Sentences with phrase «measure of a good coach»

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Arthur — good issue raised.The candidacy of Hollande will not make much difference for French policy for it was Mitterand who pushed for Maastricht even though the referendum barely passed — the French are terrified of decoupling from the Germans for as DeGaulle famously said — EUROPE IS FRANCE AND GERMANY — all the others are mere trimmings.Also, Germany is the coach and France the coachman — there is so much at work here — the media does a greart disservice by measuring it in sound bites.Sarkozy is bringing Merkel in to campaign for him to subtlely remind the French citizens what is at stake in the upcoming French elections.The tear gas is in Athens but game is in Paris
In a Premier League awash with money every team has good technical players and so how those talents are utilised and integrated becomes even more important and is the true measure of coaching.
Many coaches and PE teachers are well aware of this and will take measures to create teams of similar playing abilities and size.
There is often confusion when individuals will refer to training of «accessory» (or not immediately obvious) measures of fitness as GPP - for example there are some well - known Powerlifting coaches who refer to mobility training as GPP.
East Asian students learn more and score better on just about every kind of measure because they attend school for more days, work harder in school and at home after school, and have better - prepared teachers and more deeply engaged parents who encourage and coach them each day and night.
This allows me to measure the effectiveness of our coaching model and I am better able to identify where our strengths and opportunities live for both coach and teacher development.
While the services offered through a military transition assistance program (TAP) are good, they by no means measure up to those of a true professional career coach and strategist like Barb Poole.
Finding a good mentor / coach / teacher is tough, but starting a blog exposes you to a huge measure of immediate coaching.
It's the first wearable posture tracker that accurately measures the angle of your neck and the position of your head, and then coaches you towards better posture.
ROI is a poor measure of coaching success: Towards a more holistic approach using a well - being and engagement framework.
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