline assets in the broader marketplace.
Because small businesses are considered higher risk than their larger cousins, the SBA loan guarantee helps banks offer more flexible loan terms, meaning borrowers can be approved even if they have fewer assets than what would be required with a traditional term loan at the bank.
If this is true, by the way, it means that attempts at implementing liberalizing reforms are successful mainly during periods of great global liquidity, and this might have implications for China, especially if over the next few years global central banks begin to withdraw the huge liquidity injections that have underpinned asset bubbles around the world.
In those areas that we have mapped, it typically takes us a few hours to go from a mechanism - inspired idea for treating a disease to knowing the companies that might have relevant clinical and preclinical assets to license, the companies from whom a candidate could be commissioned, trial designs and endpoints, competing and complementary agents, current and future standard of care, market size, comparable pricing, financing strategy, and potential acquirers, all meant to enable a thoughtful first - pass assessment of whether an idea could be worth a much deeper assessment.
This means having a few years of credit history, a variety of account types (i.e., credit cards, mortgages, installment loans, etc.), liquid savings and assets and a low debt - to - income ratio.
Coinbase access to FPS means that UK customers won't be forced to convert their assets kryptowalutowych to euros and then to pounds using Estonian Bank for payment of currency with Coinbase, which takes a few days and added a fee for the course.
Given the ecology of our rivers, this will not mean the same watering patterns each year, but rather that large assets may be watered every few years, building on the prevailing climatic and flow conditions in different parts of the Basin.
As for the reused animations and such, its only natural since the Smash Dev team has undoubtedly shrunk in size so that means the few people left have to optimize what they have which in this case means reusing assets.
This means having a few years of credit history, a variety of account types (i.e., credit cards, mortgages, installment loans, etc.), liquid savings and assets and a low debt - to - income ratio.
The Jensen Quality Growth Fund is non-diversified, meaning it may concentrate its assets in fewer individual holdings than a diversified fund.
The First Asset funds carry fees of just 0.20 % to 0.25 %, the same or lower than their competitors, and using a single fund means automatic quarterly rebalancing and fewer trading commissions.
And that means the place to make money in the next few months is «everybody's most hated asset class: long - term government bonds,» Gundlach said.
This means having most of your money, between 60 % and 75 %, in a few investing funds that give you exposure to a broad investing theme or asset class.
Strategic Total Return continues to carry a duration of about 3 years (meaning that a 100 basis point move in bond yields would be expected to impact the Fund by about 3 % on the basis of bond price fluctuations), with about 10 % of assets in precious metals shares, and a few percent of assets in utility shares.
The Quality Growth Fund is non-diversified, meaning it may concentrate its assets in fewer individual holdings than a diversified fund.
The Fund is non-diversified, meaning it may focus its assets in fewer individual holdings than a diversified fund.
With very few liquid assets to use as collateral, some investors look at their 401k balances as a means for getting their foot in the door in the rental property business (literally).
If, however, you are purchasing a house or business assets with the bank's money, then they might give you a few extra points because you are using their money to increase your assets and your net worth, which means a higher likelihood of repayment.
Non-diversification of investments means that more assets are potentially invested in fewer securities than if investments were diversified, so risk is increased because each investment has a greater effect on performance.
Because small businesses are considered higher risk than their larger cousins, the SBA loan guarantee helps banks offer more flexible loan terms, meaning borrowers can be approved even if they have fewer assets than what would be required with a traditional term loan at the bank.
The fund's investments in leveraged companies and the fund's «non-diversified» status, which means the fund may invest a greater percentage of its assets in fewer issuers than a «diversified» fund, and the fund's use of short selling can increase the risks of investing in the fund.
Gear used for the business of travel blogging would either be deductible as an expense (meaning that the entire cost would be taken in the year the item was purchased) or depreciated (meaning that the cost would be spread across a few years depending on what the IRS deems is the «useful life» of that asset).
The improved A10X processor means you should be able to navigate the interface and load apps a hair faster than before, and Dolby Vision is a real asset to the streaming device as it's a format that few streaming devices support right now.
At least right now, there are few legal or technological means to link digital tokens to offline assets in the broader marketplace.
Japan is one of the few countries in the world that recognizes cryptocurrencies as financial assets, which means overseas transfers should be reported.
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